The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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For all those commenting on the safety of his Android phone...

Remember the recent reports about how President Trump is still using his unsecured Android phone? Well, that situation just got scarier now that the White House’s chief information security officer reportedly no longer has a job.

It’s unclear if Cory Louie, an Obama appointee with extensive experience working on security teams at places like Google and the Secret Service, got fired or simply quit. ZDNet reports that Louie “was either fired or asked to resign last Thursday evening, and was escorted out from his office in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building.” The news was first reported by The Atlantic’s Steve Clemons. Neither the White House nor Louie has commented publicly on what exactly went down. We’ve reached out to both parties for more details and will update this post if we hear back.
"Good morning, Donald."
"Hang on, Vlad - I'll have to ask Mattis if it's the morning, and if it's a good one or a bad one."
"FFS in Russian..."

It can be argued that he never actually asked the senator about the "lie" . Chris stated that the president said the senator should not believed because the senator "misrepresented" his military record and then waited for a responce, Chris never really grilled the senator on this slightly valid point. He never asked him about what happened and to explain what was missrepresented and if the president has a point , didnt ask him anything really. Senator got a free pass to dodge the topic entirely. I had to google what it was that he did (said he served "in" vietnam when he really just served "during")
You can just tell that Trump can *feel* that lie, because he would love to lie about having served but knows he couldn't get away with it.
He's our junior senator. Was appointed by Nikki Haley after DeMint left office. He's seen as an up and comer in the GOP.

This vote of his was very brave and I salute him for his honesty and conviction, or was it simply along party lines?

Do blacks vote for him or think of him as an 'uncle tom'?
Skeletor getting torn apart and they've mentioned Trump's conflict of interest in this instance.

but she's has been dealt with ... Spicer confirmed she was 'counselled' so its over. As you said, nothing else will happen no matter how much more outrage.
This vote of his was very brave and I salute him for his honesty and conviction, or was it simply along party lines?

Do blacks vote for him or think of him as an 'uncle tom'?
He's a principled conservative...his record shows life, anti gay marriage...anti welfare....anti entitlements...

He worked his way up in life and I'm sure, some do consider him an uncle tom...but, race isn't set in stone in country.

Black people do vote republican and quite a few voted for Trump.
All 3 judges - unanimous decision.

(Bruce Buffer voice) And the winner, by unanimous decision:
This is going to be marvellous.

Little victories.
CNN saying the language of the ruling is a complete and total repudiation of the Trump administration. :lol:
Skeletor getting torn apart and they've mentioned Trump's conflict of interest in this instance.

Letter is addressed to Walter Shaub. Wiki says he is very critical of Trump conflicts.

"Shaub has been outspoken with concerns about the Trump administration during the transition period before he takes office. He delivered a long statement on January 11, 2017 regarding concerns with the president-elect's plans to move his assets into a trust managed by his sons.[3] Shaub was also the author of a series of tweets published on the Office of Government Ethics Twitter account, which gained media attention for breaking from the account's typically serious tone to mimick Donald Trump's tweeting style and congratulate him on his announcement that he would divest himself of his business assets"

This might lead to something ...
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