The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Just read that now. Very interesting, I begin to understand where he's coming from.

He wants the USA to adopt and promote certain cultural identity (inspired by Christian values). He is probably looking at Israel with a certain amount of envy because they are a distinctly Jewish state that embraces and defends this identity as foundational value. Additionally he sees Israel as ally and bulwark in a clash of civilization against Islam.

He is imo inspired by the same ideas that also inspired proto-fascism in the end of the 19th century. Guys like Arnold J. Toynbee, Oswald Spengler, Julius Langbehn, Robert Michels. I tend to see Bannon as a guy, who translates many of their ideas into a modern setting.
First line of the article:


I used to think Trump was either mad, bad or stupid. Now I think he is mad, bad and stupid.
I used to say that but now I seriously believe that he is mentally unstable, and kind of sorry for him that he is suffering without him or people around him knowing it.
What if the eight-member Supreme Court rules against Trump’s immigration orders and the president vows his defiance?
What if Putin moves farther into Ukraine or actively destabilizes the Baltic states — and President Trump cheers him on?
What if the Trump Justice Department begins mass prosecutions of journalists for publishing leaks

Frighteningly, these scenarios are not lifted from dystopian fiction. They are merely the logical extension of what Trump has been saying from his bully pulpit in the White House.

- See more at:

The courts are the ultimate arbiter of the law, and as courts go, the Supreme Court are the final arbiters in the legal food chain. Trump won't defy them as it would lead to impeachment. Instead, as most Presidents do, he will appoint new justices (as old ones die or retire) who likely share his political philosophy and will rule accordingly.
I doubt he is a particularly skilled lover. His malignant narcism would make that highly unlikely as he only cares about himself and his own pleasures.

I imagine he is a one trick missionary man who barely lasts a few minutes of grunt and puff.
Why would he do the physical work? Most likely the girl on top and if the performance isn't up to par then she's fired.
sammsky1 said:
I doubt he is a particularly skilled lover. His malignant narcism would make that highly unlikely as he only cares about himself and his own pleasures. I imagine he is a one trick missionary man who barely lasts a few minutes of grunt and puff.
He could always phone Flynn for help halfway through.
Hundreds chant “Do your job!” at House Republican in charge of investigating Trump

These people are doing it the right way. Americans need to hold every senator that aren´t gonna stand up to Trumps behaviour him or her responsible for their passiveness. The republicans and democrats should at least have enough respect for the country they lead to make sure Donald Trump and he´s administration don´t get away with all the lying they do. Its frighting to watch that a lot of them don´t seem to grasp that they serve the people foremost and everything else is secondary even the party they represent.

All senators should be forcing Trump to release he´s tax returns to hold him accountable for the sake of the country they supposedly love.

To all Americans on the board. You have more power than you possible can realize! Stand together and make your self heard by the politicians and at one point the pressure will force them to act as they need some motivation to actually do their job it seems. When the politicians won´t do what they are paid to do then the population have to stand up otherwise the normalization of bad behaviour will set in and getting rid of it will be much harder then.

The people in the video serve their country better than any of the republican senators are doing at the moment. They should be proud of them selves as they show some backbone when it matters the most. It is the people like that will help get the integrity of the American democracy back on track not the current senate.
Reading a Trump transcript is a bit like trying to read a book at the same time as listening to someone talk through headphones and trying to take everything in.
Let. That. Sink. In.

Roughly half of Americans who support President Trump’s controversial travel executive order say that the ban is justified after the nonexistent "Bowling Green Massacre," according to a new poll by the left-leaning Public Policy Polling.

White House counsellor Kellyanne Conway referred to the massacre, which never happened, during several media appearances, including a segment on MSNBC’s “Hardball with Chris Matthews.” Over the course of the interview, the senior White House aide made several references to a “massacre” in Bowling Green, Ky. as justification for the banning citizens of seven majority-Muslim countries from travel to the United States.

Still, of those who support it, 51 percent thought Conway’s remarks about the massacre showed good reason to pursue the Jan. 27 order, which barred citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries from traveling to the U.S. Only about 23 percent of the ban’s supporters said the ban couldn't use the massacre as justification.
It's fecking mindblowing. The leader of the most powerful nation in the world and that hot mess is his chosen method of communication.
It's from a severe lack of planning, a prominent theme of both the Trump campaign and his administration so far. If they had even one half competent person in the room they'd know to test the audio before the cameras even started rolling and they would have checked and approve the camera angles. And while it's easy to be an armchair producer, this wasn't a high pressure 16 hour shoot, this was scripted 2 minute interview.
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Another Trump transcript to make you all feel a little more stupid after reading it...

Standard form, especially at the beginning. Compliment something, then say that some other element is a disaster. The part about his pilot is true at least.

A while back I thought that Flynn, an intelligence officer by trade (head of DIA ffs), would know better than to call or even meet the Russian ambo, or anyone there due to likely surveillance by the FBI. But seemingly whatever smarts the General once had, he left in the noughties.
A while back I thought that Flynn, an intelligence officer by trade (head of DIA ffs), would know better than to call or even meet the Russian ambo, or anyone there due to likely surveillance by the FBI. But seemingly whatever smarts the General once had, he left in the noughties.

You'd think Flynn would know better.

I've read that they've exchanged text messages, so maybe these calls were via mobiles and not the embassy landlines which would definitely be intercepted?

Maybe they thought calls via mobiles would not be looked into. Even the ambassadors mobile phone communications would run the chance of being monitored by the FBI and CIA, so not sure what they were thinking.
The courts are the ultimate arbiter of the law, and as courts go, the Supreme Court are the final arbiters in the legal food chain. Trump won't defy them as it would lead to impeachment. Instead, as most Presidents do, he will appoint new justices (as old ones die or retire) who likely share his political philosophy and will rule accordingly.

Sure, but that wont happen in time for the travel ban.

though after a few months, once his judges are in place, this travel ban will look like child's play vs the real things he has planned. I've read that there could be as many as 3 judge appointments during his 4 year presidency?
You'd think Flynn would know better.

I've read that they've exchanged text messages, so maybe these calls were via mobiles and not the embassy landlines which would definitely be intercepted?

Maybe they thought calls via mobiles would not be looked into. Even the ambassadors mobile phone communications would run the chance of being monitored by the FBI and CIA, so not sure what they were thinking.

Chance of? Pretty sure the NSA would've had data to pass on to the FBI and CIA.
Sure, but that wont happen in time for the travel ban.

though after a few months, once his judges are in place, this travel ban will look like child's play vs the real things he has planned. I've read that there could be as many as 3 judge appointments during his 4 year presidency?
Current judges would have to retire or die. If nothing changes, he won't get another judge, let alone 2 or 3
Why would he do the physical work? Most likely the girl on top and if the performance isn't up to par then she's fired.
because he needs to feel like he is exercising power.

Yuck! Time to end this particular discussion.
Chance of? Pretty sure the NSA would've had data to pass on to the FBI and CIA.

Yep they would have data.

Maybe they thought the calls would slip through the cracks and not get flagged up if the ambassador was using a different phone to the one he normally uses.

Just thinking of possible scenarios in what would explain them being comfortable discussing sanctions and not worrying about people monitoring the calls.
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