The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Sweet....everyone meet Rick!

haha what the actual f?

talk about painting a big target on "Rick"
no handshake domination here folks - JT fighting back

In Canada, the long handshake is generally reserved for, and practiced only among the gay community. Justin's quizzical look at Trump's hand demonstrates his knowledge of this cultural quirk.
no handshake domination here folks - JT fighting back

Ohhhh he tried it hahaha!!! Towards the end of the handshake you can see him trying so hard to pull him closer. What a sap!

Fair play to Trudeau. Trump found out quicker than Fellaini in an LVG team. Expect other world leaders to follow suit, and Trump to continue trying it because he desperately feels the need to try to exert lame dominance.
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people wanting to know how evangelicals rationalized voting for Trump -

... while hypocritically violating a number of Christian principles, including some of the 10 Commands.
During the campaign rallies I really struggled to identify either of those groups. The overwhelming numbers at the rallies are people I'd call dumb racists and sexists. "Trump that bitch" "Lock her up" "Build that wall" were the main chants you can hear there. F all to do with jobs or modern abrahamic morals.

Given that those chants were a constant from beginning to end (through the primaries), I would assume those were part of the Republican base. He did not attract many 1st timers/ outsiders to the primary.
Brilliant analysis on the Trump phenomena and why people believe him. The last few minutes are quite amazing

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Yeah I was just joking..

This thread might be one-sided, but if there is only one sane side to a debate (which I think is the case here) then I don't see the problem.
I'm 99% with you. 45 is a fecking groper, a misogynist, a racist, a liar, a narcissist, a hypocrite, a moron with no manners. Every article or video that demonstrates this through his words or actions has one goal in mind which I wholeheartedly support: This should never ever become normal. It should be called out every single day as often as necessary.

Nevertheless I don't have a problem to say that there are few isolated issues where I agree with him.

That NATO members should pay their fair share and not rely on the US is one. But I very strongly disagree with him that NATO is obsolete.
That immigration should be controlled is another one. But I very strongly disagree with the measures he has taken or claimed to take to reach this objective.
That blue collar workers should be better off. But I entirely and sincerely disagree with his 'analysis' as to why they are off as they are and with the measures he he has taken or claimed to take to fix it.
That's because she a weak frumpy old Frau.
Not necessarily because of that. She's sincerely disgusted by people with the attitude of 45. She'd consider it below her dignity to engage in these childish pissing competion games. All you can expect from her is a piercing look full of contempt.
haha what the actual f?

talk about painting a big target on "Rick"

I'm going to guess that any foreign power with intelligence gathering running in the US probably already knows at least how to tell who is carrying the "football" at any given time. There might be decoys of course, but then that means we don't know if Rick is actually carrying the good one or the decoy. Plus they operate in shifts ,I believe, since having just one person by the President 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, etc ready to go at a moments notices would be difficult.

It's a stupid thing to post, but how much of a real security risk it is, that is more difficult to gauge.

A quick google image search finds plenty of pictures that are probably the nuclear football being carried by a military officers accompanying the President.
I posted the nuclear football thing because of how stupid it was. In terms of a security risk - it's not a big deal at all. Who knows, 'Rick' might at worst get a talking to for taking a pic...
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