The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I'm stumbled on this and I asked myself, why does he think that people that disagree with him, trolls on twitter, are liberals and most importantly why are they representative of liberals?

because we live in a world that is increasingly black and white. So, anyone who criticizes him has to be a democrat/liberal - and of course ALL liberals are like that.

Of course those of us on the left do the same with those in the right. Forget others, I've called Trump voters racists (a significant portion are...but the majority? Of course not!)
Trump clearly told KellyAnne to say that stuff about Ivanka's clothing, as he clearly told Spicer to defend his Tweeting about it too. Yeah, neither should have said it, but the orders obviously came from the top.
We want him to make us great again...we want him to kick out illegals...but not OUR illegals :lol:
Deport the illegal immigrants so that we can save on their free housing and medical insurance costs. We will then be able to take their jobs at half the minimum wages, jobs that they stole from us. Make American great!
As an aside - so on the same day that DC universe homage Luther Strange was nominated to replace Sessions in the Senate, this happened

"I have a vewy gweat fwiend in Wome called Biggus Dickus."

text: Nordstrom's stock price has climbed more than 7% since Trump lashed out at the company on Twitter Wednesday morning

Meh. Riding the free publicity they got from that tweet and the bile of Clinton supporters. They'll be reporting quarterly results soon and their price will be affected by sales of overpriced, made in third world sweatshops tatty, or lack thereof. We'll have to wait and see if consumers are actually buying their wares or just their shares because of their politics. President Trump can still hurt them, too.
Isn't that the opposite of his promises?
yeah...but, many have said - it's 'easy' to not let people in...not so easy to throw out 10-12mil people.

It's what Cruz and Co. kept bashing Rubio (he was one of the 8) for during the want AMNESTY! You love illegals! You don't want a safe america!
yeah...but, many have said - it's 'easy' to not let people in...not so easy to throw out 10-12mil people.

It's what Cruz and Co. kept bashing Rubio (he was one of the 8) for during the want AMNESTY! You love illegals! You don't want a safe america!
I don't understand this. Does he understand what it is?
I don't understand this.

That's what I'm saying. That bill is a non-starter. Moderate Republicans in the Senate know it's a decent compromise...but, there is a hardcore element who will completely shoot down any talk of this bill....none of this reform/amendments.

In this bill - you pay fines..join the queue and like he said in a decade or whatever you gain full and permanent legal status. It's something Trump might be 'convinced' of over time. As you read in the comments...they're telling him - hey, this isn't amnesty.

But, any substantive talk of this - and there is going to be serious pushback.
That's because his politics align with Bernie's. I'm not convincied appointing him would help with areas the Dems are hurting in at the moment - namely blue collar whites and voters who don't live in massive cities.
Well, they supported Bernie whose message was very anti-racist.
Ivanka can't complain. She should have steered clear of the politics but she is posting pictures of herself in the white house and her dad is telling everyone she is advising him. Of course it is going to polarise her buyers and it is totally fair enough if Nordstrom prefer to drop her brand because of it. Would really not have been hard to stay out of it but like her dad she seems to love the power trip.
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