The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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So how did they ban her from participating in future on this debate? What allowed them to take a vote on her participation?

She read MLK's widow letter that said Sessions is a racist because he limit the black citizens right to vote. McConnell invoked a rule of the Senate preventing members from impugning the character of others, and used a 49-43 party line vote to pass a motion based on said rule to prevent her from speaking.
Countdown to certain States removing evolution from the curriculum?

They should also remove math, science, logic etc and have three courses on bible, Lord Reagan and Trump for the GOP to sustain itself 20 years from now.
Must be an amazing and invigorating time to be a journalist in Washington right now - perhaps the rebirth of genuine journalism and moving away from the sensationalist era we have been living.
That's exactly what I'm thinking. It forces journos to spend much more time on fact checking and to reflect on whether their own work adheres to the same standards they want to (and should) hold the Trump administration accountable to.

Countdown to certain States removing evolution from the curriculum?
Not only that, I fear. However, in Germany, the states are responsible for education policies and the government has a very limited role and by and large, it works fine. However, no German state is run by evangelical nutters so the risk of a totally out of touch curriculum isn't present - yet.

Democratic voters are sending a clear message to their elected officials in Washington: Stop Donald Trump at all costs.

A new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll shows that just 34 percent of Democratic voters want their party’s elected officials to find ways to work with the new president. A 56-percent majority say Democrats in Congress should stick to their principles, even “if that means blocking all legislation or nominees for government posts.”
@Carolina Red

Regardless of whether this bill gets through: How would you like it that only states and communities should be responsible for education? Thanks.

Massie believes that policymakers at the state and local levels should be responsible for education policy, instead of a federal agency that’s been in place since 1980.

I'm surprised the department has only been around since 1980:eek: what did Americans have before that?
That's the letter Sen. Warren was trying to read out loud. Image taken from CNN:

States have a ton of freedom as it is when it comes to education and I think that's the way it should be. The issue isn't just about creationism getting taught in science class, but minimum standards. The discrepancy in education standards is staggering - we have schools and counties where things are so bad - they might as well be in the third world.

Bush with his No Child Left Behind policy tried to bring about a change - it didn't work, same with Obama. But, I don't think the ideas were without merit - they needed adjustments, not to be thrown away.

Wait - that sounds a lot like Obamacare and what the Republicans want to do with that :lol:

oh and about the much talked about vouchers -

You can't look out for 10% of the population to the detriment of the other 90% FFS
@Carolina Red

Regardless of whether this bill gets through: How would you like it that only states and communities should be responsible for education? Thanks.

If education is left solely to the states or communities in America i fear for the quality of the corriculum and its contents in many republican states. This would put creationism back with full force at the cost of scientific content such as evolution.

Also you really need some form of overall planning of the corriculum on a federal level to make sure that the students do learn about certain content that is relevant to the job marked in the future as you only need a certain amount of dish washers.

It is important that on federal level that there is strict quality control of who is teaching to make sure the teachers are qualified for the students sake and if this was left to states or communities you be sure that this would quickly arise to be a problem especially in the rust belt. In essence without some federal control in the american educational system they could end up with a need of importing more qualified workers from abroad in the future. It is a big if but possible it could get so bad that in the future that many of the high tech corporations might need to relocate to Europe to aquire the working force needed at least partially.

America have for a long time poached other countries highly skilled work force but if America ends up in a economic and cultural degeneration it might not be the most attractive country to be at in the future ahead. What i really fear with those religious based schools is the learning of critical thinking will plummet to the ground and this is particularly important aspect to teach to prepare the students for universities and college.

It is not enough to be able to memorize things or correct answers if you want a highly skilled labour force which America really do need. I am not a teacher though, so it is just my concerns with the privatization and deregulated aspect of american education which will happen under Devos.
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God in school for sure. Make America God Fearing Again. As a scientist it is sickening. Creationism will be taught in science class. Let's hope they include the flying spaghetti monster.
@Carolina Red

Regardless of whether this bill gets through: How would you like it that only states and communities should be responsible for education? Thanks.

