The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Can't wait for the state of the Union address. I bet he just starts listing of names of people that he has beef with for fifteen minutes while bill Clintons dick whistles and the lady that blames Hillary for letting her rapist get away sits in the balcony as his guest of honor.
This is my uncle to a T. Evangelical and retired military. It's like he thinks we should use the US armed forces for a crusade or something.

The only question left is whether he'd be the first to volunteer... Thankfully most of the men that ever get stars on their shoulders don't think of the role of the military under a Republic to be as such.
SOURCE: 'Tracking Poll': February 02-04, 2017, used by trump to make his claim on people who endorse his immigration plan:

TRUMP already lost huge trust from his '47%'

- This is the big one: 30% of people who voted for Trump think America is going in wrong track

- 60% total voters think America heading in wrong track (32% of republicans, 82% Democrats)

- People who favour his policies most (50% right track) are Evangelicals, Military

- Most frustrated (70% wrong track): students, African America, Unemployed, Jewish

- 70% believe America heading in wrong track for Health Care, Medicare, Women’s Issues

I'd love to work in the democrat ad agency .. could make fantastic ads from this!

"Liberals, yes we always lose but hey we are still smarter"
The only question left is whether he'd be the first to volunteer... Thankfully most of the men that ever get stars on their shoulders don't think of the role of the military under a Republic to be as such.
And that's the kicker. Most likely not. He did 4 tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. He's burnt out on the actual fighting but is gung-ho to send a new generation kill in to get some action.

My cousin is cut from the same cloth. Just finished at Parris Island for the Marines. It's like he's hoping they get sent somewhere.
No, you would hope not, but the timings do seem to fit. Be interesting to see if anyone else picks up on it. The same as this...............

Has Dworkin gone off the deep end here? I can't see anything about this anywhere else. Saying that, everything else he releases is usually spot on, the Dworkin Report is good journalism and he's been relentless gathering info on Trump. Literally thousands of pages about his business dealings, bank records etc.

The last figure I saw was he was taking 2 a week, Obama used to take up to two or three a day, but at least one.

What did the missing Tweet say?
And that's the kicker. Most likely not. He did 4 tours in Afghanistan and Iraq. He's burnt out on the actual fighting but is gung-ho to send a new generation kill in to get some action.

My cousin is cut from the same cloth. Just finished at Parris Island for the Marines. It's like he's hoping they get sent somewhere.

I'm not arsed to find it now, but there was the survey data on the support for each candidate but split by service and officer x enlisted. Navy and Air Force were higher Hillary share than Army and Marines (don't remember if she led in any of the two, maybe Navy), but also especially among officers she did a lot better than in enlisted.

I understand the value of the traditional gung-ho attitude of the USMC especially, and also Army infantry. That they are unafraid of a fight is necessary for them to be as effective as we want them to be. But I just wish somehow they'd take a look all the way up and realize what their leaders like Marshall, Eisenhower, Powell, and today Mattis and Petraeus are saying. There's no real victory to be had in fighting every fight you see out there.
What did the missing Tweet say?

As answered above, it said that Trump could be charged with War Crimes, the fact he has removed it makes me wonder about the validity of the first tweet. I have been searching for a while now and still can't find evidence of 16 women and children being killed in the raid.
Out of interest, why are Jews polling as being very anti Trump?

Does not make sense to me, given his massively pro Israel stance and his now converted Jewish daughter and son in law.
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Out of interest, why are Jews polling as being very anti Trump?

Does not make sense to me, given his massively pro Israel stance and his now converted Jewish daughter and son in law.

Trump himself is massively pro-Israel but he does have a figure like Bannon as one of his main men. The Jewish contingent in just about any nation know better than anyone perhaps what it's like to be on the receiving end of hatred and vitriol, and I'd imagine a lot of them feel deeply uncomfortable with aspects of Trump's rhetoric.
I just wish somehow they'd take a look all the way up and realize what their leaders like Marshall, Eisenhower, Powell, and today Mattis and Petraeus are saying. There's no real victory to be had in fighting every fight you see out there.
Couldn't agree more here. Ike himself warned us about the military industrial complex. We didn't listen.
Out of interest, why are Jews polling as being very anti Trump?

