The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Spot the mistake:
I have a question where I'd welcome some discussion. Though its personal, I suspect many are asking themselves the same question:

I noticed that several Canadian born citizens from Moroccan cultural origins have recently been denied entry into US

I'm a British born Muslim who regularly visits USA for business (5 or 6 times a year). My cultural heritage is not from any of tRump's 7 countries of suspicion. I have a validated ESTA and am normally allowed to enter using the machine, albeit, I've always been subjected to the supposed 'random checks' as I get on the plane in UK and sometimes after I land in US.

I've been posting anti trump messages across my social media (in my name) including Facebook and Instagram. None of it is incendiary or illegal but if a US immigrations official or FBI agent did a search, it would be clear I dislike tRump, but conversely I like democrats in USA and admire the US in general and that my work contributes to generating wealth for US companies.

Could this affect my next visits into US? Should I consider deleting all my anti tRump posts - my next trip is mid march and I'll be very embarrassed in front of my clients if I'm not allowed to enter. I'm aware that by deleting posts, I'd be sacrificing one of my methods of protest.
You should be fine. Especially after the 9th's ruling
No it shouldn't. You should be fine.

I'm not sure that this is the case. I don't know if I posted this previously, but my colleague's brother was detained and deported back to India because of messages found in his whatsapp/facebook messages. He was a first time visitor to US on a visitor's visa though and he was deported due to him being suspected of searching for work instead of religious messages. Although the case is not the same, I can very well see CBP people going rogue on some cases. You can already see cases of people from Canada and other countries detained and questioned for long periods.
But what I'm stunned about is that I don't see a lot of sincere reactions of Republicans when 45 repeatedly questions or insults the judiciary system. I didn't expect a lot but not this level of a**s-licking and totally rotten ethics.

Seriously? You didn't expect that from the modern Republican party?
I'm not sure that this is the case. I don't know if I posted this previously, but my colleague's brother was detained and deported back to India because of messages found in his whatsapp/facebook messages. He was a first time visitor to US on a visitor's visa though and he was deported due to him being suspected of searching for work instead of religious messages. Although the case is not the same, I can very well see CBP people going rogue on some cases. You can already see cases of people from Canada and other countries detained and questioned for long periods.

I've had my smartphone searched going from the US into Canada before. Its an increasingly common tactic these days.
Seriously? You didn't expect that from the modern Republican party?
Pretty much yes, seriously. I did expect a lot of boot-licking from the GOP and I did expect it on many matters. But not practically from everybody and particularly not that the GOP is silent while he's attacking the judiciary system on a daily basis.
I suppose it would depend on what the message was.

Of course, but in this case I knew the content of the message. It said, 'It will be nice if some day in future my daughter can also come to US for studies'. CBP official said this conclusively proves that the family was trying to enter the country with a visitor's visa and stay illegally once they enter. This in spite of them having return tickets, with both husband and wife having permanent jobs in India. I'm making a point that there is a lot of discretion placed with CBP officials. T

The family I knew were deported even before Trump took office. In this climate, I can see a lot of immigration officials taking a high handed approach towards immigrants, especially Muslims. I wouldn't be so confident in telling @sammsky1 that he would be fine because of his nationality and the ban on Trump's EO, I would definitely urge him to be cautious and avoid getting into a situation where his social profiles become a cause for trouble.

I said it before

I could bet my last dollar Flynn didnt lie to Pence and Pence actually knew all along. Flynn was probably under orders from Pence, Flynn is just going to have to take one for the team. Flynn had no reason to be speaking to the Ambassodor about anything unless he had strict instructions to do so in my opinion .

No way those fecktwits had no clue. This is a gang that works on trust. Its like im watching House of cards in real life.
@sammsky1 just to be on the safe side - I'd definitely clean up my social media and if you happen to be a practicing muslim - get rid of my hadith/quran/adhan apps you might have on your phone.

Better safe than sorry. You get rejected once - and you carry that with you. It makes it that much easier for the next official to also refuse you at the airport - and that's despite your age/purpose of travel and previous history of travel.

And yes, the discretion they've always had is crazy and is off the rails now.
I have a question where I'd welcome some discussion. Though its personal, I suspect many are asking themselves the same question:

I noticed that several Canadian born citizens from Moroccan cultural origins have recently been denied entry into US

I'm a British born Muslim who regularly visits USA for business (5 or 6 times a year). My cultural heritage is not from any of tRump's 7 countries of suspicion. I have a validated ESTA and am normally allowed to enter using the machine, albeit, I've always been subjected to the supposed 'random checks' as I get on the plane in UK and sometimes after I land in US.

I've been posting anti trump messages across my social media (in my name) including Facebook and Instagram. None of it is incendiary or illegal but if a US immigrations official or FBI agent did a search, it would be clear I dislike tRump, but conversely I like democrats in USA and admire the US in general and that my work contributes to generating wealth for US companies.

Could this affect my next visits into US? Should I consider deleting all my anti tRump posts - my next trip is mid march and I'll be very embarrassed in front of my clients if I'm not allowed to enter. I'm aware that by deleting posts, I'd be sacrificing one of my methods of protest.
They traveled at the same time as Trump, it didn't make a separate trip for them - I think that's fair enough.

This on the other hand....

But why are they even going in the first place? Its meant to be a trip for Trump/Melania and the Japan president to play golf and for some talks . So why are they treating it like a good time go on holiday with their children.

Also the security protecting Ivanka will have to pay for their stay at Mar A Lago whilst protecting them and that will likely be in the thousands.
But why are they even going in the first place? Its meant to be a trip for Trump/Melania and the Japan president to play golf and for some talks . So why are they treating it like a good time go on holiday with their children.

Also the security protecting Ivanka will have to pay for their stay at Mar A Lago whilst protecting them and that will likely be in the thousands.
There's an enormous list of reasons to criticise Drumpf, having the first family join him on trips isn't one of them.
There's an enormous list of reasons to criticise Drumpf, having the first family join him on trips isn't one of them.

It is when taxpayers money is directly going into his companies bank accounts, because of his decision to stay at his own resort.
It is when taxpayers money is directly going into his companies bank accounts, because of his decision to stay at his own resort.
Isnt Ivanka trump an adviser to the president and an actual employee of the white house? She was always going to come along. Muchadoo about abosolutely nothing FG

EDIT: sorry its her husband Jared thats an adviser to the president, but she also has his ear and is the first daughter. She was always going to that trip.
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He will hire builders, get the job done then refuse to pay them for some bullshit reason. Mans a crook

But to finish this well you need a massive company. They will either be tooled up enough to make sure they get paid or even more likely not touch this wall with a twenty foot barge pole.
Isnt Ivanka trump an adviser to the president and an actual employee of the white house? She was always going to come along. Muchadoo about abosolutely nothing FG

EDIT: sorry its her husband Jared thats an adviser to the president, but she also has his ear and is the first daughter. She was always going to that trip.

Yeah, Jared's the advisor.

Just annoyed at him as a president making decisions that directly benefit one of his companies. It was to be expected though.
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