The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Some of these anonymous sources are clearly nonsense but for some reason, the media keeps using them.

They're now claiming White House staff are meeting in the dark, as they dont know where the light switches are.
SOURCE: 'Tracking Poll': February 02-04, 2017, used by trump to make his claim on people who endorse his immigration plan:

TRUMP already lost huge trust from his '47%'

- This is the big one: 30% of people who voted for Trump think America is going in wrong track

- 60% total voters think America heading in wrong track (32% of republicans, 82% Democrats)

- People who favour his policies most (50% right track) are Evangelicals, Military

- Most frustrated (70% wrong track): students, African America, Unemployed, Jewish

- 70% believe America heading in wrong track for Health Care, Medicare, Women’s Issues

I'd love to work in the democrat ad agency .. could make fantastic ads from this!
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I'd love to work in the democrat ad agency right now .... could make some fantastic communications out of this.
And in four years, when they reelect him, you'd end up a frustrated, burnt-out, suicidal mess, despairing at peoples' ignorance and stupidity and failure to listen to your fantastic communications.

And in four years, when they reelect him, you'd end up a frustrated, burnt-out, suicidal mess, despairing at peoples' ignorance and stupidity and failure to listen to your fantastic communications.

haha! Maybe! I've been in advertising all my career, and I cringed at Hillary's campaign. Really, it was pathetic.

I do this test with every left leaning person I meet since US election: please immediately recall just one Hillary policy for me. 99% of people cant do it, they cant name even one! Her campaign had no big idea and all her policies were very badly communicated. Worst was her sneering superior tone, best exemplified by her 'deplorable's' comment. Not only was she orgasming in her own echo chamber, she also ensured anyone outside it had good reason to hate her. It was the most significant mistake which cost her the election.

The really interesting statistic in the data above is that 30% of people who voted for Trump think America is going in wrong track. I'm surprised that tRump's supporters are feeling uneasy so quickly.

Its already the task of the democrats to carefully, respectfully and joyfully welcome these people into the democratic fold. Thats not going to happen with the current narrative that tRump voters are stupid, racist and were hoodwinked. It must be done in a respectful and loving manner.

When telecoms became privatised in UK years ago, millions of customers left BT in protest for perceived bad service and seduced by big promises from new telecoms companies. And yet within a few months of leaving, the majority realised their new service provider was much worse than what they had left at BT.

BT's 'welcome back home' campaign is one of the most effective in marketing history. And it succeeded because it never ever made its errant customers feel stupid and never ever said 'I told you so'. Instead, they celebrated and rewarded people for coming back and in doing so, dramatically enhanced their brand equity.

The democrats have a similar opportunity right now, but it will only work if they understand this.
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Some of these anonymous sources are clearly nonsense but for some reason, the media keeps using them.

They're now claiming White House staff are meeting in the dark, as they dont know where the light switches are.
Anonymous to us does not mean anonymous to them. It's either a trusted source off the record or it's fake news.
@Randall Flagg
Anonymous to us does not mean anonymous to them. It's either a trusted source off the record or it's fake news.

The main NYtimes story during the election turned out to be false and the source they thought was credible was lying to them.

Take another story from just yesterday

Turns out the sources used by them was incorrect and false. They've even failed to retract the story or even issue a clarification, despite the story spreading like wildfire. That's the kind of gutter journalism you expect from the likes of the Express or Daily Mail, not a respected organization like the NYtimes.

The misleading/false reports by a lot of media organisations has increased considerably since last year and that's a concern. It just gives Trump and his supporters another chance to scream "FAKE NEWS" when their reports turn out to be inaccurate.
Manchester wouldn't look like it does now with all the new buildings if the IRA hadn't blown it to bits in 1996. The Arndale was a godawful looking place beforehand and now it just looks like lipstick on a pig. Our default response nowadays s slowly replacing the grey brutalism with glass and metal everywhere instead but everywhere literally looks like it's designed by the same person. Every town is the same, there's no individuality whatsoever. Twin towns in other countries aren't bloody needed because we could just list the rest of the country here on the signs for each town because it all looks similar.

Look at the shops inside the Arndale and tell me they're any different to the ones in the Trafford Centre, or any different to the ones in Liverpool or Warrington's Golden Square or smaller versions if they're even still open where I'm from in St. Helens look at the majority of shops in the city centre full stop, they're the same as everywhere else. Yeah you have a bunch of small independent shops too and Affleck's is one of my favourite places to visit and literally never buy a thing from but there's nothing special about Manchester whatsoever.

That extends outwards to the rest of the country. The Midlands is industrial and grey, the south is industrial and grey, the north is industrial and grey.