Does not make sense to me, given his massively pro Israel stance and his now converted Jewish daughter and son in law.

Bannon and bullshit. Trump's speech to the Pro-Israel Lobby the Republican Jewish Coalition before the election was panned for being (as usual) egotistical and a load of transparent bullshit and also extremely offensive and full of stereotypes. He actually said to them that they probably wouldn't vote for him because they couldn't buy him. He also insinuated that RJC had already bought off Jeb Bush through donations so they wouldn't vote for Trump because Jeb was their guy. The audience also apparently thought that Trumps speech proved he was only going to look after one person if elected, himself, so he couldn't be trusted and he would always put himself first before anyone else.

I also think Trump's strong ties to Bannon don't help, Bannon being a well know anti-Semite and being Trump's right hand man probably doesn't go down well at all.

In other Trump news...

OUCH! Not good, not good at all.

Sessions confirmed (to being a racist cnut)

It also wouldn't surprise me one bit if under Sessions the investigations regarding FIFA will be burried and the US get in turn rewarded with a WC or an important position in FIFA.
Bill designed to fail but entertaining thought it would go through ...


An open letter to President Trump on the dollar and the U.S. economy

Let's get this out of the way to avoid even the slightest possibility of a 3 a.m. phone call.

In the interest of doing my duty as a concerned American, let me take the baton from General Flynn and try to answer the question:

Hello, President Trump? Hello? Are you working the phone buttons correctly? Great! Okay, so I have two answers to your question about the effect of the dollar on the U.S. economy. First, actual economist Justin Wolfers offers the short Econ 101 answer to your question:

"The answer: A strong dollar makes foreign stuff cheap (yay!), and stuff we make expensive for foreigners (boo!). Depends on what you want."

— Justin Wolfers (@JustinWolfers) February 8, 2017

As someone who has been delving into how your chief adviser’s economic policies will affect the American economy, however, I’d like to offer an important addendum to Wolfers’s answer: Almost everything you are thinking of doing as president will cause a stronger dollar.
Out of interest, why are Jews polling as being very anti Trump?

Does not make sense to me, given his massively pro Israel stance and his now converted Jewish daughter and son in law.

American Jews tend to be liberal on social issues and on a spectrum on economic issues, with a lot of left-leaning types (and explicit left-wingers, I'm looking at you Chomsky). In Haaretz there were some articles about Trump's ban reminding some Jews of the US turning away Jewish refugees in the 30s and 40s, but those are the Jews already critical of Israel - a small minority.
In Haaretz there were some articles about Trump's ban reminding some Jews of the US turning away Jewish refugees in the 30s and 40s,
I actually brought that up at lunch a few days ago. It was part of my counter to someone defending the ban by saying "if someone was at my door I wouldn't just let them in my house"
"if someone was at my door I wouldn't just let them in my house"

That's such a ridiculous analogy though, and also it shows how mean spirited most people have become. I'm sorry, but if someone turned up at my door and had told me they ran away from their country to avoid being raped or murdered or to avoid being bombed or tortured, I'm pretty sure I would at least offer them a drink and some food and try to help them get a place to stay. But it's not likely to happen is it? So the hypothetical doesn't really work, nor does it make much sense. It really irks me that so many so called Christian people have become so self righteous yet they betray all the morals and teachings that they are supposed to hold dear.
That's such a ridiculous analogy though, and also it shows how mean spirited most people have become. I'm sorry, but if someone turned up at my door and had told me they ran away from their country to avoid being raped or murdered or to avoid being bombed or tortured, I'm pretty sure I would at least offer them a drink and some food and try to help them get a place to stay. But it's not likely to happen is it? So the hypothetical doesn't really work, nor does it make much sense. It really irks me that so many so called Christian people have become so self righteous yet they betray all the morals and teachings that they are supposed to hold dear.
You nailed my response to a T there. I even threw in a "what would Jesus do?" since the person actually is a "devout Christian".

