The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Lord help us if Priebus goes. He seems to be the only voice of sanity in this cabal of charlatans.

Feck me, you know things are bad when people are defending Priebus and saying he is the voice of reason. But yeah, I agree, but that's probably because he's the only one who actually has any kind of understanding how government works. Apparently Trump thinks he's too weak and wishy washy.
This might be bad news for Trump. If the Senate intelligence committee give Flynn immunity, he could under penalty of perjury, be called to testify about whether Trump knew anything about Russian contacts during the campaign and transition.
This might be bad news for Trump. If the Senate intelligence committee give Flynn immunity, he could under penalty of perjury, be called to testify about whether Trump knew anything about Russian contacts during the campaign and transition.

I suppose the same could apply to Pence too? Obviously the rumours are saying he knew and Flynn told him.
This might be bad news for Trump. If the Senate intelligence committee give Flynn immunity, he could under penalty of perjury, be called to testify about whether Trump knew anything about Russian contacts during the campaign and transition.
The only bad sign might be if he already had a history of lying to Senate.
The only bad sign might be if he already had a history of lying to Senate.

Except that there are likely voice intercepts to back up what Flynn said to the Russians. If they catch him on tape saying Trump told him to call then there will be big problems.
Petraeus :lol:
Lock him up?

The irony.

I think I need to take English lessons at this point to come up with more innovative ways to say how "ridiculous" or "hypocritical" or downright "stupid" Trump and his supporters are.
The next power hungry charlatan general who thinks he can sell out his country for paid appearances on RT may think twice before getting wined and dined by the mafia state.

This might be bad news for Trump. If the Senate intelligence committee give Flynn immunity, he could under penalty of perjury, be called to testify about whether Trump knew anything about Russian contacts during the campaign and transition.
Please oh please oh please
The man is either delusional or trying to butter them up to not come after him

Yeah for sure. This could be just the tip of the iceberg though, as @Raoul said, it's being widely speculated all over Twitter atm that the intelligence agencies are going to offer Flynn immunity as early as tomorrow morning. Obviously many people are saying Trump (and Pence) both knew. I think the biggest part of this to come out today was the tapes of the conversations, obviously Flynn knew he had to go, but I'm slightly puzzled because according to Kellyanne Conway tonight she said Flynn had the full backing of Trump and the White House. Spicer said that Trump was evaluating the situation. I must admit it could possibly be looking a little bit dodgy for The Donald. However, I don't think we are that lucky. At least not just yet anyway.
Yeah for sure. This could be just the tip of the iceberg though, as @Raoul said, it's being widely speculated all over Twitter atm that the intelligence agencies are going to offer Flynn immunity as early as tomorrow morning. Obviously many people are saying Trump (and Pence) both knew. I think the biggest part of this to come out today was the tapes of the conversations, obviously Flynn knew he had to go, but I'm slightly puzzled because according to Kellyanne Conway tonight she said Flynn had the full backing of Trump and the White House. Spicer said that Trump was evaluating the situation. I must admit it could possibly be looking a little bit dodgy for The Donald. However, I don't think we are that lucky. At least not just yet anyway.
We've been predicting his downfall for so long there's a cry who called wolf about it. Even if this is actually that moment, I won't believe it until they're all in prison.
I think the biggest part of this to come out today was the tapes of the conversations, obviously Flynn knew he had to go, but I'm slightly puzzled because according to Kellyanne Conway tonight she said Flynn had the full backing of Trump and the White House. Spicer said that Trump was evaluating the situation. I must admit it could possibly be looking a little bit dodgy for The Donald. However, I don't think we are that lucky. At least not just yet anyway.
Don't be confused, Conway was just offering her trademark #alternativefacts. ;) I understand CNN's point that she as no credibility. It really doesn't matter what she says, it's likely to be BS.
Don't be confused, Conway was just offering her trademark #alternativefacts. ;) I understand CNN's point that she as no credibility. It really doesn't matter what she says, it's likely to be BS.

:lol: Yeah, fair point, I was meaning more from Trump's point of view/thinking though, not hers so much. Trump could have put this to bed days ago but he hasn't said a word about it, I think he was expecting it to all just get swept under the carpet if he ignored it for long enough. After all, nearly everything else has gone that exact same way, almost all the scandals have just gone away for him. Not this time though, hopefully this is the beginning of him losing all the time.
A senior administration official said Kellogg, retired Gen. David Petraeus and former Vice Admiral Bob Harward are possible replacements for Flynn.

Flynn wasn't the only one with a hard on for bombing Iran....

Mad Dog (personal experience) and Bannon (he served) also want to get at Iran.

As for Comrade Flynn - twice he's been forced to feck off...'fired' twice...some General :lol:

Mind you, ppl shouldn't be duped into thinking, this ends the Russian goes deep and much further.
:lol: Yeah, fair point, I was meaning more from Trump's point of view/thinking though, not hers so much. Trump could have put this to bed days ago but he hasn't said a word about it, I think he was expecting it to all just get swept under the carpet if he ignored it for long enough. After all, nearly everything else has gone that exact same way, almost all the scandals have just gone away for him. Not this time though, hopefully this is the beginning of him losing all the time.
Or he instructed her to say so, as he instructed Spicey to lie about the inauguration crowd size. Does he leave you under the impression that he can think ahead of the next 3 minutes? He's mentally very unstable. But whatever, I do hope that certain journos smelled blood and won't rest until the whole administration is history. SOON.
Or he instructed her to say so

Yeah, that's exactly what I was getting at. And I agree, I hope this is just the beginning. It would be so amazing to see the press working together to take Trump and his billionaire banker mates down after all the unfair shite they have been given recently. Fake News now is it Mr Trump? :lol:
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