The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Think Ted Cruz may actually post in this thread.

The Trump administration is more trusted than the news media among voters, according to a new Emerson College poll.

The administration is considered truthful by 49 percent of registered voters and untruthful by 48 percent.

But the news media is less trusted than the administration, with 53 percent calling it untruthful and just 39 percent finding it honest.
Is that factually correct? Were KKK founders from the Democrat party? Or is cruz taking a leaf from Denald?

My guess would be that it stems from the Democrats and Republicans having switched over time, with the Democrats having been the 'backwards' party of yesteryear that people see the Republicans as today. As a result, it's likely that they might well have been formed by Democrats. I don't see how that does anything to mitigate their love for Trump and which party they'd lean towards today.
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If you factor the likes of FoxNews, Breitbart, and talk radio into it, then this wouldn't be too far off the mark. People often forget that the right have the number one tv news channel, a prominent internet presence in Breitbart, and are easily dominant on radio (Limbaugh, Hannity, Levine, Savage etc).
Well there we are folks...I could kind of *understand* tweeting it from his personal account (though not really), but to justify retweeting it from the offical @potus account :(
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer insisted that President Donald Trump has “every right” to attack Nordstrom department stores for dropping his daughter Ivanka’s line of products.

At Wednesday’s White House press conference, Spicer was asked if it had been appropriate for Trump to use his official @POTUS Twitter account to lash out at the chain of department stores.

“This was less about his family business than an attack on his daughter,” the press secretary argued. “For people to take out their concerns about his actions or his executive orders on members of his family, he has every right to stand up for his family and applaud their business activities, their success.”

“The president has every right as a father to stand up for them.”

Spicer later added that there was “clearly a targeting” of Ivanka’s brand.

“There’s clearly efforts to undermine that based on her father’s positions on particular policies that he’s taken,” he declared. “This is a direct attack on his policies and her name. So, there’s clearly an attempt for him to stand up for her because she is being maligned because they have a problem with his policies.”
Americans :lol:

edit: although thinking about this a bit more, the question is a bit misleading given that "media" encompasses all media channels.

The US (and UK) media hav.e been utterly sensationalist, made very wrong predictions and sometimes opined plainly false stories in the past few years. They have been guilty of using nefarious means to do so too. Likewise, they often see the world through their own neo liberal prism and so not been representative to the total population. The US election (and BrExit in UK) were prime examples of this

Of course that in no way negates or legitimises tRump's brazen lies and slander but it's no surprise that the US population feels like this. I am also very suspicious of lots of media and generally speaking, only believe BBC and CNN without question.
Well there we are folks...I could kind of *understand* tweeting it from his personal account (though not really), but to justify retweeting it from the offical @potus account :(

He's only saying what he has been told to say. It's complete bullshit, i'm also sure it's illegal, it's certainly in piss poor taste and an abuse of power. He's trying to bully a firm using his Presidential status and official account. There is no justification and Spicer's excuse is pathetic.
He's only saying what he has been told to say. It's complete bullshit, i'm also sure it's illegal, it's certainly in piss poor taste and an abuse of power. He's trying to bully a firm using his Presidential status and official account. There is no justification and Spicer's excuse is pathetic.
You may as well copy that ready to paste for several things in the future.
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer insisted that President Donald Trump has “every right” to attack Nordstrom department stores for dropping his daughter Ivanka’s line of products.

At Wednesday’s White House press conference, Spicer was asked if it had been appropriate for Trump to use his official @POTUS Twitter account to lash out at the chain of department stores.

“This was less about his family business than an attack on his daughter,” the press secretary argued. “For people to take out their concerns about his actions or his executive orders on members of his family, he has every right to stand up for his family and applaud their business activities, their success.”

“The president has every right as a father to stand up for them.”

Spicer later added that there was “clearly a targeting” of Ivanka’s brand.

“There’s clearly efforts to undermine that based on her father’s positions on particular policies that he’s taken,” he declared. “This is a direct attack on his policies and her name. So, there’s clearly an attempt for him to stand up for her because she is being maligned because they have a problem with his policies.”

I wonder how his businesses have been affected since he won the election.

In my recent visit to New York, I had my secretary change the reservation she made for me at one of his NYC hotels. I'm sure millions are doing the same, and also against members of his family. I also got the sense that he was a persona non grata in New York now too. I doubt its much fun working at one of his places if you are a democrat.

By the time he is done he'll have destroyed his brand and his revenues will have significantly dropped.
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If you factor the likes of FoxNews, Breitbart, and talk radio into it, then this wouldn't be too far off the mark. People often forget that the right have the number one tv news channel, a prominent internet presence in Breitbart, and are easily dominant on radio (Limbaugh, Hannity, Levine, Savage etc).
That's a very good point I didn't consider.

Trump voters in being stupid shocker.
I had hoped his low approval ratings would go in sync with him being not trusted. I've learned from endless_whatever in this thread that I'm a hippie and I guess my naive hope that some Trump voters have realized by now that he's an outright liar is proof of that. ;)
I had hoped his low approval ratings would go in sync with him being not trusted. I've learned from endless_whatever in this thread that I'm a hippie and I guess my naive hope that some Trump voters have realized by now that he's an outright liar is proof of that. ;)

Just because he is a liar does not mean voters would change their mind on his immigration and anti muslim pledge.
Just because he is a liar does not mean voters would change their mind on his immigration and anti muslim pledge.

