The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Ivanka clearly wants the D.


She's totally starstruck, just look at her eyes!

Love it!
Trump's old, wrinkled ass having to stand next to a young, eloquent, handsome and genuinely loved leader is basically his worst nightmare transpiring right there. No wonder he looks so butt hurt.

Whoa, whoa, easy on the genuinely loved part there. People in three provinces despise him simply because of his father.
Nope. Not even going to click on it. He can get lost.

Yeah, I agree, he can feck right off. He's been banging on and on and on about these tapes for months now, most recently saying he wanted the BBC to release them. One minute he will, the next he wont. He's completely full of shit and an attention seeking prick just trying to keep himself relevant.
As if Christians are persecuted in the US anyway :lol:
- war on Christmas
- gay marriage
- abortion
- gay rights
- being forced to provide service to gays
- transgender issues
- not being allowed to teach the kids about Noah's Ark in science class
- #CreepingSharia

You were saying....
It's all turning into Spitting Image isn't it - I mean, come on. What's happening just can't be real.

My US friend is still in hysterics over the Japanese PM handshake debacle.
- war on Christmas
- gay marriage
- abortion
- gay rights
- being forced to provide service to gays
- transgender issues
- not being allowed to teach the kids about Noah's Ark in science class
- #CreepingSharia

You were saying....

Love how many of those that they're actually the ones doing the persecuting on :D

:lol: Tucker Carlson is a moron.

The guy he's interviewing handles himself well.
Oh yeah, because the other cabinet members were so much better weren't they? I mean the education secretary is just perfect. :rolleyes: For fecks sake.

I think it might be due to the fact that the Fight for 15 is an established political movement, and has been causing waves over the last 2 years or so.

Just my opinion, anyway.
Do the locomotion...with the emphasis on 'loco':

:lol: Tucker Carlson is a moron.

The guy he's interviewing handles himself well.


Actually agree somewhat with Carlson. Why should Conway been shunned, if the government is going to lie I'd rather they do it in a way which is so easily discredited. Is his(The guy been interviewed)alternative that when the Trump administration does something truly awful like the Muslim ban that the media just completely blanks the administration, in fear that they will lie ? It's a bizarre line to take. Plus I find it very hard to believe that the lying of this President is so overwhelming that multi million dollar news corporation are struggling to deal with other stories related to the administration.

Also he takes great exception to Conways use of ''alternative facts'' yet at the same time talks about a ''post fact world'' which to me anyway is just as empty and vacuous a statement as alternative facts.
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Actually agree somewhat with Carlson. Why should Conway been shunned, if the government is going to lie I'd rather they do it in a way which is so easily discredited. The person interviewed seems to take great exception to Conways use of ''alternative facts'' yet at the same time talks about a ''post fact world'' which to me anyway is just as empty and vacuous a statement as alternative facts.

Also I find it very hard to believe that the lying of this President is so overwhelming that multi million dollar news corporation are struggling to deal with other stories related to the administration.

Watch him squirm when they talk about North Korea.

Also, I completely agree with the guy, why should a person be allowed on a news programme when she's consistently doing the opposite of what a news program should do
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