The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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It's not made clear. Says she's a Republician though but doesnt acknowledge who she voted for. So guess must have been Trump I suppose, seems odd given she's Mexican and female, for that reason alone I just assumed she was a HC voter.
The story said she didn't vote in the '16 election.
Well then, that seems odd to sentence her that severely given she didn't even vote in this election. Bizarre.

She voted for 10 years when she shouldn't have, that's why the sentence is that big.
That's literally an authoritarian move. Harsh punishment for supporters of political opponents and essentially a blind eye for the same crimes by their own supporters.
She voted GOP. From the WP article:

Birdsall (lawyer) said Ortega (the convicted woman) has voted in five elections since 2004, each time casting only a single ballot. Ortega voted for Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential election and then — somewhat ironically — for Ken Paxton for Texas attorney general in a 2014 Republican primary runoff. Paxton would go on to win and, less than three years later, deal the eight-year sentence to Ortega.
Stupidity is fast becoming this new administrations new normal, business as usual then....
I am really not sure if they really believe this nonsense or if they just troll everybody. It is quite scary that you can't tell the difference.
Fair bit of trolling going on, look at the trump supporters for example...
You know what I never understand about this.

If voter fraud is such a massive problem, then surely Trump winning the election would be cast in doubt.

Oh no, because ALL the illegal voters voted for Hillary. Every single one of them. Yup all 3 million or so. Not one illegal vote was cast for The Donald.
It's like the Trump administration are still campaigning. It's absurd.

And the guy is having a "call Sean Hannity" moment when asked for evidence. "Call people who like us in New Hampshire"
One thing I notice in portuguese newspapers comment sections is that a lot of people were waiting for this to come out with racist bs, as if because of Trump some things are now acceptable to say. It's very worrying and makes me wondering how many people feel like it and just don't say it (not even in polls) because Trump is so openly mocked in the news, but when it's time to vote they're gonna vote for Trump-like politicians.

It's as if logic goes out the window and people just want to be angry at something.
One thing I notice in portuguese newspapers comment sections is that a lot of people were waiting for this to come out with racist bs, as if because of Trump some things are now acceptable to say. It's very worrying and makes me wondering how many people feel like it and just don't say it (not even in polls) because Trump is so openly mocked in the news, but when it's time to vote they're gonna vote for Trump-like politicians.

It's as if logic goes out the window and people just want to be angry at something.
A lot of us have noticed it, closet racist ideology clearly resurfacing...

:lol: For fecks sake!

And there's more complete bullshit and he's trolling the shit out of Cuban.......

Guess there's nothing more important to talk about then.

Trump has really taken a liking to Miller since Sessions recommended him last year. Can't help by thinking this was also a passive aggressive swipe at Spicer, who seems increasingly on the outside looking in with Trump, especially since Carl Higby was apparently interviewed for the press secretary position last week.
Trump has really taken a liking to Miller since Sessions recommended him last year. Can't help by thinking this was also a passive aggressive swipe at Spicer, who seems increasingly on the outside looking in with Trump, especially since Carl Higby was apparently interviewed for the press secretary position last week.

Yeah, I completely agree, it seems Spicey could be out of the loop, especially after the SNL attack again last night. Shame as McCarthy plays him perfectly. I will miss her :(

I thought someone would have posted this already, if you haven't seen it, he does a great impression of Alec Baldwin. Seriously he has actually now become a parody of himself. This is serious shit, this is supposed to be an announcement after North Korea launched a Ballistic Missile. Obviously perfectly timed when the Japanese PM was visiting Trump to see what would happen, and this is the fecking response? He's so far out of his depth it's untrue, until now it's all been a mixture of revulsion, panic, bewilderment and a fair bit of laughing at Trump so far, but this shit just shows how truly un-presidential he really is.
Yeah I was watching LIVE at the time. A pretty pathetic attempt from Drumpf, the irony of which is that it is actually Fake News to attempt to smear CNN as being fake news.
Sadly it works.... (at least with his Base and more generally chuck enough mud and some sticks)
Little Marco
Lyin Ted
Corrupt hillary
Fake news...
Sadly it works.... (at least with his Base and more generally chuck enough mud and some sticks)
Little Marco
Lyin Ted
Corrupt hillary
Fake news...

It may work with individuals but not so much with news organizations since the people that read/watch the NY Times and CNN are generally pro-reason/fact/journalism and not susceptible to the same games people on Fox and Breitbart consistently fall for.
It may work with individuals but not so much with news organizations since the people that read/watch the NY Times and CNN are generally pro-reason/fact/journalism and not susceptible to the same games people on Fox and Breitbart consistently fall for.

What is the liberal equivalent of Fox and Breitbart?
What is the liberal equivalent of Fox and Breitbart?

I don't think there are any exactly like those two. You could say MSNBC and Fox are similar, but Fox's evening lineup is far more propagandist than MSNBC's. You could for example draw parallels between Hannity and O'Donnell's shows, but O'Donnell is significantly more fact based than Hannity - who at this point is basically the media arm of the Trump administration. Trump talks to Murdoch on a weekly basis and Bannon previously ran Breitbart and there is still active coordination going on. This is why CNN is perfectly positioned for good journalism. They aren't perceived as liberal as MSNBC and actually employ a boatload of conservative pundits to offset the liberal ones. Also, you can pretty much surmise that the news organizations that Trump criticizes the most are the ones who are actually doing their jobs as journalists and he is basically preemptively attempting to delegitimize them so his right wing constituents won't believe what they report on things like Russia, the Pee Pee tape, conflicts of interest etc.
Miller looks and talks like a bad B-movie actor playing a politician on a shit drama series available only on subscription based streaming services.
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