The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I think it might be due to the fact that the Fight for 15 is an established political movement, and has been causing waves over the last 2 years or so.

Just my opinion, anyway.

That's fair enough, and I agree they should try to prevent the labour secretary pick 100%, I just think nearly all the picks have been equally as bad, and especially the education secretary. I mean, Republicans have kids too, and it's their kids that could potentially suffer as well, it just seems a little short sighted to me, that's all.
Well that's great, he will protect your right to be an evangelical Christian, all while looking to grab your wife or daughter by their pussy. :wenger:
At the same time, can anybody name a single candidate from either major party that stated they would not protect your right to be an evangelical???

Hiding behind Christianity is such bullshite. They wanted someone who'd protect their right to be bigots.

:lol: Tucker Carlson is a moron.

The guy he's interviewing handles himself well.

In all seriousness though, I do think that interview is the perfect example of the partisan nature of US media. The host makes condescending assumptions not about the professor's argument, but about the professor's type. Excellent deflection tactic.

Anyone know of any decent media studies which focus on the left/right paradigm in the States? I'm going to have a look now, I think.
I would love to punch Carlson in the balls.


Agreed, Tucker is a fecker, a condescending prick and quite often absolutely off his twat, I get the feeling half the time he just wants to argue for the sake of arguing. He just loves being contrary and obtuse. However, be careful when dissing him in here because he has a fan. @Dwazza loves a bit of Tucker, and thinks he's a snazzy dresser too.
Meanwhile back in Trumpton...........

Ugh, such a badly timed photo :lol: Looks like Trump is going to slip him the tongue.

And tonight's Fox News!
Those with consistently conservative political values are oriented around a single outlet—Fox News—to a much greater degree than those in any other ideological group: Nearly half (47%) of those who are consistently conservative name Fox News as their main source for government and political news. Far fewer choose any other single source: Local radio ranks second, named by 11%, with no other individual source named by more than 5% of consistent conservatives. Those with mostly conservative views also gravitate strongly toward Fox News – 31% name it as their main source, several times the share who name the next most popular sources, including CNN (9%), local television (6%) and radio (6%) and Yahoo News (6%).

On the left of the political spectrum, no single outlet predominates. Among consistent liberals, CNN (15%), NPR (13%), MSNBC (12%) and the New York Times (10%) all rank near the top of the list. CNN is named by just 20% of those with mostly liberal views, but still tops their list, followed by local television (11%) and NPR (9%). Both MSNBC and Fox News are mentioned by 5% of those who are mostly liberal. Those in other ideological groups name the New York Times, NPR and MSNBC less frequently as top news sources.

Respondents with a roughly equal mix of liberal and conservative values also have a diffuse mix of news providers. CNN (20%) and local television (16%) are the most frequently-named top sources, with a long list of other news sources named by fewer than one-in-ten. Fox News (8%) is among the most-named sources in this “long tail,” along with Yahoo News (7%) and Google News (6%), both of which primarily aggregate and highlight news produced by other outlets.


Last point I'm making about media, as I don't want to derail thread from its actual topic, but this is an interesting report. Reading a couple at the moment, with some divergent findings. The above image is interesting. Conservatives trust eight major news sources, with two of those being subsections of Fox itself (Breitbart, Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, Drudge, Fox, Blaze and TWJ). Hints at the whole "mainstream media" "fake news" narrative which is being so effectively spun. The distrust has existed for years amongst conservatives.
At the same time, can anybody name a single candidate from either major party that stated they would not protect your right to be an evangelical???

Hiding behind Christianity is such bullshite. They wanted someone who'd protect their right to be bigots.
Obammy was one of those Muslims don't Ya know?!

BOOM! Morning Joe turns against Miller, Trump will not like this at all!

And a funny war on Twitter between Joe and Hannity. Ugh, I detest that prick.

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Watch him squirm when they talk about North Korea.

Also, I completely agree with the guy, why should a person be allowed on a news programme when she's consistently doing the opposite of what a news program should do

I assume he's taking the piss with the North Korea talk but if he's serious and that's his evidence for why Trump is a dictator then I can only image the professor head would explode having seen this

Conway isn't doing anything that countless American governments or news corporations
haven't been doing for decades which is lying, the fact Conway and the Trump administration is so bad at this should be a somewhat bonus for us. The alternative is instead of the general public seeing a member of the Trump administration being so what challenge over one of their many awful policies on national tv, we have to go to Trumps twitter page to the official responds.

By the way Sigma you are making me agree with Tucker Carlson. That's a cruel way to kill a man :(
A lot of us have noticed it, closet racist ideology clearly resurfacing...

People are definitely emboldened by the election. There was a person recently asked to leave a medical clinic on Robins AFB. He had a hat that referenced a known phrase boasting about the South and it had a noose depicted below the phrase.
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That's a start I suppose, definitely a step in the right direction.

Did you watch the Morning Joe clip I posted above? Hopefully that's another step in the right direction with one of Trump's TV supporters openly criticising one of his advisors so sternly. But do you think Trump will respond to it?
Winner for 'The Face You Cant Wait to Punch' award.

He's a despicable toad, and has only gotten worse since Trump got elected. He was bad before, but now he just seems emboldened to be such an arrogant, smug and condescending tosser. Anyway, the fact Morning Joe has gone against him, especially after Trump Tweeting and signing his praises, won't go down well at all. For all Kellyanne Conway's faults, she is professional and holds her poise and temper reasonably well under pressure. She was very polite and apologetic in the Jake Tapper interview last week, obviously to save her own skin, but it shows she is at least part human. Miller is a different kettle of fish altogether, he often gets very rattled and raises his voice and gets irritated. I think if he is pushed hard enough he would flip, I think that should be the next objective for the media.
The administration is slowly starting to unwind before our eyes.

Only smaller than the "CIA warns White House that Trump vulnerable to Russian blackmail" from a couple of months back. The Russian flag pin on SNL is appropriate.
He's a despicable toad, and has only gotten worse since Trump got elected. He was bad before, but now he just seems emboldened to be such an arrogant, smug and condescending tosser. Anyway, the fact Morning Joe has gone against him, especially after Trump Tweeting and signing his praises, won't go down well at all. For all Kellyanne Conway's faults, she is professional and holds her poise and temper reasonably well under pressure. She was very polite and apologetic in the Jake Tapper interview last week, obviously to save her own skin, but it shows she is at least part human. Miller is a different kettle of fish altogether, he often gets very rattled and raises his voice and gets irritated. I think if he is pushed hard enough he would flip, I think that should be the next objective for the media.

Here is Anderson Cooper's take on Kellyanne:

Wow! You're on the ball tonight @Raoul

Interesting to see where this goes and if he will be the only casualty? Also, lots of rumours at the moment that Trump is severely unhappy with Priebus and he could be the next to go.
The best news one can receive while checking the phone on a 4 am middle-of-the-night shit.

The twat deserves it, just for his cnut of a son.
Wow! You're on the ball tonight @Raoul

Interesting to see where this goes and if he will be the only casualty? Also, lots of rumours at the moment that Trump is severely unhappy with Priebus and he could be the next to go.

Lord help us if Priebus goes. He seems to be the only voice of sanity in this cabal of charlatans.
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