The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Well I just told him it was most likely all BS and he seems to be a nut job

And my colleague just said "what about all the emails, they have proof"

Then I took a fake call

In fairness I have not listened to enough of it to respond properly

There's also proof that the Lockness Monster is "real".
Guy in my office just sent me a link to Alex Jones on Joe Rogan podcast. Told me I would have to listen to it. He really seems to have believed every word.

Im in work and just skipped through it. I heard points about baths of blood and other crazy stuff

How do I respond to him when he asks me my opinin but be polite about it?

I knew very little of Alex Jones except he is a big conspiracy theory bloke who thinks 911 was an inside job

i rarely listen to Joe Rogan show, but it seemed to me that he was going along with the stuff he was saying?
Ask him if he believes Sandy Hook was an Obummer set up.
Joe Rogan has this incredible ability to make me want to pull my ears out even when listening to him interview someone I genuinely like. He's incredibly naive and almost always exaggerates to prove his point.
It probably is. There's nothing he's demonstrated to date that shows any level of understanding or nuances on economics.

He's a glorified landlord and reality TV star.

I hate the notion of business men in government being some sort of guarantee of efficiency or rationality. Maybe a good one... maybe. But once you're in business you find that there's fewer good ones than bad ones! And people assume they know economics? Again, the good ones might. A lot of business men don't really, and you can regularly find them saying stuff that an Econ undergrad could point out as incorrect per mainstream theory.
Sorry if anyone's shared this beauty already:

While the Hollande call on Jan. 28 did touch on pressing matters between the two countries — namely the fight against the Islamic State — Trump also used the exchange to vent about his personal fixations, including his belief that the United States is being taken advantage of by China and by international bodies like NATO, the official said.

At one point, Trump declared that the French can continue protecting NATO, but that the U.S. “wants our money back,” the official said, adding that Trump seemed to be “obsessing over money."

“It was a difficult conversation, because he talks like he’s speaking publicly,” the official said. “It's not the usual way heads of state speak to each other. He speaks with slogans and the conversation was not completely organized.”
What a ridiculous and pathetic, not to mention completely false statement. You should be embarrassed you even wrote something so moronic. Yes England has its fair share of problems, and there are parts that need considerable help, both financially and socially, but to label the entire country as a cesspit is one of the most stupid, offensive and incorrect posts I have seen on this site and that's saying something. England is also one of the most beautiful countries in the world, not to mention historical, hence why it's one of the most visited countries in the world. But yeah, cesspit innit. Well done.

You should be embarrassed that you're so proud to be English, we have absolutely naff all to be proud of.

The North West is filled full of identikit towns and cities with identical shops that are either chain stores, charity shops, e-cig shops or simply vacant. Most of the buildings are 60's and 70's brutalist grey concrete or brick blocks, the inhabitants of most of the towns look like rejects from Chernobyl decked in the latest sporting apparel spitting, swearing and generally looking every inch the stereotypical chav. The pavements covered in chewing gum, litter and gobs of spit because nobody gives a shit about this country if you're living in one of these places. There are factories in the background of each one producing wonderful plumes of pollution into the sky contributing to the overall dullness. Poverty and unhappiness abound everywhere you look, violence and crime everywhere you look. All nicely ringfenced by identikit retail parks where you find the same shops and same eateries everywhere too. It's no wonder footballers families of those who come to play for United and City get bored of the place.

Hell, look at the areas around Old Trafford. Yeah you've got some fancy office buildings and the Quays/Media City are pretty nice but beyond that? Horrible council estates blighting the landscape (and that's not a slight on anyone who lives on a council estate, just the architecture), industrial parks and wasteland.

Of course, spots like the Lake District, Peak District, Cotswolds and Somerset, Devon and Cornwall have some lovely scenery and quaint little villages and towns but from travelling all over the country, there's no romanticism about the people here nor the state of the average towns and cities we live in. Let's face it too, the areas of beauty aren't exactly the Alps, or anything truly special, they're just nice green bits in the midst of awful grey and grown bits.

London is our capital city and is filled full of historical places and some lovely buildings but also equally an absolute shithole. The same brutalist concrete tower blocks and inner city poverty prevalent everywhere. The same litter, spit and dirt everywhere. The same pollution everywhere. The same chain stores everywhere. The same unhappiness and impoliteness and general air of people grinding out their lives in utter shite everywhere

It's a fecking cesspit. When I went to Krakow we spoke to plenty of the locals and they asked why on earth would we come to visit Poland to which we asked them, why on earth do you come to England because it's a bloody awful place.
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Guy in my office just sent me a link to Alex Jones on Joe Rogan podcast. Told me I would have to listen to it. He really seems to have believed every word.