Weirdly they (wall, ban) were among his more unpopular policies pre-election IIRC. Now they are pretty overwhelmingly supported. You don't need the media to normalise something, just the fact that it happened and was done by the president seems to make it ok for many people.
Manchester wouldn't look like it does now with all the new buildings if the IRA hadn't blown it to bits in 1996. The Arndale was a godawful looking place beforehand and now it just looks like lipstick on a pig. Our default response nowadays s slowly replacing the grey brutalism with glass and metal everywhere instead but everywhere literally looks like it's designed by the same person. Every town is the same, there's no individuality whatsoever. Twin towns in other countries aren't bloody needed because we could just list the rest of the country here on the signs for each town because it all looks similar.

Look at the shops inside the Arndale and tell me they're any different to the ones in the Trafford Centre, or any different to the ones in Liverpool or Warrington's Golden Square or smaller versions if they're even still open where I'm from in St. Helens look at the majority of shops in the city centre full stop, they're the same as everywhere else. Yeah you have a bunch of small independent shops too and Affleck's is one of my favourite places to visit and literally never buy a thing from but there's nothing special about Manchester whatsoever.

That extends outwards to the rest of the country. The Midlands is industrial and grey, the south is industrial and grey, the north is industrial and grey.

There are places like I mentioned of beauty and quaintness and traditionalism, the kind of places that play up to the stereotype of England (or indeed Britain as a whole) on television shows and films but for the most part we're an ugly country filled with ugly people with ugly attitudes.

Scotland, Wales and Ireland get more slack because there's much more green and they have better accents, England is fecking awful.

Anywhere that isn't a tourist spot is just council estates, tower blocks, business parks, retail parks and traffic jams. What's to be proud of? England is the definition of keeping up appearances.

While allot of what you say is true many of these places have their beauty spots and beautiful walks. The landscapes across the penines give some absolutely epic views. I'm planning to move away from Bradford to Nottingham and I will miss that. Talking about the 'lake district' as if it's the only attractive place in the country simply isn't true.

Plenty of friendly people around too, you should try chatting to a few of them. Obviously plenty of anti-social, horrible obnoxious pricks too.

I've lived in America (Cali and Atlanta) and England, they both have their good sides and drawbacks. I tend to think America is a more racist/segregated and chauvinist society to a degree. And much less educated on average. Their media is also full of propganda, their radio media is worse than their TV Channels especially in red states.

Decent read with numbers and names
Just because he is a liar does not mean voters would change their mind on his immigration and anti muslim pledge.
That is not what I suggested or hoped for. Trump is a serial liar. This should have an impact on his truthfullness as compared to the media. A voter can support his travel ban and still don't trust him.
For example, I share his complaints that many NATO members, including my home country, don't pay 2% of GDP (though for slightly different reasons) but I don't trust him one single bit.
It's truly amazing and terrifying how they've managed to create their own little version of reality.

He was also doing the classic "to call the Yemen mission anything but a success is a dishonor to Chief Owens' life", hiding behind a fallen soldier. So if the Osprey had crashed, a dozen men had perished and the mission had become straight rescue while the targets got away, we'd have to call it the greatest success ever to honor the lives? ffs.
I wonder how his businesses have been affected since he won the election.

In my recent visit to New York, I had my secretary change the reservation she made for me at one of his NYC hotels. I'm sure millions are doing the same, and also against members of his family. I also got the sense that he was a persona non grata in New York now too. I doubt its much fun working at one of his places if you are a democrat.

By the time he is done he'll have destroyed his brand and his revenues will have significantly dropped.

He'll make a ton of money off selling government contracts to the fellas with the highest bribes though
He was also doing the classic "to call the Yemen mission anything but a success is a dishonor to Chief Owens' life", hiding behind a fallen soldier. So if the Osprey had crashed, a dozen men had perished and the mission had become straight rescue while the targets got away, we'd have to call it the greatest success ever to honor the lives? ffs.
and of all the people to call out for it...John McCain :lol: Not to mention, it was AQ in Yemen and the retard said ISIS
He'll make a ton of money off selling government contracts to the fellas with the highest bribes though
Yes, he may make back door money, but that wont sate his appetite. We already know he is a narcissist, so he needs to monetary gains to be visible.

Wont be much fun for him to have millions of brown envelope money in secret bank accounts but a defunct 'TRUMP' brand which very few people buy and is despised by billions.
and of all the people to call out for it...John McCain :lol: Not to mention, it was AQ in Yemen and the retard said ISIS

I caught that too. Plus the whole immigrant ban = deterring lone wolf threats... its like the most cowardly and stupid thing ever. When did "we can't let them affect our way of of life or they win" die? Did anyone send the memo to NYC and other metro areas? 'Cause we're here, and we're not staying home fearful of the next attack.
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