The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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For the record, we've only had 2 presidents impeached by the House (Johnson in 1868 and Clinton in 1998), and neither of them were convicted by the Senate.
What the feck? Weirdo.

Who is that guy? Edit: Gorsuch

Neil Gorsuch. Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court.

He does it all the time. He's such an insecure bully. Despicable person.


For the record, we've only had 2 presidents impeached by the House (Johnson in 1868 and Clinton in 1998), and neither of them were convicted by the Senate.

Hey man, there's always a first for everything and just imagine how delicious it would be if it was The Donald. The way he's going you can easily see it being a possibility. He's literally pissing everyone off left, right and centre (excuse the political pun ;) )
He does it all the time. He's such an insecure bully. Despicable person.

As you rightly say it's the despicable and low down act of a bully. Always trying to exert his power over someone. However, no matter how awful it looked and how uncomfortable the Japanese PM looked, I think the biggest thing I took from that is how embarrassing it was. I would be mortified if the person leading my country did that to a leader of another. It's piss poor manners and no way is it the behaviour you would expect from the President of the USA, how any of his supporters can be proud of him recently is beyond me, but doing stuff like this is just indefensible.
I found the whole FAKE NEWS stuff mildy amusing at first, but he really needs to let it go, tweeting like a child. I do wonder how long he'll keep it up for.
I found the whole FAKE NEWS stuff mildy amusing at first, but he really needs to let it go, tweeting like a child. I do wonder how long he'll keep it up for.

Until the media is censored and they only say what he wants them to say? :nervous:
The fake news thing is just a device to delegitimize the media so that when they investigate controversial things about him, his policies, conflicts of interest, russian ties etc. that his voters don't believe and instead ascribe it to the media inventing things. Fortunately it won't work as his poll numbers have been steadily sliding downwards since he was sworn in.
Yeah it's getting very, very tedious. It's just outright lie and outright lie, then quibbling with the media when they call him out on it. And the frequent dose of nauseating narcissism, like the above Florida tweet. The Donald would love being Kim Jong Un, I'd hazard a guess.
Neil Gorsuch. Trump's nominee for the Supreme Court.

He does it all the time. He's such an insecure bully. Despicable person.


It's only a matter of time before someone does the same thing to him, and I can't wait to see Trump's reaction.
One thing I'm really failing to understand in relation to the travel ban, among all the controversies and disputes, is Trump supporters who have defended it by referring to Obama's own identification of countries related to terrorism.

It's an incredibly bizarre defence considering such people support a man who regularly brandished Obama the worst President's in the countries extensive history, and who regularly questioned whether Obama was, in fact, American at all. Surely Trump referring to Obama policy, the policy of a man they believed to be weak, ailing, and possibly even treacherous when it came to defence, should terrify them? They've elected this guy to make their country safer after what they believe to have been a disastrous and dangerous Presidency...and now they're suddenly pleased that he's essentially (in their view) extending the policy of that President?

I know it's often daft to try and discern the paradoxical stance of Trump supporters, but it's a particularly bizarre response, especially when it prompts them to sit back and glee due to their belief that it's helped them get one over on liberals. It's like a United fan arguing in favour of Mourinho's tenure here so far against someone with a less positive view by trying to draw direct comparisons from Mourinho to Moyes. Or like a voter who is anti-establishment voting for someone who has long been a part of that...oh, wait a minute...
Hezbollah’s Hasan Nasrallah says ‘idiot’ Trump makes him optimistic

The leader of Lebanon’s Hezbollah group says the world will benefit from having an “idiot” in the White House.

Hassan Nasrallah said in a speech Sunday that his group is much stronger than when it was created in the early 1980s and should not be concerned about threats from the West.

Referring to U.S. President Donald Trump, Nasrallah said “we are very optimistic that when an idiot settles in the White House and boasts about his idiocy, this is the beginning of relief for the oppressed around the world.”
It's only a matter of time before someone does the same thing to him, and I can't wait to see Trump's reaction.
I cannot believe he tries that pull handshake with everyone. What an embarrassment he is.

Now it's been highlighted, I'm looking forward to someone like Merkel doing it right back to him :D

Sadly next G8 is in May 26–27 in Sicily and G20 is 7–8 July 2017 in Hamburg so it will be a while before we have a global handfisting contest.

But I think both will be glorious events: wonder what approach he will take with heavyweights like Merkel, Modi, Erdagon, Zuma and Xi Jinping
Sadly next G8 is in May 26–27 in Sicily and G20 is 7–8 July 2017 in Hamburg so it will be a while before we have a global handfisting contest.

But I think both will be glorious events: wonder what approach he will take with heavyweights like Merkel, Modi, Erdagon, Zuma and Xi Jinping
Shame Zedong is no longer around, it would have been nice to see his equivalent of the Khrushchev swimming incident but with Trump.
From this article in the guardian:

This is a direct quote from an presidential advisor Stephen Miller:

“Our opponents, the media and the whole world will soon see as we begin to take further actions, that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned.”

This is sheer lunacy from the White House and this proves why this administration have to be fought against at any opportunity as they think they are above the law. I really hope comments such as these will get people into protesting mode as the democracy is clearly under attack from within the its own system of government.
"Our opponents, the media and the whole world will soon see as we begin to take further actions..."
It's not supposed to be a bloody competition.
It's not supposed to be a bloody competition.

You're not seeing it from tRump's point of view which is that 'the system is corrupt' and that he was given mandate by his 47% to change it all.

He sees that as moral legitimacy for dismantling the infected branches and policies of Government to be replaced by his own virtuous dictatorship.
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