Im in work and just skipped through it. I heard points about baths of blood and other crazy stuff

How do I respond to him when he asks me my opinin but be polite about it?

I knew very little of Alex Jones except he is a big conspiracy theory bloke who thinks 911 was an inside job

i rarely listen to Joe Rogan show, but it seemed to me that he was going along with the stuff he was saying?

Tell him that Alex Jones believes Beyonce eats babies, that Hillary and Obama are literally demons, and that the world is run by a group of owl-worshiping illuminati.
Guy in my office just sent me a link to Alex Jones on Joe Rogan podcast. Told me I would have to listen to it. He really seems to have believed every word.

Im in work and just skipped through it. I heard points about baths of blood and other crazy stuff

How do I respond to him when he asks me my opinin but be polite about it?

I knew very little of Alex Jones except he is a big conspiracy theory bloke who thinks 911 was an inside job

i rarely listen to Joe Rogan show, but it seemed to me that he was going along with the stuff he was saying?
:lol: go the other way with it, try to see how much he's willing to believe.

Tell him that Alex Jones believes Beyonce eats babies, that Hillary and Obama are literally demons, and that the world is run by a group of owl-worshiping illuminati.
That's, erm, what?
You should be embarrassed that you're so proud to be English, we have absolutely naff all to be proud of.

The North West is filled full of identikit towns and cities with identical shops that are either chain stores, charity shops, e-cig shops or simply vacant. Most of the buildings are 60's and 70's brutalist grey concrete or brick blocks, the inhabitants of most of the towns look like rejects from Chernobyl decked in the latest sporting apparel spitting, swearing and generally looking every inch the stereotypical chav. The pavements covered in chewing gum, litter and gobs of spit because nobody gives a shit about this country if you're living in one of these places. There are factories in the background of each one producing wonderful plumes of pollution into the sky contributing to the overall dullness. Poverty and unhappiness abound everywhere you look, violence and crime everywhere you look. All nicely ringfenced by identikit retail parks where you find the same shops and same eateries everywhere too. It's no wonder footballers families of those who come to play for United and City get bored of the place.

Hell, look at the areas around Old Trafford. Yeah you've got some fancy office buildings and the Quays/Media City are pretty nice but beyond that? Horrible council estates blighting the landscape (and that's not a slight on anyone who lives on a council estate, just the architecture), industrial parks and wasteland.

Of course, spots like the Lake District, Peak District, Cotswolds and Somerset, Devon and Cornwall have some lovely scenery and quaint little villages and towns but from travelling all over the country, there's no romanticism about the people here nor the state of the average towns and cities we live in. Let's face it too, the areas of beauty aren't exactly the Alps, or anything truly special, they're just nice green bits in the midst of awful grey and grown bits.

London is our capital city and is filled full of historical places and some lovely buildings but also equally an absolute shithole. The same brutalist concrete tower blocks and inner city poverty prevalent everywhere. The same litter, spit and dirt everywhere. The same pollution everywhere. The same chain stores everywhere. The same unhappiness and impoliteness and general air of people grinding out their lives in utter shite everywhere

It's a fecking cesspit. When I went to Krakow we spoke to plenty of the locals and they asked why on earth would we come to visit Poland to which we asked them, why on earth do you come to England because it's a bloody awful place.
That's one of the most ignorant and dumb things I've ever read.
I think @matherto is saying he'd much rather live here:

You should be embarrassed that you're so proud to be English, we have absolutely naff all to be proud of.

The North West is filled full of identikit towns and cities with identical shops that are either chain stores, charity shops, e-cig shops or simply vacant. Most of the buildings are 60's and 70's brutalist grey concrete or brick blocks, the inhabitants of most of the towns look like rejects from Chernobyl decked in the latest sporting apparel spitting, swearing and generally looking every inch the stereotypical chav. The pavements covered in chewing gum, litter and gobs of spit because nobody gives a shit about this country if you're living in one of these places. There are factories in the background of each one producing wonderful plumes of pollution into the sky contributing to the overall dullness. Poverty and unhappiness abound everywhere you look, violence and crime everywhere you look. All nicely ringfenced by identikit retail parks where you find the same shops and same eateries everywhere too. It's no wonder footballers families of those who come to play for United and City get bored of the place.