It is lunacy. You'd be abolishing...
- Federal merit and need based financial aid

When I was in college, the federal gov't became the sole servicer of student loans. You'd be dismantling that entire system, then requiring the individual states to accept the loan debt of their citizens, many of whom accumulated that debt at an out-of-state or private institution. This would be a disaster all on its own as SC would want to collect payment from an SC resident, but say NC would also want that payment since they went to a NC university.

Also, once the state assumed this debt, it would be up to them individually if they wanted to continue current federal repayment and loan forgiveness programs (like the public service forgiveness program I am in - it cancels my outstanding balance after 10 years of consecutive payments since I am working in public service).

- Federal special needs and learning disability funding and education programs

This would place a massive financial and legal burden on the states that is currently absorbed by the federal government. All special education and individualized education programs are run through the federal government. States would have to figure out how to fund full time special needs, ESOL, etc. positions in their already constrained education budgets without the existance of federal aid from the Dept of Ed. States would also have to write new legislation taking place of the federal laws regulating the education of students with special needs and learning disabilities. This would also lead to disaster, as the states will indefinitely have laws that do not sync up to one another and will hamper the educations of special needs kids who move to a new state.

- The largest source of scientific study of the education profession

Finally, states will have to find a way to fund scientific research into best practices, trend data, etc. again, all without federal funding, and again, all within a budget that now has taken on the load of student loans and special needs education.
God in school for sure. Make America God Fearing Again. As a scientist it is sickening. Creationism will be taught in science class. Let's hope they include the flying spaghetti monster.

Science? Big Bang, evolution? #FAKENEWS
I agree with that completely.

tRump, Spicer and Conway want to advocate that the President's random make belice should be admissible because of his office and that it supports his policy. Its nuts. And the press and electorate need to work overtime to ensure that does not become the new normal.

Must be an amazing and invigorating time to be a journalist in Washington right now - perhaps the rebirth of genuine journalism and moving away from the sensationalist era we have been living.

How do you figure they're moving away from sensationalist journalism? They're all moving so quick with story after story amidst a time of increased public interest thats causing increased competition on coverage. Plus with the move to digital and cost pressures they're still going down the clickbait route.

I agree with you about working overtime on ensuring truth prevails over misinformation from the goverment but the same scrutiny needs to take place on the media across all stories even those we'd love to be true. You can be sure any story about the Trump administration will be processed with speed in mind over accuracy.
If education is left solely to the states or communities in America i fear for the quality of the corriculum and its contents in many republican states. This would put creationism back with full force at the cost of scientific content such as evolution. Also you really need some form of overall planning of the corriculum on a federal level to make sure that the students do learn about certain content that is relevant to the job marked in the future as you only need a certain amount of dish washers. Also it is important that on federal level that there is strict quality control of who is teaching to make sure the teachers are qualified for the students sake and if this was left to states or communities you be sure that this would quickly arise to be a problem especially in the rust belt. In essence without some federal control in the american educational system they could end up with a need of importing more qualified workers from abroad in the future. It is a big if but possible it could get so bad that in the future that many of the high tech corporations might need to relocate to Europe to aquire the working force needed at least partially. America have for a long time poached other countries highly skilled work force but if America ends up in a economic and cultural degeneration it might not be the most attractive country to be at in the future ahead. What i really fear with those religious based schools is the learning of critical thinking will plummet to the ground and this is particularly important aspect to teach to prepare the students for universities and college. It is not enough to be able to memorize things or correct answers if you want a highly skilled labour force which America really do need. I am not a teacher though, so it is just my concerns with the privatization and deregulated aspect of american education which will happen under Devos.

Sorry, this is not related to the content of what you've written, but could I ask you to paragraph long pieces of text in the future? It's a lot easier to read that way, and I'd like to read everything you write :D Like @Carolina Red 's post.

There is actually a style guide for Redcaf somewhere I think...
Sorry, this is not related to the content of what you've written, but could I ask you to paragraph long pieces of text in the future? It's a lot easier to read that way, and I'd like to read everything you write :D Like @Carolina Red 's post.

