The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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What’s going on was explained lucidly by a senior Pentagon intelligence official, who stated that “since January 20, we’ve assumed that the Kremlin has ears inside the SITROOM,” meaning the White House Situation Room, the 5,500 square-foot conference room in the West Wing where the president and his top staffers get intelligence briefings. “There’s not much the Russians don’t know at this point,” the official added in wry frustration.
Trump's downfall won't come from liberal media, it'll come when the right finally considers him to be too much of a liability and the likes of Fox start to abandon him. I'm not sure when (or if) that happens.

Also, the economy is always the biggest issue. Let's see where the US is in 2018.
I don't think it will be the former.

But his lies will quickly affect the economy. His theses will help big business but the trickle down won't be fast or deep enough to sate his voters.

And in US it's always about the economy, stupid.
In short, it's fecked. Willfully misleading the people is enough to topple most heads of state. With Trump, it just empowers his base. The United States is so fractured at the moment. Think of it in these terms. The difference between left and right in the States at present consists of climate change, gun control, religious fundamentalism, blatant racism, sexism, health care, education, and the list just goes on. Where are people supposed to find common ground? The gap is just far too wide. In the UK, the gap is non existent by comparison.

The situation in the US seems irreparable to me. Both sides are far too entrenched and I can't see it ending well. The problem with Trump is that he's incredibly dangerous. He's pushing a volatile political situation to the brink. And he's doing it all for political gain. He might be the worst politician I've ever seen. Even Bush had a bit of decorum and responsibility about him, Trump has no ties to anything other than himself. Does anyone honestly believe that he feels the burden of office? He might in a competitive sense, but never in a moral sense. The man has no morals.

What were we to expect of an unapologetic capitalist?

While I.agree with everything you have said there is still a large enough population that swings each election one way or another. In effect there are three tribes involved well four if you include non voters
A leading pharmaceutical plant in Ireland has halted plans to expand on site, were due to start an expansion and make a green-fields site for a new product. Now they've halted it since selling the product back into the American market could cost them a hell of a lot if Trump gets his way. Ripple effect coming through on other sites in similar positions.
At Mar-a-Lago, Trump tackles crisis diplomacy at close range

But even as he confronted one of the gravest matters of his office, Trump nonetheless found it impossible to resist dropping in on a nearby wedding reception, already underway in his treasured Grand Ballroom. Trump designed and built the space himself after purchasing Mar-a-Lago in the 1980s.

Entering the ornate room, Trump took a photo with the bride and her bridesmaids, who posed in red gowns next to the commander in chief, mimicking his signature thumbs-up.

Then he grabbed a microphone.

"I saw them out on the lawn today," Trump said of the bride and groom, who were standing nearby. "I said to the Prime Minister of Japan, I said, 'C'mon Shinzo, let's go over and say hello.' "

"They've been members of this club for a long time," Trump said of the newlyweds. "They've paid me a fortune."

Just unbelievable. But, i guess it is what you call the new normal with him. And they discussed the missile launch by NK in a room full of normal citizens. Security issue much?
It seems that no single text this administration releases is free of typos....

You have to wonder if it would bother Trump supporters (I doubt it) to see Trump´s immigrant wife on the cover of Mexico´s edition of Vanity Fair slurping up a bowl of jewellery

The recent news story that 2/3 of the US Navy's F-18's are down for maintenance issues along with other issues regarding the readiness of the US military will make any threats that Trump wants to issue ring hollow with many world leaders.
Trump is frightened of Bernie because of his popularity, he's also scared because Bernie stands for an awful lot Trump used to, and he's articulate enough to tie Trump up in a debate or war of words.

As for that Vanity Fair article, I don't get it? Trump hates them and they continuously do hit jobs on Trump. And isn't it their editor who Trump sends pics and tracings of his hands some 25 years after all the small hand stuff started? :lol:
As for that Vanity Fair article, I don't get it? Trump hates them and they continuously do hit jobs on Trump. And isn't it their editor who Trump sends pics and tracings of his hands some 25 years after all the small hand stuff started? :lol:

Curiouser and curiouser... What's yer angle, Melania?
Trump is frightened of Bernie because of his popularity, he's also scared because Bernie stands for an awful lot Trump used to, and he's articulate enough to tie Trump up in a debate or war of words.

As for that Vanity Fair article, I don't get it? Trump hates them and they continuously do hit jobs on Trump. And isn't it their editor who Trump sends pics and tracings of his hands some 25 years after all the small hand stuff started? :lol:

Bernie is Trump's nemesis. He's incorruptible, holds the political and personal respect of many moderate Republicans and he's hugely popular with the public and media.

I said a few weeks ago that Bernie will be on the cover of Time in the future due to his actions in countering and containing him.
The recent news story that 2/3 of the US Navy's F-18's are down for maintenance issues along with other issues regarding the readiness of the US military will make any threats that Trump wants to issue ring hollow with many world leaders.
Somebody was whinging about how unprepared the military is right now for anything to happen based on what someone in the army told him, but I dismissed it at the time as RW nutter nonsense-'Obammer left rrr army so weak' etc etc.
Bernie is Trump's nemesis. He's incorruptible, holds the political and personal respect of many moderate Republicans and he's hugely popular with the public and media.

I said a few weeks ago that Bernie will be on the cover of Time in the future due to his actions in countering and containing him.