Hell, look at the areas around Old Trafford. Yeah you've got some fancy office buildings and the Quays/Media City are pretty nice but beyond that? Horrible council estates blighting the landscape (and that's not a slight on anyone who lives on a council estate, just the architecture), industrial parks and wasteland.

Of course, spots like the Lake District, Peak District, Cotswolds and Somerset, Devon and Cornwall have some lovely scenery and quaint little villages and towns but from travelling all over the country, there's no romanticism about the people here nor the state of the average towns and cities we live in. Let's face it too, the areas of beauty aren't exactly the Alps, or anything truly special, they're just nice green bits in the midst of awful grey and grown bits.

London is our capital city and is filled full of historical places and some lovely buildings but also equally an absolute shithole. The same brutalist concrete tower blocks and inner city poverty prevalent everywhere. The same litter, spit and dirt everywhere. The same pollution everywhere. The same chain stores everywhere. The same unhappiness and impoliteness and general air of people grinding out their lives in utter shite everywhere

It's a fecking cesspit. When I went to Krakow we spoke to plenty of the locals and they asked why on earth would we come to visit Poland to which we asked them, why on earth do you come to England because it's a bloody awful place.

Eh? London is a fantastic place, one of the few truly world-class cities. I've lived in Miami, Dubai, Boston, New York and London over the last 6 years, and London trumps all of those cities.
That's one of the most ignorant and dumb things I've ever read.

Manchester wouldn't look like it does now with all the new buildings if the IRA hadn't blown it to bits in 1996. The Arndale was a godawful looking place beforehand and now it just looks like lipstick on a pig. Our default response nowadays s slowly replacing the grey brutalism with glass and metal everywhere instead but everywhere literally looks like it's designed by the same person. Every town is the same, there's no individuality whatsoever. Twin towns in other countries aren't bloody needed because we could just list the rest of the country here on the signs for each town because it all looks similar.

Look at the shops inside the Arndale and tell me they're any different to the ones in the Trafford Centre, or any different to the ones in Liverpool or Warrington's Golden Square or smaller versions if they're even still open where I'm from in St. Helens look at the majority of shops in the city centre full stop, they're the same as everywhere else. Yeah you have a bunch of small independent shops too and Affleck's is one of my favourite places to visit and literally never buy a thing from but there's nothing special about Manchester whatsoever.

That extends outwards to the rest of the country. The Midlands is industrial and grey, the south is industrial and grey, the north is industrial and grey.

There are places like I mentioned of beauty and quaintness and traditionalism, the kind of places that play up to the stereotype of England (or indeed Britain as a whole) on television shows and films but for the most part we're an ugly country filled with ugly people with ugly attitudes.

Scotland, Wales and Ireland get more slack because there's much more green and they have better accents, England is fecking awful.

Anywhere that isn't a tourist spot is just council estates, tower blocks, business parks, retail parks and traffic jams. What's to be proud of? England is the definition of keeping up appearances.
Guy in my office just sent me a link to Alex Jones on Joe Rogan podcast. Told me I would have to listen to it. He really seems to have believed every word.

Im in work and just skipped through it. I heard points about baths of blood and other crazy stuff

How do I respond to him when he asks me my opinin but be polite about it?

I knew very little of Alex Jones except he is a big conspiracy theory bloke who thinks 911 was an inside job

i rarely listen to Joe Rogan show, but it seemed to me that he was going along with the stuff he was saying?
Show him the Alex Jones video on the reptilian master race and tell him you think the boss is a reptile.
Manchester wouldn't look like it does now with all the new buildings if the IRA hadn't blown it to bits in 1996. The Arndale was a godawful looking place beforehand and now it just looks like lipstick on a pig. Our default response nowadays s slowly replacing the grey brutalism with glass and metal everywhere instead but everywhere literally looks like it's designed by the same person. Every town is the same, there's no individuality whatsoever. Twin towns in other countries aren't bloody needed because we could just list the rest of the country here on the signs for each town because it all looks similar.

Look at the shops inside the Arndale and tell me they're any different to the ones in the Trafford Centre, or any different to the ones in Liverpool or Warrington's Golden Square or smaller versions if they're even still open where I'm from in St. Helens look at the majority of shops in the city centre full stop, they're the same as everywhere else. Yeah you have a bunch of small independent shops too and Affleck's is one of my favourite places to visit and literally never buy a thing from but there's nothing special about Manchester whatsoever.

That extends outwards to the rest of the country. The Midlands is industrial and grey, the south is industrial and grey, the north is industrial and grey.