There are places like I mentioned of beauty and quaintness and traditionalism, the kind of places that play up to the stereotype of England (or indeed Britain as a whole) on television shows and films but for the most part we're an ugly country filled with ugly people with ugly attitudes.

Scotland, Wales and Ireland get more slack because there's much more green and they have better accents, England is fecking awful.

Anywhere that isn't a tourist spot is just council estates, tower blocks, business parks, retail parks and traffic jams. What's to be proud of? England is the definition of keeping up appearances.
Well I love Manchester and if you stretch out further than that you'll find smaller towns with some of the friendliest people you'll ever come across, if they're locals that is. They'll chat to anyone....hell they'll even chat to you. Granted we aren't that beautiful a people either but we're no uglier than you. And as for ugly attitudes....
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Well I love Manchester and if you stretch out further than that you'll find smaller towns with some of the friendliest people you'll ever come across, if they're locals that is. They'll chat to anyone....hell they'll even chat to you. Granted we aren't that beautiful a people either but we're no uglier than you. And as for ugly attitudes....

Manchester city centres fairly nice tbh, a lot of big cities have their flaws in certain parts but most have good urban areas too. Manchester's got a fair bit of character too, great music scene, two massive football clubs etc.
Joe Rogan has this incredible ability to make me want to pull my ears out even when listening to him interview someone I genuinely like. He's incredibly naive and almost always exaggerates to prove his point.

What prompted this?
Well there we are folks...I could kind of *understand* tweeting it from his personal account (though not really), but to justify retweeting it from the offical @potus account :(

Nordstrum Exec: "What his daughters business called?... We'll destroy her career"
Manchester city centres fairly nice tbh, a lot of big cities have their flaws in certain parts but most have good urban areas too. Manchester's got a fair bit of character too, great music scene, two massive football clubs etc.
I wouldn't really call County massive these days tbh.
I meant closing it and then having to actually give the detains rights and relocating them elsewhere. Its a funny old thing. A place lite GITMO is needed in a way. It may not be what the liberals want but some of the detainees are better off situated there, and for the united states avoiding due process for high level captives makes much more sense than having to carry them to the mainland. The treatment they had was almost close to war crimes in my opinion. That is what should have changed. Humain treatment

Jesus fecking Christ, just no. What exactly do you think would happen if they just shipped them to the US and charged them with crimes? Either they have broken laws and deserve to be prosecuted, or they don't and they deserve to be released. If you step outside the law then we lose any pretense of being democratic and law abiding nations. Guantanamo is an insult to anyone who believes in a fair and just society.
Is that factually correct? Were KKK founders from the Democrat party? Or is cruz taking a leaf from Denald?

It's one of those facts that are deeply misleading. Yes, the Democrats were not only the party of the KKK but also the party of slavery. The modern Democratic party is not that party however. Google the Southern Strategy for more details.
It's one of those facts that are deeply misleading. Yes, the Democrats were not only the party of the KKK but also the party of slavery. The modern Democratic party is not that party however. Google the Southern Strategy for more details.

As a short addition: I´m not an expert on American history, but was recommended these two videos of the histories of the Democrats and Republicans a while ago. They are fairly short but IMO on point and quite informative:

The modern Democratic party is not that party however. Google the Southern Strategy for more details.

Or just check the Election thread, it was covered in there at least twice that I can remember, possibly more. There must be pages of conversation about it in there.
Gorsuch has already dissed Trump. Break out the popcorn.....

Yeah, I posted the CNN article above, did you see that Tweet with it where it says that when Trump was Tweeting about Ivanka it was 20 minutes in to his intelligence briefing according to the daily White House schedule?
Yeah, I posted the CNN article above, did you see that Tweet with it where it says that when Trump was Tweeting about Ivanka it was 20 minutes in to his intelligence briefing according to the daily White House schedule?

Yep, saw that. I can see him sitting in his office chair with Flynn briefing him while Trump is on the smartphone.
Yeah, I posted the CNN article above, did you see that Tweet with it where it says that when Trump was Tweeting about Ivanka it was 20 minutes in to his intelligence briefing according to the daily White House schedule?

I'd wager he's not taking 60% of the scheduled briefings. (yes, made up figure)
Yep, saw that. I can see him sitting in his office chair with Flynn briefing him while Trump is on the smartphone.

No, you would hope not, but the timings do seem to fit. Be interesting to see if anyone else picks up on it. The same as this...............

Has Dworkin gone off the deep end here? I can't see anything about this anywhere else. Saying that, everything else he releases is usually spot on, the Dworkin Report is good journalism and he's been relentless gathering info on Trump. Literally thousands of pages about his business dealings, bank records etc.

I'd wager he's not taking 60% of the scheduled briefings. (yes, made up figure)

The last figure I saw was he was taking 2 a week, Obama used to take up to two or three a day, but at least one.
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