He told me I was being unreasonable.
You nailed my response to a T there. I even threw in a "what would Jesus do?" since the person actually is a "devout Christian".

He told me I was being unreasonable.

That's just so sad, these people are not Christians, they just aren't. And the nerve to call you unreasonable, I bet he said it without the slightest hint of irony too?
In other Trump news...

OUCH! Not good, not good at all.

Won't matter to Trump supporters. In the real world, this is another tweet that gets buried.

Also, I've seen posts earlier that said Trump was polling lower than when he took charge - again, these wouldn't matter in the real world. The self righteous nutjobs would still side with him irrespective of what opinions are formed by the rest of the sane populace.
Won't matter to Trump supporters. In the real world, this is another tweet that gets buried.

Also, I've seen posts earlier that said Trump was polling lower than when he took charge - again, these wouldn't matter in the real world. The self righteous nutjobs would still side with him irrespective of what opinions are formed by the rest of the sane populace.

In a way you are right, but in a way also you are wrong. Trump is losing supporters by the minute, he's embarrassing his country and like with his Tweet about Ivanka today, he's abusing his powers too. Only yesterday he had over 100 Christians demonstrate against him, admittedly this is all a bit too late, but it clearly shows the tide is turning. He will become too toxic to support soon, or he will go too far with the abuse of his powers. You are right in saying his core nutters won't care, but it wasn't just them who got him elected. College educated kids did, and so did a lot of women voters, and surprisingly so did a lot of minority voters too. Those are now the ones leaving him in droves, soon all he will be left with are the nutters, the right wing loons and the racists. When that happens then things will quickly start turning against him. Also, there is only so much humiliation people will take.

The Republicans have sold their souls so far and many are biting their tongues, but the tide will change, they will only take so much. Just look at the Judge Trump nominated for the Supreme Court, he's already come out and condemned Trump today. On top of that KellyAnne Conway's interview on CNN a couple of nights ago was clearly her saving her own arse and protecting her future. There's no way she was speaking for the President, that whole interview was self preservation. Yet more proof of disharmony in the Trump camp.

@Carolina Red @Raoul

Some good news for a change and some common sense prevails. I remember the outrage this caused in here when these laws were first passed. Despicable stuff from the Republicans, I just hope this holds up in the long run.
Claiming that Trump should/could be charged with war crimes

As answered above, it said that Trump could be charged with War Crimes, the fact he has removed it makes me wonder about the validity of the first tweet. I have been searching for a while now and still can't find evidence of 16 women and children being killed in the raid.

Well if he's guilty of war crimes for one raid in Yemen, then so are his three predecessors.

Out of interest, why are Jews polling as being very anti Trump?

Does not make sense to me, given his massively pro Israel stance and his now converted Jewish daughter and son in law.

Have you considered that Jews are capable of taking political positions independently of their views on Israel?
Well if he's guilty of war crimes for one raid in Yemen, then so are his three predecessors.

Have you considered that Jews are capable of taking political positions independently of their views on Israel?

And every single US president of the Cold War too...
Single videos have been posted but I haven't seen here yet the website that gathers many (or all) of them in the 'Who wants to be second?' competition.

Click this page. It's huge. Like Donald's hand. It's the funniest website in the world! Believe us! or

I noted that the video of Ostfriesland, which is a small coastal region in Germany's North-West, is missing but the German one is hilarious, including these lines:
'Great politicians. A great leader, so smart, great hair, great suit. Look at his suit. He made Germany great again. The media totally loved him! Wrote only nice things about him. Great guy. Total winner. His book - a bestseller. It's true. Steve Bannon absolutely loves him.'
'Germany hosted two world wars in the last 100 years. They were the best world wars in the world, and we won both of them. Bigly. Anyone who says anything else is fake news.'
'We built a great German wall. Just built it, and we made the Russians pay for it. It's true! People were literally dying for the wall. People in Germany love walls. We actually cried when after 28 years the wall got torn down by David Hasselhoff.'

Great job so far in stepping up the effort in tackling Islamic Militants, Donald.

