The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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His loose mouth, similar to Barney's from The Simpsons when he burps, has actually worked against Trump.

Probably because I'm a non-immigrant alien, these words are of special significance and reassurance:
The procedural protections provided by the Fifth Amendment’s Due Process Clause are not limited to citizens. Rather, they “appl[y] to all ‘persons’ within the United States, including aliens,” regardless of “whether their presence here is lawful, unlawful, temporary, or permanent.” Zadvydas v. Davis, 533 U.S. 678, 693 (2001). These rights also apply to certain aliens attempting to reenter the United States after travelling abroad. Landon v. Plasencia, 459 U.S. 21, 33-34 (1982).

I just don't see how this ends well in any way. The guy is an utter lunatic.
We're already in court you buffoon.

Just to water things down a bit...9th Circuit court is historically liberal - which is why, those who sought a TRO went out there...they knew on appeal this court would get the case.

Mind you, a 3-0 decision and with Justice Clifton being a republican appointee does make this sweeter...

But, the 9th Circuit also has the most amount of decisions reversed by SCOTUS out of all the federal appeal courts :lol:

So..this, truly is only round 1.
I have seen a few vids of Chaffetz grilling people in these hearings and it gave the impression that he is refreshingly competent. Yet I have never heard of him in any other context. Any backround on him?

He always struck me as a bit too partisan. For example, he was very heavy handed in pursuing Hillary on all kinds of investigations but has so far been pretty muted on Trump, his taxes, conflicts of interest, Russian interference etc. So for him to come down on KellyAnne, it must be pretty bad.

He always struck me as a bit too partisan. For example, he was very heavy handed in pursuing Hillary on all kinds of investigations but has so far been pretty muted on Trump, his taxes, conflicts of interest, Russian interference etc. So for him to come down on KellyAnne, it must be pretty bad.

He hates powerful women. He'll let guys get away with murder, but KellyAnne like Hillary is a woman and must know her place.
He always struck me as a bit too partisan. For example, he was very heavy handed in pursuing Hillary on all kinds of investigations but has so far been pretty muted on Trump, his taxes, conflicts of interest, Russian interference etc. So for him to come down on KellyAnne, it must be pretty bad.
Trump apparently just told reporters off camera that the decision is political. Another jab at the judiciary.
How does a malignant narcissist react to such a public humiliation?

Can any resident docs or psychologists advise?
Trump apparently just told reporters off camera that the decision is political. Another jab at the judiciary.
but there was a republican in the 3-some?

How can he be so confident in the SC when it will likely end 4-4? Will his nominee be in place by then?
He hates powerful women. He'll let guys get away with murder, but KellyAnne like Hillary is a woman and must know her place.
And like Melania, whose apparent role is similar to the card girl's at a boxing match, or the glam hostess of a show in which men are the only important figures.
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