The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Yeah i know about the bad stuff with her, but ever since the FISA story was released, she gained more credibility with me solely on this topic.

I dont bother reading any of her other stuff though.
Yeah she does seem to be a bit credibility with this story at least.
Oh right you already know how awful she is :lol:.

Yup, stuck up, self righteous, egotistical, angry Tory cnut bitch. Always flat out lied to everyone, especially when on Question Time or when interviewed when she was an MP. However, I still think the coincidences she has pointed out about Trump's connection to Dimitry Rybolovev and the fact his plane keeps showing up so close to where Trump is, has to be considered and looked in to. Believe me, I don't like quoting her one little bit, BUT she has been on the case about this for a while and she really does seem to have some insider info.


She's always been Murdoch's lapdog so I'm not sure what her game is here.
Yup, stuck up, self righteous, egotistical, angry Tory cnut bitch. Always flat out lied to everyone, especially when on Question Time or when interviewed when she was an MP. However, I still think the coincidences she has pointed out about Trump's connection to Dimitry Rybolovev and the fact his plane keeps showing up so close to where Trump is, has to be considered and looked in to. Believe me, I don't like quoting her one little bit, BUT she has been on the case about this for a while and she really does seem to have some insider info.

Yeah I think your right and it pains me to concede that she might actual be on to something here.

Piers Morgan gets absolutely demolished defending tRump. (@ 46min 50 sec mins onwards)
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Given America is the land of the guns I'm surprised noone has bumped Piers Morgan off yet if I'm honest.
That's a bit rough alright. Silly woman but 8 yrs?
And possible deportation afterwards?
Well, she'll be able to vote legally in Mexican elections, I suppose.

Piers Morgan gets absolutely demolished defending tRump. (@ 46min 50 sec mins onwards)

Morgan likes to project himself as having a tough skin .But this must have hurt . He so desperately wants to be taken seriously in America.
What is this story about the CIA not telling Trump secrets because they don't trust him?
Morgan likes to project himself as having a tough skin .But this must have hurt . He so desperately wants to be taken seriously in America.

He claims to not be a republican, a fan of Mahers show and agrees with most points Maher makes yet he defends the indefensible with Trump.

I can't work out if it's just because he is an abhorrent snake making a career move by sucking Trump off at any possible opportunity or if he's just using his persona to play devils advocate (while simultaneously benefitting career wise because that's all he cares about really).

He says the hysteria surrounding Trump is counter productive and that the mocking of him by comedians and liberal commentators is counter productive when really it's proving to be a hugely productive tool.

His argument that we shouldn't be crying over Trumps actions now and should wait until he doesn't something as terrible as Bush's Iraq war (Millions of innocents dead and thousands of soldiers). That's just insane. We teach history to put an emphasis on learning from others mistakes and making sure the tragic events of the past aren't repeated. You don't wait until something happens before you get upset, you get upset and make sure nothing happens.
So she gets 8 years but the Trump Supporter got a $5,000 dollar fine? What.

That's literally an authoritarian move. Harsh punishment for supporters of political opponents and essentially a blind eye for the same crimes by their own supporters.
Morgan likes to project himself as having a tough skin .But this must have hurt . He so desperately wants to be taken seriously in America.

Na he must be loving it. He can play the victim since the "liberal snowflakes" didn't let poor Piers speak and he's getting attention on Twitter from people twice as famous than him. This is what he lives for.

What people need to do is stop feeding him, but that's difficult since he's very good at winding people up with nonsense.
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