The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Isnt Ivanka trump an adviser to the president and an actual employee of the white house? She was always going to come along. Muchadoo about abosolutely nothing FG

EDIT: sorry its her husband Jared thats an adviser to the president, but she also has his ear and is the first daughter. She was always going to that trip.

Right but the fact that she is getting involved in the political process, which she clearly is, means she simply cannot moan about the Nordstrom decision. If her brand becomes toxic due to her father's poor leadership that is one thing, but when she is so closely involved, it is her as well.
Right but the fact that she is getting involved in the political process, which she clearly is, means she simply cannot moan about the Nordstrom decision. If her brand becomes toxic due to her father's poor leadership that is one thing, but when she is so closely involved, it is her as well.

im completely agree. what i dont agree with is uproar that the first daughterlady is taking a ride on airforce one. Though im not a US tax payer so it really doesnt bother me either way :lol:
Right but the fact that she is getting involved in the political process, which she clearly is, means she simply cannot moan about the Nordstrom decision. If her brand becomes toxic due to her father's poor leadership that is one thing, but when she is so closely involved, it is her as well.

The thing is Ivanka said she would stand down from her businesses and completely distance herself from them and her fathers companies, as did her husband Jared. Just like her father, that's obviously complete bullshit and neither have done anything of the sort. They are blatantly profiting from their positions and have serious conflicts of interest, I think that's the problem at the moment, that and the fact Trump bitched constantly about Obama playing golf and taking time off, and this is now the second weekend in a row Trump has taken time off to play golf and at his own hotel and golf course at that. To make matters worse and more complicated this time he's actually doing so with the Japanese PM and his wife. Seriously fecked up and intertwined conflicts going on, it's a nightmare and nobody seems to be doing anything about it.
Fox has gone full on crazy.

#FcukingWall :lol:
In what way? That Mexico isn't going to pay for it? Too expensive? That 45 would bully American companies to build it for honor and glory alone?

TV watcher-in-chief
@Rado_N or anyone, Is there any way to watch SNL live here in the UK? I usually have to wait a couple of days for them to upload stuff to YouTube, but tonight's show is being hyped to feck, so would love to be able to watch it erm Live :lol:
Yeah this should be amazing.


All due a good roasting. Will O"donnell be Bannon sitting in the POTUS chair? That will put Trump over the edge.

Few Pooty appearances for good measure.
The thing is Ivanka said she would stand down from her businesses and completely distance herself from them and her fathers companies, as did her husband Jared. Just like her father, that's obviously complete bullshit and neither have done anything of the sort. They are blatantly profiting from their positions and have serious conflicts of interest, I think that's the problem at the moment, that and the fact Trump bitched constantly about Obama playing golf and taking time off, and this is now the second weekend in a row Trump has taken time off to play golf and at his own hotel and golf course at that. To make matters worse and more complicated this time he's actually doing so with the Japanese PM and his wife. Seriously fecked up and intertwined conflicts going on, it's a nightmare and nobody seems to be doing anything about it.

I don't care if he plays golf at the weekend, and especially if he combines it with entertaining a world leader. The conflicts of interest with his and his family's business interest are clear though and he has not separated them appropriately because he doesn't feel he has to.
im completely agree. what i dont agree with is uproar that the first daughterlady is taking a ride on airforce one. Though im not a US tax payer so it really doesnt bother me either way :lol:

Yeah I would not care about that as such.
@Rado_N or anyone, Is there any way to watch SNL live here in the UK? I usually have to wait a couple of days for them to upload stuff to YouTube, but tonight's show is being hyped to feck, so would love to be able to watch it erm Live :lol:
Just google NBC live stream until you find a good one. Works for just about every major broadcaster in the world, and most minor ones.
Superb. Shame it's taken this long for them to wake up to reality, but better late than never I guess?
This is straight out of the Tea Party manual. They did this and swamped every town hall...but crucially they also voted.

These ppl need to make sure they remember to vote in the mid term elections
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Yeah this should be amazing.


All due a good roasting. Will O"donnell be Bannon sitting in the POTUS chair? That will put Trump over the edge.

Few Pooty appearances for good measure.
CNN reported this morning that her agent said she doesn't appear on SNL. Her Twitter handle picture as Steve Bannon is hilarious anyway.
The plane belonging to Rybolovev (Russian oligarch) landed at Miami airport yesterday (1 hour away from where Trump is currently staying).

This same plane landed in North Carolina on Nov 3 and guess what, Trump's plane landed at the same airport that very day, as he was having a rally.

Trump and Rybolovev have done business dealings together in the past ;)

Sorry @langster but Louise Mench is an actual shitebag and well know for making stuff up.

Yeah, I know she's an awful and untrustworthy bitch, and I have always taken anything she says with a pinch of salt, but the coincidences of the planes landing so close to where Trump is and now happening twice, well, it certainly deserves being looked in to.
Yeah, I know she's an awful and untrustworthy bitch, and I have always taken anything she says with a pinch of salt, but the coincidences of the planes landing so close to where Trump is and now happening twice, well, it certainly deserves being looked in to.
Oh right you already know how awful she is :lol:.
She was the one who broke the story that the FBI applied for FISA warrants on Trump associates, so she's proven reliable on this story.
Maybe but I really wouldn't take anything she says(Her track record is mostly out right lying). As @Minimalist says chances are what she saying is exaggerated or completely false.
Oh right you already know how awful she is :lol:.

Maybe but I really wouldn't take anything she says(Her track record is mostly out right lying). As @Minimalist says chances are what she saying is exaggerated or completely false.

Yeah i know about the bad stuff with her, but ever since the FISA story was released, she gained more credibility with me solely on this topic.

I dont bother reading any of her other stuff though.
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