In a way I wonder if his reputation in times to come will almost be higher than it would've been otherwise because of the fact he never got nominated, or became President. We'll always be left to think what could have been, while in the meantime Bernie continues to highlight the corruption and hypocrisy within Trump's regime.
Somebody was whinging about how unprepared the military is right now for anything to happen based on what someone in the army told him, but I dismissed it at the time as RW nutter nonsense-'Obammer left rrr army so weak' etc etc.

To me it is the expected side-effect of the decade and a half of the war on terror, and all the wasted money that has gone with it. There are ships that are down awaiting maintenance. Aircraft not flyable. Vehicles unusable. Training being neglected (have a few friends in the National Guard and their weekend training programs have become nothing more than watching training videos because there is no money for field training).

Not only does it leave the armed forces unable to respond to a new crisis, it leaves only certain options available to the leadership of the US none of which are very palatable (1) Fight and lose. (2) Give in to whatever demands the other side is making (okay that might not be so bad) (3) Nuclear Arms.
To me it is the expected side-effect of the decade and a half of the war on terror, and all the wasted money that has gone with it. There are ships that are down awaiting maintenance. Aircraft not flyable. Vehicles unusable. Training being neglected (have a few friends in the National Guard and their weekend training programs have become nothing more than watching training videos because there is no money for field training).

Not only does it leave the armed forces unable to respond to a new crisis, it leaves only certain options available to the leadership of the US none of which are very palatable (1) Fight and lose. (2) Give in to whatever demands the other side is making (okay that might not be so bad) (3) Nuclear Arms.
I've mentioned it before, but in the current environment tactical nukes in the hands of those currently in charge scare me more than anything else. I don't foresee a MAD nuclear holocaust with Russia taking place, but tactical nukes (in the ME?) are very much on the table and it is one area that the US has a huge edge in.
I've mentioned it before, but in the current environment tactical nukes in the hands of those currently in charge scare me more than anything else. I don't foresee a MAD nuclear holocaust with Russia taking place, but tactical nukes (in the ME?) are very much on the table and it is one area that the US has a huge edge in.

yeah scary stuff. Had another argument earlier this week with the son (in his mid 20's) of a friend of ours. He was advocating bombing the launching pads the North Korean's are using for their tests. He said it would at least set them back a few years. I tried to explain to him what even a conventional war would due to the Korean Penisula and it's people. Pointing out that NK was unlikely to just sit back and accept having it's missile test sites bombed. He had trouble understanding the concept that other nations might not just cower in the face of the "all-powerful Trump" (note that is last bit is sarcasm).
How on earth can 40% approve of this moron....

How on earth can 40% approve of this moron....

They still go with

1) But Crooked Hillary would have......
2) Give him a chance to do something (even though he is already doing things).
3) Fake news.
4) Illegal poll responders.
5) Obama, something, something, something
6) Muslims gonna kill us all.
They still go with

1) But Crooked Hillary would have......
2) Give him a chance to do something (even though he is already doing things).
3) Fake news.
4) Illegal poll responders.
5) Obama, something, something, something
6) Muslims gonna kill us all.

or maybe they just continue to support him, because he does what he promised? :confused: Why would you turn on him, if you voted for him?
or maybe they just continue to support him, because he does what he promised? :confused: Why would you turn on him, if you voted for him?

Aside from #4, the others are basically the answers you get whenever you ask a Trump supporter in the US about him and something he is doing.

But yeah, you really would not expect his supporters to start turning on him quite yet.
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yeah scary stuff. Had another argument earlier this week with the son (in his mid 20's) of a friend of ours. He was advocating bombing the launching pads the North Korean's are using for their tests. He said it would at least set them back a few years. I tried to explain to him what even a conventional war would due to the Korean Penisula and it's people. Pointing out that NK was unlikely to just sit back and accept having it's missile test sites bombed. He had trouble understanding the concept that other nations might not just cower in the face of the "all-powerful Trump" (note that is last bit is sarcasm).

As they say: "the enemy always gets a vote".

About force readiness reports recently, I was also surprised. Got me wondering if the whole force structure of the past few years was a pipe dream, given the budget constraints. Because general management tells me that on a restricted budget one should downsize to the force size that you can maintain good readiness for. Maybe the services were playing a longer game, hoping the constraints would be lessened in a future administration and then it would be better not to have mothballed a lot of planes and other equipment? Seems unlikely though.
Aside from #4, the others are basically the answers you get whenever you ask a Trump supporter in the US about him and something he is doing.

But yeah, you really would not expect his supporters to start turning on him quite yet.

I am just trying to point out, that he didn't do anything that alienated his voters yet.

The immigration/Muslim ban was actually quite popular in the USA despite its failure. He delivered some of his promises asap and his voters will turn on him, if he violates some of his campaign promises (especially on trade/the economy/welfare). In the long run they might find out, that he can’t “make America great again”, but that will take some time. Maybe more than 4 years. I certainly wouldn’t want to rely on the possibility that he just collapses.

I think you underestimate the economic reasons that influenced this election. The majority of people who thought that they were worse of compared to last year voted for him, while the majority of people who think they are better off voted for Hillary. Hillary destroyed Trump in the 9 mega-city regions, did okay in cities with 1-5m people and lost horrible in everything that is smaller. Trump won ~300 counties, that voted two times for Obama and an additional ~130, that voted one time for Obama.
Ignoring, that the dems should care about these people, the American system seems to over-represent these rural areas in presidential elections. So they might want to win some of them back.
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