The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Ivanka clearly wants the D.



Don't they all.....

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Yeah, that's exactly what I was getting at. And I agree, I hope this is just the beginning. It would be so amazing to see the press working together to take Trump and his billionaire banker mates down after all the unfair shite they have been given recently. Fake News now is it Mr Trump? :lol:

I agree. When Trump was elected I wanted to see how the press reacted to it. It hasn't disappointed me so far, even though at times I wish they could've gone at him even harder. I hope this actually brings a small reform to the news industry, it is still too profit driven and click-baity (not all are of course). Through this, I imagine investigative journalism and hard fact checking journalism will come out better, and we might have a better industry at the end of it.
Anybody know when the next Spicey press briefing is going to be held? Shall be a popcorn worthy event.
I'm actually torn on this. Nuclear Armageddon aside, incompetent buffoonery is obviously preferable to competent malice (Pence & Ryan).

Yup, I feel the same. Also, in between all the doom and gloom and fear, at least there are times you can laugh at this bunch of muppets, I very much doubt there would be anything funny at all about stuck up Pence and his band of religious fruitcakes. The killjoys would revel in taking everyone's fun away and becoming fun vacuums.

I agree. When Trump was elected I wanted to see how the press reacted to it. It hasn't disappointed me so far, even though at times I wish they could've gone at him even harder. I hope this actually brings a small reform to the news industry, it is still too profit driven and click-baity (not all are of course). Through this, I imagine investigative journalism and hard fact checking journalism will come out better, and we might have a better industry at the end of it.

It's actually a nice surprise isn't it? Nice to see and hear the press actually doing their job, and damn well too at times. I agree I think they have held back a bit, but that could be because it's only 3 weeks in and out of wondering quite how to play it. I think it's all rather refreshing and a positive to take out of this complete and utter shit show. Long may it all continue and as you said, hard fact checking and collective researching and exposing has to be the way forward and a way to help keep the industry alive and also a way to keep relevant in this manic age of modern technology where people are finding new ways to obtain and digest news.

Also, history is being made here, the perfect time for the printed press to take full advantage of it and make themselves attractive again and maybe even to new customers. Quite simply, historic headlines could be made and people would want souvenirs and to be able to hold and feel history in their hands, and have something to keep. You can't keep a webpage or online news story, well you can, but it's not the same, not even close.
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How bad is this for Trump in the grand scheme of things?

I don't think his supporters will care either way and will probably rebuke with the usual "FAKE NEWS" or probably attest it to some snowflake libtard conspiracy.
This might be bad news for Trump. If the Senate intelligence committee give Flynn immunity, he could under penalty of perjury, be called to testify about whether Trump knew anything about Russian contacts during the campaign and transition.
I was just going to say.... If it's confirmed Flynn talked to the Soviets, next obvious question is what was he talking about and was it under request from someone else.
How bad is this for Trump in the grand scheme of things?

I don't think his supporters will care either way and will probably rebuke with the usual "FAKE NEWS" or probably attest it to some snowflake libtard conspiracy.

Depends on if Flynn wants to snitch. If he does, it could bring the whole house down.
What exactly did he do wrong? As head of NSA does he have authority to speak with Russian ambassador? If so, quite harsh that he is fired for speaking to them a few weeks early as NSA head elect?
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What exactly did he do wrong? As head if NSA does he have authority to speak with Russian ambassador? If so, quite harsh that he is fired for speaking to them a few weeks early as NSA head elect?

He lied about it to the VP and the public so its more of an ethical issue and we don't yet know the complete content of the conversation. I don't think people would have a problem if he just had initial contacts and admitted to doing so but discussing sanctions and lying about it while knowing that the calls to embassies are monitored is extremely stupid for someone who's working with spy agencies.
What exactly did he do wrong? As head if NSA does he have authority to speak with Russian ambassador? If so, quite harsh that he is fired for speaking to them a few weeks early as NSA head elect?

