The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Flynn is in deep shite. Apparently there are intercepts of him talking to the Russian ambassador - after he publicly denied having done so and also told Pence, who later went on national tv to defend Flynn, that he never spoke to the Ambassador. Its either the Logan Act or publicly lying to everyone.
I could bet my last dollar Flynn didnt lie to Pence and Pence actually knew all along. Flynn was probably under orders from Pence, Flynn is just going to have to take one for the team. Flynn had no reason to be speaking to the Ambassodor about anything unless he had strict instructions to do so in my opinion .
Just to clarify - Flynn previously admitted to talking to the Russian ambassador regarding Christmas greetings. He denied talking to him about anything policy related. Now that there are apparently intercepts of him talking about policy, Flynn is claiming he can't remember if he talked policy or not. He's toast.
I could bet my last dollar Flynn didnt lie to Pence and Pence actually knew all along. Flynn was probably under orders from Pence, Flynn is just going to have to take one for the team. Flynn had no reason to be speaking to the Ambassodor about anything unless he had strict instructions to do so in my opinion .

Flynn's dodgy dealings with Russia go back a lot of years.
Just to clarify - Flynn previously admitted to talking to the Russian ambassador regarding Christmas greetings. He denied talking to him about anything policy related. Now that there are apparently intercepts of him talking about policy, Flynn is claiming he can't remember if he talked policy or not. He's toast.

The latest developments makes this Jan 23 story more interesting. You wonder whether the sources used in the below article are employees of the New York FBI field office.

Flynn's dodgy dealings with Russia go back a lot of years.
while that may be true i find it highly unlikely that he risked all of this to talk policy with the ambassador on his own accord. what would it achieve? wouldn't he still have to report back to the VP and POTUS to discuss what was said in that conversation about policy anyway? or am I missing something

Two very interesting stories. The Russian connection shows there is far more to come out about this, and undoubtedly none of it will be good. And the POLITICO story about Trump being frustrated at the job already, especially because he can't run it like his businesses where he has complete and total control. He can't handle having to answer to anyone and doesn't like the fact he can be overruled.
while that may be true i find it highly unlikely that he risked all of this to talk policy with the ambassador on his own accord. what would it achieve? wouldn't he still have to report back to the VP and POTUS to discuss what was said in that conversation about policy anyway? or am I missing something

Putin not retaliating after Obama chucked the Russian diplomats out. Putin refused his own foreign ministers advice to suspend American diplomats. Putin is not the forgiving type, so that decision was highly suspicious.

I dont believe Pence knew that Flynn discussed sanctions. If he did, then no way would he do an interview to back Flynn and categorically state that sanctions were not discussed.
this is the statute he's referring to -

this is the blog he is referring to and I mentioned in my previous actually thinks the court was right and calls the EO - incompetent malevolence :lol:

It's like the justice department people went with ZERO information and didn't make their case to the court. You can't walk into a courtroom and ask a judge to trust you based on information you alone know and you're not prepared to tell them what it is. What the feck is wrong with these people.
The judges basically said "Duh", how could you NOT know these things???
Replicant Pence saving his own ass - but in a rather shabby fashion (this doesn't do his credibility much good either)

as if the Pres and VP weren't privy to initial intel :lol:

What if the eight-member Supreme Court rules against Trump’s immigration orders and the president vows his defiance?
What if Putin moves farther into Ukraine or actively destabilizes the Baltic states — and President Trump cheers him on?
What if the Trump Justice Department begins mass prosecutions of journalists for publishing leaks

Frighteningly, these scenarios are not lifted from dystopian fiction. They are merely the logical extension of what Trump has been saying from his bully pulpit in the White House.

- See more at:

Umm, about the 3rd one...

Another Trump transcript to make you all feel a little more stupid after reading it...

While he sounds stupid here it could be he's using this to deflect away from the AND/OR to introduce further travel discrimination. Although he did talk about airport development and the US having 'third world' airports in his election debates.
Fecking hell, I'm not even up to speed with everything Trump related but everyday there's something new they've fecked up on or him going nuts on twitter. Somewhat naive, but I thought, Trump is an idiot, but should he get elected, he'll be forced to get his shit together to some degree. The man is absolutely nuts. The way he tweets concerning enough. I tweet like that and all my mates will think I'm crazy.

Surely it has to all calm down, right?!
Putin not retaliating after Obama chucked the Russian diplomats out. Putin refused his own foreign ministers advice to suspend American diplomats. Putin is not the forgiving type, so that decision was highly suspicious.

I dont believe Pence knew that Flynn discussed sanctions. If he did, then no way would he do an interview to back Flynn and categorically state that sanctions were not discussed.
If pence really had no clue that Flynn discussed policy with the ambassador then Pence is the one that should be fired as he would be a bigger baffoon than I thought.
If pence really had no clue that Flynn discussed policy with the ambassador then Pence is the one that should be fired as he would be a bigger baffoon than I thought.

Pence's shoddy handling of the bowling green massacre should be evidence enough of his incompetence.
While he sounds stupid here it could be he's using this to deflect away from the AND/OR to introduce further travel discrimination. Although he did talk about airport development and the US having 'third world' airports in his election debates.

Probably because he experienced some sort of minor inconvenience on a flight that week and is so cognitively impaired he just spews out whatever has most recently been on his mind.
How pathetic is this administration releasing this just moments after CNN confirmed parts of the dossier are legit.
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