Yemen Withdraws Permission for U.S. Antiterror Ground Missions
From the New York Times:

Angry at the civilian casualties incurred last month in the first commando raid authorized by President Trump, Yemen has withdrawn permission for the United States to run Special Operations ground missions against suspected terror groups in the country, according to American officials.

Grisly photographs of children apparently killed in the crossfire of a 50-minute firefight during the raid caused outrage in Yemen. A member of the Navy’s SEAL Team 6, Chief Petty Officer William Owens, was also killed in the operation.

While the White House continues to insist that the attack was a “success” — a characterization it repeated on Tuesday — the suspension of commando operations is a setback for Mr. Trump, who has made it clear he plans to take a far more aggressive approach against Islamic militants.

It also calls into question whether the Pentagon will receive permission from the president for far more autonomy in selecting and executing its counterterrorism missions in Yemen, which it sought, unsuccessfully, from President Barack Obama in the last months of his presidency.
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Can someone please explain this?


I have a chance to embarass myself on the interpretation here but to me it sounds like Trump can reject Laws and those ''rejected laws'' can only be overturned by Congress?

Also am I right in saying the proposal of laws have to be passed by the supreme court, and they can declare it unconstitutional but Trump is able to just put whatever Judge he wants until he gets his way?
Single videos have been posted but I haven't seen here yet the website that gathers many (or all) of them in the 'Who wants to be second?' competition.

I noted that the video of Ostfriesland, which is a small coastal region in Germany's North-West, is missing but the German one is hilarious, including these lines:
'Great politicians. A great leader, so smart, great hair, great suit. Look at his suit. He made Germany great again. The media totally loved him! Wrote only nice things about him. Great guy. Total winner. His book - a bestseller. It's true. Steve Bannon absolutely loves him.'
'Germany hosted two world wars in the last 100 years. They were the best world wars in the world, and we won both of them. Bigly. Anyone who says anything else is fake news.'
'We built a great German wall. Just built it, and we made the Russians pay for it. It's true! People were literally dying for the wall. People in Germany love walls. We actually cried when after 28 years the wall got torn down by David Hasselhoff.'

The Morocco one is on point.

Can someone please explain this?


I have a chance to embarass myself on the interpretation here but to me it sounds like Trump can reject Laws and those ''rejected laws'' can only be overturned by Congress?

Also am I right in saying the proposal of laws have to be passed by the supreme court, and they can declare it unconstitutional but Trump is able to just put whatever Judge he wants until he gets his way?
POTUS can veto a law passed by Congress but then the Congress can vote to override that veto but it requires a 2/3 majority in both Houses.

Can someone please explain this?


I have a chance to embarass myself on the interpretation here but to me it sounds like Trump can reject Laws and those ''rejected laws'' can only be overturned by Congress?

Also am I right in saying the proposal of laws have to be passed by the supreme court, and they can declare it unconstitutional but Trump is able to just put whatever Judge he wants until he gets his way?

The supreme court normally have 9 judges that are appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate. In principal, they are appointed for life.
I really, really hope this all backfires on the Republicans.

The ideal, and not completely infeasible scenario is the Republican's losing a huge amount of public support from swing voters who in turn view the Senate and Congress as the only way of controlling and reducing Trump's devastating influence on their country. If the Democrats can then steal house and congress on the back of public outrage at Trump's actions, and can then follow it up with a Democrat President a couple of years later America could finally see the progressive change Obama had promised and tried to achieve only to be blocked at every single step.
POTUS can veto a law passed by Congress but then the Congress can vote to override that veto but it requires a 2/3 majority in both Houses.
To add on...

The Supreme Court can declare laws passed by Congress and signed by the President to be unconstitutional only if someone brings a court case to the SCOTUS.

Lower federal courts can execute the same function, with the caveat that the ruling can be appealed to the next highest level of the federal court system. Once it is decided by SCOTUS though, it's essentially final, unless one day SCOTUS overturns itself (e.g. Plessy v. Ferguson -> Brown v. Board of Education)
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