There is actually a style guide for Redcaf somewhere I think...

I´ve just made it easier to read. I totally forgot about the paragraph rule so thank you for the reminder! I will keep this in mind the next time i write a fairly longish post. Also i´m happy to hear that you find my posts interesting and i appreciate that :)
To add to what I said above, after reading many of the other responses...

Standards are already the purview of the states, while curriculum is the purview of school districts.
To add to what I said above, after reading many of the other responses...

Standards are already the purview of the states, while curriculum is the purview of school districts.

Depressing change in curriculum being taught aside, do you think this will widen the gulf in quality between blue and red states? Without federal funding I'd imagine the vast majority of red states already struggling with their trickle down economy will make further cuts in education.
Depressing change in curriculum being taught aside, do you think this will widen the gulf in quality between blue and red states? Without federal funding I'd imagine the vast majority of red states already struggling with their trickle down economy will make further cuts in education.
Yes, it absolutely will.

Combine this with DeVos' push for charter schools and private school vouchers and you're going to have a severely underfunded "mainstream" public school system, with anyone with means getting out of it and getting into selective charter or private schools.

It will reinstitute a form of segregation, imo.
Yes, it absolutely will.

Combine this with DeVos' push for charter schools and private school vouchers and you're going to have a severely underfunded "mainstream" public school system, with anyone with means getting out of it and getting into selective charter or private schools.

It will reinstitute a form of segregation, imo.
The GOP is the party of inclusion though, right?
Countdown to certain States removing evolution from the curriculum?
Not only that but where are states like Kansas and Kentucky going to get the sufficient funds for a public school system. People may have to move state for their children to receive a sufficient education. Imagine a company looking to set up so where, regardless of tax breaks you want an educated pool of people for recruitment so states to their own devices on education maybe detrimental to the states future economy. This would really highlight the difference between a blue state and a red one.
@Carolina Red
Thanks, these insights- which are not so obvious from a German perspective as the impact on the curriculum - were what I was looking for. Our education system is so different from the US that I appreciate it very much to get front-line feedback from you.

Can you elude how things had been working before 1980? Had it been as you explained above you fear to fall back to? As @RedTiger , I was surprised that the US hadn't a Department of Education before. Thanks again.
In fairness I don't care about England. It's a cesspit.

What a ridiculous and pathetic, not to mention completely false statement. You should be embarrassed you even wrote something so moronic. Yes England has its fair share of problems, and there are parts that need considerable help, both financially and socially, but to label the entire country as a cesspit is one of the most stupid, offensive and incorrect posts I have seen on this site and that's saying something. England is also one of the most beautiful countries in the world, not to mention historical, hence why it's one of the most visited countries in the world. But yeah, cesspit innit. Well done.
What a ridiculous and pathetic, not to mention completely false statement. You should be embarrassed you even wrote something so moronic. Yes England has its fair share of problems, and there are parts that need considerable help, both financially and socially, but to label the entire country as a cesspit is one of the most stupid, offensive and incorrect posts I have seen on this site and that's saying something. England is also one of the most beautiful countries in the world, not to mention historical, hence why it's one of the most visited countries in the world. But yeah, cesspit innit. Well done.

It's really not, although there are some beautiful spots as there are in most countries.

Wales and Scotland though....
Yes, it absolutely will.

Combine this with DeVos' push for charter schools and private school vouchers and you're going to have a severely underfunded "mainstream" public school system, with anyone with means getting out of it and getting into selective charter or private schools.

It will reinstitute a form of segregation, imo.

Public school districts in the US are already de-facto segregated. The Tampa Bay Times had a riveting story done on failing elementary districts split along racial lines in Florida:

DeVos will exacerbate the trend.
Guy in my office just sent me a link to Alex Jones on Joe Rogan podcast. Told me I would have to listen to it. He really seems to have believed every word.

Im in work and just skipped through it. I heard points about baths of blood and other crazy stuff

How do I respond to him when he asks me my opinin but be polite about it?