There are places like I mentioned of beauty and quaintness and traditionalism, the kind of places that play up to the stereotype of England (or indeed Britain as a whole) on television shows and films but for the most part we're an ugly country filled with ugly people with ugly attitudes.

Scotland, Wales and Ireland get more slack because there's much more green and they have better accents, England is fecking awful.

Anywhere that isn't a tourist spot is just council estates, tower blocks, business parks, retail parks and traffic jams. What's to be proud of? England is the definition of keeping up appearances.
You're on a roll.
The New York Times ‏@nytimes
Trump's White House is working on an order that would direct future ISIS detainees to Guantánamo, document shows

Obama failed to close this down and now it'll never be closed.
Obama closing GITMO is like trump repealing ACA. It sounds a nice sound bite to the base supporters but it's not exactly something that you can do as you step foot into the white house. Its so messy politically that its almost best left how it is with just minor improvements. I dont think GITMO or the concept of it will ever go away as the alternative is almost worse.
Obama closing GITMO is like trump repealing ACA. It sounds a nice sound bite to the base supporters but it's not exactly something that you can do as you step foot into the white house. Its so messy politically that its almost best left how it is with just minor improvements. I dont think GITMO or the concept of it will ever go away as the alternative is almost worse.
The alternative in this instance wasn't worse....if you're speaking of rendition or abuses - well, all of that happened at GITMO and there was next to no accountability.
Obama closing GITMO is like trump repealing ACA. It sounds a nice sound bite to the base supporters but it's not exactly something that you can do as you step foot into the white house. Its so messy politically that its almost best left how it is with just minor improvements. I dont think GITMO or the concept of it will ever go away as the alternative is almost worse.

I think Obama actually went to great lengths to get it accomplished by relocating more than half the detainees from there.
Manchester wouldn't look like it does now with all the new buildings if the IRA hadn't blown it to bits in 1996. The Arndale was a godawful looking place beforehand and now it just looks like lipstick on a pig. Our default response nowadays s slowly replacing the grey brutalism with glass and metal everywhere instead but everywhere literally looks like it's designed by the same person. Every town is the same, there's no individuality whatsoever. Twin towns in other countries aren't bloody needed because we could just list the rest of the country here on the signs for each town because it all looks similar.

Look at the shops inside the Arndale and tell me they're any different to the ones in the Trafford Centre, or any different to the ones in Liverpool or Warrington's Golden Square or smaller versions if they're even still open where I'm from in St. Helens look at the majority of shops in the city centre full stop, they're the same as everywhere else. Yeah you have a bunch of small independent shops too and Affleck's is one of my favourite places to visit and literally never buy a thing from but there's nothing special about Manchester whatsoever.

That extends outwards to the rest of the country. The Midlands is industrial and grey, the south is industrial and grey, the north is industrial and grey.

There are places like I mentioned of beauty and quaintness and traditionalism, the kind of places that play up to the stereotype of England (or indeed Britain as a whole) on television shows and films but for the most part we're an ugly country filled with ugly people with ugly attitudes.

Scotland, Wales and Ireland get more slack because there's much more green and they have better accents, England is fecking awful.

Anywhere that isn't a tourist spot is just council estates, tower blocks, business parks, retail parks and traffic jams. What's to be proud of? England is the definition of keeping up appearances.

I think you need a ride
The alternative in this instance wasn't worse....if you're speaking of rendition or abuses - well, all of that happened at GITMO and there was next to no accountability.

I meant closing it and then having to actually give the detains rights and relocating them elsewhere. Its a funny old thing. A place lite GITMO is needed in a way. It may not be what the liberals want but some of the detainees are better off situated there, and for the united states avoiding due process for high level captives makes much more sense than having to carry them to the mainland. The treatment they had was almost close to war crimes in my opinion. That is what should have changed. Humain treatment
I think Obama actually went to great lengths to get it accomplished by relocating more than half the detainees from there.
he did re locate alot but as i said in my post above some just could not be relocated. And some just are better off for the US and its justice dept if they stay where they are imo. It is essentially a necessary evil.
The approval ratings are still way too high but at least they are going into the right direction.

A Morning Consult/Politico poll released on Wednesday found that 47 percent of voters approve of Trump’s job performance, down from 49 percent in the same poll the previous week.

Trump’s disapproval rating has also increased from 41 percent to 46 percent.

Disappointing and concerning though that the approval ratings of the travel ban are so high.
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