The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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There's only one candidate for the DNC head and it's Keith Ellison.

Under him, and with the support of people like Warren, Sanders, Canova, etc., I can see the Democrats taking back Congress and winning in 2020. Going the Perez route would surely be repeating the mistakes of 2016 all over again, and would be giving up the biggest momentum the party has had since the nation universally hated Bush.

It's a pivotal moment for the future of the party, and I (and many others) would he severely disillusioned if they voted for a continuation of the Clinton-ist, New Democrat, faux right-wing agenda of the last 20 years.

For my education, why would Warren or Saunders not be considered for this role?


Seriously: Are you surprised? During debates with Clinton and in interviews during the campaign, his lack of knowledge on anything a presidential candidate should know was evident. His narcissism isn't made for preparing for one of the biggest jobs of the world, in fact he despises people who do, that's an establishment approach. He's full gung-ho, shoot from the hip style and this won't change until he's either impeached or not re-elected.

can you post ant recent policy speech VDO's he has done recently? Would like to know how he compares.

For my education, why would Warren or Saunders not be considered for this role?
Because they're both sitting Senators and haven't put themselves forward for it.
can you post ant recent policy speech VDO's he has done recently? Would like to know how he compares.

For my education, why would Warren or Saunders not be considered for this role?

The DNC job isn't for a political office like President or Senator, its an administrative position to organize the affairs of a political party. People who hold the job are usually mid level politicians who don't have aspirations to run for national level elections.
Seriously: Are you surprised? During debates with Clinton and in interviews during the campaign, his lack of knowledge on anything a presidential candidate should know was evident. His narcissism isn't made for preparing for one of the biggest jobs of the world, in fact that he despises people who do, that's an establishment approach. He's full gung-ho, shoot from the hip style and this won't change until he's either impeached or not re-elected.
Ever-increasing alarm is probably closer to how I am these days.
Because they're both sitting Senators and haven't put themselves forward for it.
The DNC job isn't for a political office like President or Senator, its an administrative position to organize the affairs of a political party. People who hold the job are usually mid level politicians who don't have aspirations to run for national level elections.

Thanks ... got it! So a sitting senator cant take the job and wouldn't anyway as its too junior for them.

My next question: Is it basically Warren or Saunders for Democrat nominee in 2020 or are there other visible candidates right now? I accept that more candidates may arise at 2018 midterms.
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As an aside - so on the same day that DC universe homage Luther Strange was nominated to replace Sessions in the Senate, this happened

No doubt - just saying...he too recognizes where the biggest shortfall was. As with Reince Preibus for the Republican Party this is not about him personally engaging with voters - but getting the party machination sorted and headed in the right direction.

It's a moot point anyway - he'll have some support, but he won't be the next DNC Chair

You don't think he'll get it ? He sounds like the favorite at the moment with Sanders, Warren, and Schumer backing him. Those three are the prevailing power structure of the party at the moment.
Thanks ... Got it! So a sitting senator cant take the job and wouldn't anyway as its too junior for them.

My next question: Is it basically Warren or Saunders for Democrat nominee in 2020 or are there other visible candidates right now? I accept that more candidates may arise at 2018 midterms.
I doubt it'll be either of those two. You can never really predict what'll happen 4 years in advance at the best of times, but as with 2016, if a candidate takes huge proportions of the african american vote and holds their ground elsewhere, they'll be the likely nominee.
For my education, why would Warren or Saunders not be considered for this role?
- Sanders? The same guy who has caucused with the Democratic Party, but never joined it or fought an election as a Democrat in all his years in politics?
- Warren is fun, but far too idealistic - It's fun to bash Wall Street and the rich, but they're important!
- Sanders? The same guy who has caucused with the Democratic Party, but never joined it or fought an election as a Democrat in all his years in politics?
- Warren is fun, but far too idealistic - It's fun to bash Wall Street and the rich, but they're important!
I keep forgetting that's he's gone back to being an independent.
Thanks ... Got it! So a sitting senator cant take the job and wouldn't anyway as its too junior for them.

My next question: Is it basically Warren or Saunders for Democrat nominee in 2020 or are there other visible candidates right now? I accept that more candidates may arise at 2018 midterms.

Bernie will be approaching 80 and Warren 71 by the time the next election is done, there is a chance of the latter but I don't think the former will run again.
How come Trump can get away with so much shit? Where are the checks and balances? For example with promoting own businesses.
You don't think he'll get it ? He sounds like the favorite at the moment with Sanders, Warren, and Schumer backing him. Those three are the prevailing power structure of the party at the moment.

I've been following him for a long time and actually spoke to him about the NOI & farrakhan when he came down to the Islamic Center in DC. Not too many muslim representatives around - so he's someone we look to engage on different issues. He was as expected well spoken and intelligent.

But, I think he's a big gamble - some might say, the Democrats have nothing to lose...why not shake up the place? But, I think he and the party will end up spending far too much time talking about him...defending him...making him the story. I think, he's someone you might appoint when in a position of strength.

Not rebuilding!
But, I think he's a big gamble - some might say, the Democrats have nothing to lose...why not shake up the place? But, I think he and the party will end up spending far too much time talking about him...defending him...making him the story. I think, he's someone you might appoint when in a position of strength.

Very sad, but probably very true. Unfortunately.
I've been following him for a long time and actually spoke to him about the NOI & farrakhan when he came down to the Islamic Center in DC. Not too many muslim representatives around - so he's someone we look to engage on different issues. He was as expected well spoken and intelligent.