I knew very little of Alex Jones except he is a big conspiracy theory bloke who thinks 911 was an inside job

i rarely listen to Joe Rogan show, but it seemed to me that he was going along with the stuff he was saying?
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This shit can't be real ffs

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump was confused about the dollar: Was it a strong one that’s good for the economy? Or a weak one?

So he made a call ― except not to any of the business leaders Trump brought into his administration or even to an old friend from his days in real estate. . Instead, he called his national security adviser, retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, according to two sources familiar with Flynn’s accounts of the incident.

Flynn has a long record in counterintelligence but not in macroeconomics. And he told Trump he didn’t know, that it wasn’t his area of expertise, that, perhaps, Trump should ask an economist instead.
This shit can't be real ffs

Where are these stories coming from?

I can't imagine either Trump or Flynn would run to the media and informing them of that embarrassing little exchange.

If true though that's simply atrocious, even by Trump's standards :lol:
Guy in my office just sent me a link to Alex Jones on Joe Rogan podcast. Told me I would have to listen to it. He really seems to have believed every word.

Im in work and just skipped through it. I heard points about baths of blood and other crazy stuff

How do I respond to him when he asks me my opinin but be polite about it?

I knew very little of Alex Jones except he is a big conspiracy theory bloke who thinks 911 was an inside job

i rarely listen to Joe Rogan show, but it seemed to me that he was going along with the stuff he was saying?

Don't be polite Randall. Call him out for what he is, a nutcase.

Alex Jones Fears Lady Gaga’s Super Bowl Show Message is ‘I Am the Goddess of Satan’
Guy in my office just sent me a link to Alex Jones on Joe Rogan podcast. Told me I would have to listen to it. He really seems to have believed every word.

Im in work and just skipped through it. I heard points about baths of blood and other crazy stuff

How do I respond to him when he asks me my opinin but be polite about it?

I knew very little of Alex Jones except he is a big conspiracy theory bloke who thinks 911 was an inside job

i rarely listen to Joe Rogan show, but it seemed to me that he was going along with the stuff he was saying?

Alex Jones is a bona fide mentalist and Joe Rogan smokes enough weed to get dragged down some of his paranoid tangents. I doubt he went along with everything he was saying, though.

I must check out that podcast. It's on my phone.

If your friend really believes everything Alex Jones said then you need to tell him he's smoking far too much ganja and should spend a lot less time researching conspiracy theories on youtube.
I still don't know whether Alex Jones genuinely believes in his batshit prophecies or he's milking it for the ratings and exposure.
Alex Jones is a bona fide mentalist and Joe Rogan smokes enough weed to get dragged down some of his paranoid tangents. I doubt he went along with everything he was saying, though.

I must check out that podcast. It's on my phone.

If your friend really believes everything Alex Jones said then you need to tell him he's smoking far too much ganja and should spend a lot less time researching conspiracy theories on youtube.
Well I just told him it was most likely all BS and he seems to be a nut job

And my colleague just said "what about all the emails, they have proof"

Then I took a fake call

In fairness I have not listened to enough of it to respond properly
Where are these stories coming from?

I can't imagine either Trump or Flynn would run to the media and informing them of that embarrassing little exchange.

If true though that's simply atrocious, even by Trump's standards :lol:
Apparently white house staffers Flynn told the story to. :lol:

Journos who reported it are legit - SV Date & Christine Wilkie
Guy in my office just sent me a link to Alex Jones on Joe Rogan podcast. Told me I would have to listen to it. He really seems to have believed every word.

Im in work and just skipped through it. I heard points about baths of blood and other crazy stuff

How do I respond to him when he asks me my opinin but be polite about it?

I knew very little of Alex Jones except he is a big conspiracy theory bloke who thinks 911 was an inside job

i rarely listen to Joe Rogan show, but it seemed to me that he was going along with the stuff he was saying?
Don't be polite, tell him he's an idiot and never speak to him again.
"Courts seem to be so political" - @POTUS Donald Trump defends travel ban while addressing law enforcement leaders

really???? We had people on the right and left celebrating and crying because of who the appointee was going to be for SCOTUS. Now you think the courts are 'so political'
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