The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Guy in my office just sent me a link to Alex Jones on Joe Rogan podcast. Told me I would have to listen to it. He really seems to have believed every word.

Im in work and just skipped through it. I heard points about baths of blood and other crazy stuff

How do I respond to him when he asks me my opinin but be polite about it?

I knew very little of Alex Jones except he is a big conspiracy theory bloke who thinks 911 was an inside job

i rarely listen to Joe Rogan show, but it seemed to me that he was going along with the stuff he was saying?
Rogan use to be a fake moon guy, there a video somewhere on youtube on Neil De tyson slowly explaining to Rogan why the moon landings conspiracy is a load of shite.

As for Alex Jones I can't help but like the guy, he's the human embodiment of a Kojima game.
If someone made a donald or denald quiz, I'd fail it spectacularly.
Me too. I wish Denald would tweet more often. It would make The Narcissist's tweets more bearable.

"As Christian pastors and leaders, we are deeply concerned by the recently announced moratorium on refugee resettlement," the evangelicals' advertisement says. "As Christians, we have a historic call expressed over two thousand years, to serve the suffering. We cannot abandon this call now."
The North West is filled full of identikit towns and cities with identical shops that are either chain stores, charity shops, e-cig shops or simply vacant. Most of the buildings are 60's and 70's brutalist grey concrete or brick blocks, the inhabitants of most of the towns look like rejects from Chernobyl decked in the latest sporting apparel spitting, swearing and generally looking every inch the stereotypical chav. The pavements covered in chewing gum, litter and gobs of spit because nobody gives a shit about this country if you're living in one of these places. There are factories in the background of each one producing wonderful plumes of pollution into the sky contributing to the overall dullness. Poverty and unhappiness abound everywhere you look, violence and crime everywhere you look. All nicely ringfenced by identikit retail parks where you find the same shops and same eateries everywhere too. It's no wonder footballers families of those who come to play for United and City get bored of the place.

:lol: Funny joke
I'm sure Donald's tweet will go down well with those whose children are sleeping outside on cardboard tonight.
The north west of England is a bit shite, to be fair.

Even Donald knew better, opting to have his lovely golf course in Scotland.
Trump reportedly called Flynn at 3AM to ask if a weak dollar is better or a strong dollar is better. Good luck America, you really done fecked up now.

As an Economics graduate, I don't even know what to say. What a fecking buffoon.

The President of the US has less knowledge of Economics than a student with a GCSE in it.
He's whining about obstruction :lol:
Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump
It is a disgrace that my full Cabinet is still not in place, the longest such delay in the history of our country. Obstruction by Democrats!

To be honest I don't think Obama spoke out enough about the obstruction he experienced on every single issue. I guess that if he did it would have just ramped up further.
He's whining about obstruction :lol:
Donald J. Trump‏ @realDonaldTrump
It is a disgrace that my full Cabinet is still not in place, the longest such delay in the history of our country. Obstruction by Democrats!
It's not even true.

Clinton - Janet Reno didn't get approved until March
Dubya - had 4 people confirmed in March
Obama - one as late as Feb 24th (he had a couple of others - but that was due to people dropping out etc etc)
You should be embarrassed that you're so proud to be English, we have absolutely naff all to be proud of.

The North West is filled full of identikit towns and cities with identical shops that are either chain stores, charity shops, e-cig shops or simply vacant. Most of the buildings are 60's and 70's brutalist grey concrete or brick blocks, the inhabitants of most of the towns look like rejects from Chernobyl decked in the latest sporting apparel spitting, swearing and generally looking every inch the stereotypical chav. The pavements covered in chewing gum, litter and gobs of spit because nobody gives a shit about this country if you're living in one of these places. There are factories in the background of each one producing wonderful plumes of pollution into the sky contributing to the overall dullness. Poverty and unhappiness abound everywhere you look, violence and crime everywhere you look. All nicely ringfenced by identikit retail parks where you find the same shops and same eateries everywhere too. It's no wonder footballers families of those who come to play for United and City get bored of the place.

Hell, look at the areas around Old Trafford. Yeah you've got some fancy office buildings and the Quays/Media City are pretty nice but beyond that? Horrible council estates blighting the landscape (and that's not a slight on anyone who lives on a council estate, just the architecture), industrial parks and wasteland.

Of course, spots like the Lake District, Peak District, Cotswolds and Somerset, Devon and Cornwall have some lovely scenery and quaint little villages and towns but from travelling all over the country, there's no romanticism about the people here nor the state of the average towns and cities we live in. Let's face it too, the areas of beauty aren't exactly the Alps, or anything truly special, they're just nice green bits in the midst of awful grey and grown bits.

London is our capital city and is filled full of historical places and some lovely buildings but also equally an absolute shithole. The same brutalist concrete tower blocks and inner city poverty prevalent everywhere. The same litter, spit and dirt everywhere. The same pollution everywhere. The same chain stores everywhere. The same unhappiness and impoliteness and general air of people grinding out their lives in utter shite everywhere

It's a fecking cesspit. When I went to Krakow we spoke to plenty of the locals and they asked why on earth would we come to visit Poland to which we asked them, why on earth do you come to England because it's a bloody awful place.

is this the twentyfirst century version of the road to wigan pier
It's not even true.

Clinton - Janet Reno didn't get approved until March
Dubya - had 4 people confirmed in March
Obama - one as late as Feb 24th (he had a couple of others - but that was due to people dropping out etc etc)

This is misleading. Clinton had two nominees who were forced to drop out due to nanny/housekeeper tax issues, which is why Reno wasn't confirmed til much later.
This is misleading. Clinton had two nominees who were forced to drop out due to nanny/housekeeper tax issues, which is why Reno wasn't confirmed til much later.
- Reno was nominated on the 11th of Feb and got approved on the 12th of March - it still took them an entire month.

As for Trump, how many presidents have had their entire cabinet in place within 19 days of taking office? Not to mention, even if the Dems rubber stamped everyone....His nominee for Army Secretary withdrew last week. So, he was as is his trademark - lying.

No wait...we don't call the President a liar, we say....he's dealing with a different set of facts.
- Reno was nominated on the 11th of Feb and got approved on the 12th of March - it still took them an entire month.

As for Trump, how many presidents have had their entire cabinet in place within 19 days of taking office? Not to mention, even if the Dems rubber stamped everyone....His nominee for Army Secretary withdrew last week. So, he was as is his trademark - lying.

No wait...we don't call the President a liar, we say....he's dealing with a different set of facts.

The point is the Dems should not get too carried away with their base energizing obstructionism as they don't have the votes to deny any of Trump's nominees. Its best to let them start their jobs and then take them on based on their policy mistakes, instead of basically repeat the same type of obstructionism the GOP did a few years ago.
The point is the Dems should not get too carried away with their base energizing obstructionism as they don't have the votes to deny any of Trump's nominees. Its best to let them start their jobs and then take them on based on their policy mistakes, instead of basically repeat the same type of obstructionism the GOP did a few years ago.
This I kind of agree with.
Let them dig their own graves.
The point is the Dems should not get too carried away with their base energizing obstructionism as they don't have the votes to deny any of Trump's nominees. Its best to let them start their jobs and then take them on based on their policy mistakes, instead of basically repeat the same type of obstructionism the GOP did a few years ago.

Yeah, I agree. They will certainly have enough ammunition to use against them I they wait patiently. Trouble is, people suffer in the meantime. :(
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