But, I think he's a big gamble - some might say, the Democrats have nothing to lose...why not shake up the place? But, I think he and the party will end up spending far too much time talking about him...defending him...making him the story. I think, he's someone you might appoint when in a position of strength.

What did he have to say about them?

After all the shite Obama had to put up with for his links to Rev. Wright and being an alleged crypto-Muslim, Ellison could be toxic for the party.
What did he have to say about them?

After all the shite Obama had to put up with for his links to Rev. Wright and being an alleged crypto-Muslim, Ellison could be toxic for the party.

He was evasive tbh. When we continued to push him - he said, like a lot of the black muslim community he gravitated towards someone/something loud, strong and unashamedly black who was willing to speak out. When we pushed on further and said - that wasn't good enough, seeing NOI and Farrakhan were essentially racist - whereas Islam sees no color! He basically caved and said - yes, he spoke up for and defended the NOI/Farrakhan in the past - but, it's not something he is proud of anymore and admitted was a mistake.

It was then up to us to either take him at his word and believe that he has moved on (he isn't the 1st black muslim to have gone from NOI to mainstream Islam and disassociate themselves from previous beliefs). It was doubly important because in DC/North Virginia we work with a lot of Jewish groups on interfaith stuff and there are enough problems getting that stuff sorted without the particularly bombastic antisemitism of the NOI.
We want him to make us great again...we want him to kick out illegals...but not OUR illegals :lol:
Many here feel vindicated by the election, and signs declaring “Vote to make America great again” still dot the highways. But in conversations with nearly a dozen farmers, most of whom voted for Mr. Trump, each acknowledged that they relied on workers who provided false documents. And if the administration were to weed out illegal workers, farmers say their businesses would be crippled. Even Republican lawmakers from the region have supported plans that would give farmworkers a path to citizenship.

“If you only have legal labor, certain parts of this industry and this region will not exist,” said Harold McClarty, a fourth-generation farmer in Kingsburg whose operation grows, packs and ships peaches, plums and grapes throughout the country. “If we sent all these people back, it would be a total disaster.”

Full Article:
Spicer just invoked Jefferson in a comparison to the Donald. I think I puked in my mouth a bit.

EDIT: WH press corps ganging up on Spicer about Trump x Gorsuch's comments... nice.
We want him to make us great again...we want him to kick out illegals...but not OUR illegals :lol:

It just shows like with healthcare, taxes, benefits etc the people they vote for and defend so vehemently are the ones who will do the complete opposite of what they want and need. At least the vast majority of Tory voters in the UK, (in my area at least) are all true conservatives and usually well off and understand completely why they vote the way they do. That really doesn't seem to be the case with many Republican voters, especially the ones from the poorer/working class areas and places like the rust belt and the South. Aside from abortion and guns of course, and I think most people really do vote on those two issues first and foremost.
This is a tasty press briefing. Things heating up nicely. Spicer wanted to move on from a reporter causing trouble but the next in line to ask a question remained silent and he wasn't able to move on.
Spicer just invoked Jefferson in a comparison to the Donald. I think I puked in my mouth a bit.

EDIT: WH press corps ganging up on Spicer about Trump's x Gorsuch... nice.
Skeletor has been counseled wrt to advertising Ivanka Products :lol:

Spicy keeps getting screwed over by Captain Retard. If Trump had left it would have died in a day...instead he lied about it and now Spicy who struggles at the best of sinking fast
This is a tasty press briefing. Things heating up nicely. Spicer wanted to move on from a reporter causing trouble but the next in line to ask a question remained silent and he wasn't able to move on.

Its always irritating that each journalist has their own question probably pre-picked out, so once the person at the podium moves to the next question there's no follow-up. This time 4-5 journalists held him to the comments about the judiciary. Good stuff.
To be fair, KellyAnne and Spurious Spicer don't have the easiest of jobs. Both continually have to defend outright bullshit, stupidity and complete incompetence. To make matters worse, both are clearly told what to say about certain things and you can just tell they really don't want to have to be saying half the stuff they do. They are both on a hiding to nothing really. I don't feel sorry for them though, feck em, they deserve everything they get.

This time 4-5 journalists held him to the comments about the judiciary. Good stuff.

That was part of the plan mentioned in The Guardian on how to combat the bullshite coming out of the White House.
To be fair, KellyAnne and Spurious Spicer don't have the easiest of jobs. Both continually have to defend outright bullshit, stupidity and complete incompetence. To make matters worse, both are clearly told what to say about certain things and you can just tell they really don't want to have to be saying half the stuff they do. They are both on a hiding to nothing really. I don't feel sorry for them though, feck em, they deserve everything they get.

Oh, its an impossible job. I would be unable to pull it off for someone who only spoke 5% the nonsense that Trump does. But agree that feck em, they knew what they were signing up for.
This is a tasty press briefing. Things heating up nicely. Spicer wanted to move on from a reporter causing trouble but the next in line to ask a question remained silent and he wasn't able to move on.

The first act of The Guardian's journalist alliegence?
Skeletor has been counseled wrt to advertising Ivanka Products :lol:

Spicy keeps getting screwed over by Captain Retard. If Trump had left it would have died in a day...instead he lied about it and now Spicy who struggles at the best of sinking fast

thats it?

I stumbled on this and I asked myself, why does he think that people that disagree with him, trolls on twitter, are liberals and most importantly why are they representative of liberals?
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