The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Coincidence or not? :lol:
How pathetic is this administration releasing this just moments after CNN confirmed parts of the dossier are legit.
I didn't expect anything else from a government that invents a massacre that's never happened or spread lies about the size of the inauguration crowd.
I didn't expect anything else from a government that invents a massacre that's never happened or spread lies about the size of the inauguration crowd.

They do it all the time.

Anything negative comes out, they start releasing stuff, so the media focuses on that instead.
You have to wonder whether something big is brewing behind the scenes in the intelligence communities.

Today alone, we've had 2 huge stories that have leaked to do with the Russia involvement with Trump and sanctions.
The dumbest thing Trump has done as President is make an enemy out of the press.

Using the media to attempt to control the message is usually 50% of the job. But his orangeness decided to fight them, and called out the intelligence community to try and tag team him.
I wonder what will happen to those nations who eaherly kissed his ass once the US wakes up and dumps this idiot.
I doubt he is a particularly skilled lover. His malignant narcism would make that highly unlikely as he only cares about himself and his own pleasures.

I imagine he is a one trick missionary man who barely lasts a few minutes of grunt and puff.

I imagine it a bit like the sex scene in American Psycho only the mirrors are like those crazy ones you get at fairs that makes his body slimmer and his hands bigger.
I wonder what will happen to those nations who eaherly kissed his ass once the US wakes up and dumps this idiot.

My thoughts last week:

I wonder if aligning herself with Trump is going to be May's version of Cameron's Brexit referendum decision. When he's inevitably disgraced (as if he hasn't already been), impeached and hopefully imprisoned, there is going to be a 200 mile long queue to throw shit at May and ask her why she didn't have the backbone to stand up to him.
Nothing. Diplomacy uber alles.

I doubt it. The uk love affair with george w had repercussions with obama. Trump makes Bush jnr look like a saint

A US under the democratic party might squeeze the UK to gain brownie points with a wounded EU
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