The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I wonder what will happen to those nations who eaherly kissed his ass once the US wakes up and dumps this idiot.

Impeachment would be fittingly unprecedented. And then there's the problem that fecking Pence would take over, now that would be something. Sadly I'm not sure if we'll ever get to the part of judging the ass kissers.

On top of that it's difficult, we've seen Merkel's reaction. I've seen the Dutch prime minister on live TV this week, talking about his 20 minute phone conversation with Trump. He explained why he thought the call went well, and how he will try to keep our nation's best interest in mind when dealing with Trump. At the same time, he had to use a lot of words to keep a straight smiling face and not literally affirm that he felt Trump was a serious problem for the world and a dangerous idiot on top of tat. Even May was somewhat careful despite being in a situation where she really needs Trump as an ally.

Up until now things are actually going quite well, so much justified criticism towards Trump from all angles and people look ready to step up. I remain somehwat cynical though, since we as people are idiots. And Trump really has gotten away with way too much already, and it doesn't look like he's about to give up. If anything, I'm afraid he'll apply more refined tactics and starts doing some sensible things to compensate, which would probably lead to a status quo regarding the criticism. After which we are proper fecked, because then it'll be too late.
Donald Trump now wants to make a new EO early this week and it won´t be much different to the one the courts have put on hold. This guy just blatantly disregard the judiciary system and this is really dangerous. He really need to be removed from office before he takes it even further. This idiot would properly attempt to rile up the fanatic part of he´s voter base in an attempt to tell the judges to conform or else.

"He said a new order would probably change “very little” from the first, according to the Associated Press."
The mass deportations have begun, or is it just a temporary thing?
That won't be a temporary thing. Tbf Obama was doing this too...but, Trump has ICE breaking down doors. Whereas with Obama if you got caught, you got deported.

The Trump thing works two ways - it obviously gets the illegal immigrant out, but in many instances it'll also drive the family out.
If this clown truly thought running the world's largest government was akin to running his shit business, he deserves two Colin Ferrell gifs.

Oh god! Trump doesn't really know his ass from his elbow! Poor world and USA!
complete this sentence...

I'm guessing "pee-pee parties"

Edit: not quite

His old architect can vouch for that. He will just pay half and then promise a costly legal battle that will last 10 years and nearly bankrupt the business. Great businessman. The best. So good, just ask Eric.
Sounds like more crony capitalism is on the way. He will probably threaten American construction/material companies to offer their services at a very low price or else face some new tax.
Watching his rampant narcissism broadcast to the world never stops being fascinating. That tweet about the price coming down when he gets involved stands out. He's the embodiment of all those shit self-help books.
I have a question where I'd welcome some discussion. Though its personal, I suspect many are asking themselves the same question:

I noticed that several Canadian born citizens from Moroccan cultural origins have recently been denied entry into US

I'm a British born Muslim who regularly visits USA for business (5 or 6 times a year). My cultural heritage is not from any of tRump's 7 countries of suspicion. I have a validated ESTA and am normally allowed to enter using the machine, albeit, I've always been subjected to the supposed 'random checks' as I get on the plane in UK and sometimes after I land in US.

I've been posting anti trump messages across my social media (in my name) including Facebook and Instagram. None of it is incendiary or illegal but if a US immigrations official or FBI agent did a search, it would be clear I dislike tRump, but conversely I like democrats in USA and admire the US in general and that my work contributes to generating wealth for US companies.

Could this affect my next visits into US? Should I consider deleting all my anti tRump posts - my next trip is mid march and I'll be very embarrassed in front of my clients if I'm not allowed to enter. I'm aware that by deleting posts, I'd be sacrificing one of my methods of protest.
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Could this affect my next visits into US? Should I consider deleting all my anti tRump posts - my next trip is mid march and I'll be very embarrassed in front of my clients if I'm not allowed to enter. I'm aware that by deleting posts, I'd be sacrificing one of my methods of protest.
You should be fine. Especially after the 9th's ruling
I have a question where I'd welcome some discussion. Though its personal, I suspect many are asking themselves the same question:

I noticed that several Canadian born citizens from Moroccan cultural origins have recently been denied entry into US

I'm a British born Muslim who regularly visits USA for business (5 or 6 times a year). My cultural heritage is not from any of tRump's 7 countries of suspicion. I have a validated ESTA and am normally allowed to enter using the machine, albeit, I've always been subjected to the supposed 'random checks' as I get on the plane in UK and sometimes after I land in US.

I've been posting anti trump messages across my social media (in my name) including Facebook and Instagram. None of it is incendiary or illegal but if a US immigrations official or FBI agent did a search, it would be clear I dislike tRump, but conversely I like democrats in USA and admire the US in general and that my work contributes to generating wealth for US companies.

Could this affect my next visits into US? Should I consider deleting all my anti tRump posts - my next trip is mid march and I'll be very embarrassed in front of my clients if I'm not allowed to enter. I'm aware that by deleting posts, I'd be sacrificing one of my methods of protest.

No it shouldn't. You should be fine.

Van Jones is quickly emerging as the GoTo commentator for balanced analysis on the tRump presidency. Democrat leadership should ensure he is as close to their central nerve centre as possible if they are to progress.
45 behaves pretty much exactly as I expected him to do. But what I'm stunned about is that I don't see a lot of sincere reactions of Republicans when 45 repeatedly questions or insults the judiciary system. I didn't expect a lot but not this level of a**s-licking and totally rotten ethics.

It is quite possible that I missed it but isn't there an association of judges or prosecutors that would make a bold statement and call him and his adminstration to order? Why is hardly anybody thrashing him? I can hardly believe that this is happening in 2017 in the US: The president is constantly attacking the judiciary system and there's no outrage.
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45 behaves pretty much exactly as I expected him to do. But what I'm stunned about is that I don't see a lot of sincere reactions of Republicans when 45 repeatedly questions or insults the judiciary system. I didn't expect a lot but not this level of a**s-licking and totally rotten ethics.

It is quite possible that I missed it but isn't there an association of judges or prosecutors that would make a bold statement and call him and his adminstration to order? Why is hardly anybody thrashing him? I can hardly believe that this is happening in 2017 in the US: The president is constantly attacking the judiciary system and there's no outrage.

Here's an article saying and asking the exact same thing as you (and many others)

Here's an article saying and asking the exact same thing as you (and many others)

Thanks for the link. It is appalling. Imagine if Clinton had said or tweeted anything that would have come close. The pitchforks would be out, figuratively and literally. 45 does it and most are - silent.
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