You can´t be serious ? He was in no position to talk policy or sanctions with the Russian ambassador while Obama was the president. Also Flynn had no position at that time to discuss anything with foreign officials so he had no authority to do any kind of state business ( he properly broke some very serious laws regarding this ). He overstepped the political red lines when he made contact to the Russian ambassador under such conditions. Also take into account what they talked about, it make it seem he is working for an opponent of the U.S.A. This is enough to get any official fired. Also the Lying part is extremely serious and it could get him prosecuted under a proper president.
How bad is this for Trump in the grand scheme of things?

I don't think his supporters will care either way and will probably rebuke with the usual "FAKE NEWS" or probably attest it to some snowflake libtard conspiracy.

They seem to agree to the resignation as Flynn damaged Pence's "reputation" and "integrity".
You can´t be serious ? He was in no position to talk policy or sanctions with the Russian ambassador while Obama was the president. Also Flynn had no position at that time to discuss anything with foreign officials so he had no authority to do any kind of state business (he properly broke some very serious laws regarding this). He overstepped the political red lines when he made contact to the Russian ambassador under such conditions. Also take into account what they talked about, it make it seem he is working for an opponent of the U.S.A. This is enough to get any official fired. Also the Lying part is extremely serious and it could get him prosecuted under a proper president.
Thanks for explaining. I was just getting my facts straight. Its very encouraging as it shows that FBI remains neutral as well as providing early motivating success for the investigative media.

It shows a rapid time lag between issues raised and resolution of those issues. I've been very impressed at speed of the resistance in getting practical actions to illegal activity or unconstitutional laws and ideas. But it also heighten's the issue of CIA/FBI trusting tRump enough to provide him with state secrets. How can he govern if the state apparatus restricts information to him?

In just 3 months of office preparation and 3 weeks of actual presidency, its amazing how many illegal mistakes could have been made. Most normal people would spend the first few weeks in a job learning about their new environment and the rules within which they should operate and understanding how to make things happens. But this administration have arrogantly gone into this like a gorilla in a dolls-house and will pay the price. Next issues are obviously tRump's 'golden shower vdo tape' as well as Bannon's elevation to the NSA council and of course the immigration ban.

There must be many area's tRump himself has illegally breached that has been enabled by his staff. And so there will be fear in ever tRump staffer that 'the rules' remain, no matter how much tRump thought he can ride roughshod over them. Flynn's resignation will do huge damage to the #FakeNews agenda; as the 53% can smell blood in the air and have machete's and axes at the ready.

my only concern is that tRump himself may survive under the 'I was learning the job' excuse and then start behaving .... we should have given him more time to hang himself.
I don't get why anyone is surprised about May rejecting the petition. With her immigration stance she probably orgasmed over Trump's wall/ban ideas.
What exactly did he do wrong? As head of NSA does he have authority to speak with Russian ambassador? If so, quite harsh that he is fired for speaking to them a few weeks early as NSA head elect?
Adding to what @Red Viking was writing: Somebody posted this WP article in which it says:

In a Feb. 8 interview with The Washington Post, Flynn categorically denied discussing sanctions with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, repeating public assertions made in January by top Trump officials. One day after the interview, Flynn revised his account, telling The Post through a spokesman that he “couldn’t be certain that the topic never came up.”

Two officials said a main topic of the relevant call was the sanctions.
I bolded the relevant part. Flynn either consciously lied or has such a bad memory that he's a security risk.

A source close to the president, who was not there but had knowledge of the situation, told me that Trump was going around tables during dinner asking guests what he should do about Priebus and Spicer—a crowdsourcing game he reportedly played when he was deciding which candidate to choose for vice president, and again, when picking who he would nominate as secretary of state. (A White House spokesperson did not immediately respond to request for comment.)

Whats the point of a debate if the decision has been taken? Or is the theory that she can reverse her position if influenced by the debate?

Civic action is now very important.

The debate was just a process in place for mp's to make their views known on the topic. There was never going to be a vote on it.

May's decision was made the moment she extended the offer to Trump.
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