The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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You voted for Trump because Clinton was going to be in Wall Street's pocket. Trump wants to repeal Dodd-Frank and eliminate the Fiduciary Rule, letting Wall Street return to its pre-2008 ways.

You voted for Trump because of Clinton's emails. The Trump administration is running its own private email server.

You voted for Trump because you thought the Clinton Foundation was "pay for play." Trump has refused to wall off his businesses from his administration, and personally profits from payments from foreign governments.

You voted for Trump because of Clinton's role in Benghazi. Trump ordered the Yemen raid without adequate intel, and tweeted about "FAKE NEWS" while Americans died as a result of his carelessness.

You voted for Trump because Clinton didn't care about "the little guy." Trump's cabinet is full of billionaires, and he took away your health insurance so he could give them a multi-million-dollar tax break.

You voted for Trump because he was going to build a wall and Mexico was going to pay for it. American consumers will pay for the wall via import tariffs.

You voted for Trump because Clinton was going to get us into a war. Trump has provoked our enemies, alienated our allies, and given ISIS a decade's worth of recruiting material.

You voted for Trump because Clinton didn't have the stamina to do the job. Trump hung up on the Australian Prime Minister during a 5pm phone call because "it was at the end of a long day and he was tired and fatigue was setting in."

You voted for Trump because foreign leaders wouldn't "respect" Clinton. Foreign leaders, both friendly and hostile, are openly mocking Trump.

You voted for Trump because Clinton lies and "he tells it like it is." Trump and his administration lie with a regularity and brazenness that can only be described as shocking.

Let's be honest about what really happened.

The reality is that you voted for Trump because you got conned. Trump is a grifter and the American people were the mark. Now that you know the score, quit insisting the con-man is on your side.

This was posted on Facebook by Ben Mallicote and shared by the
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You voted for Trump because Clinton was going to be in Wall Street's pocket. Trump wants to repeal Dodd-Frank and eliminate the Fiduciary Rule, letting Wall Street return to its pre-2008 ways.

You voted for Trump because of Clinton's emails. The Trump administration is running its own private email server.

You voted for Trump because you thought the Clinton Foundation was "pay for play." Trump has refused to wall off his businesses from his administration, and personally profits from payments from foreign governments.

You voted for Trump because of Clinton's role in Benghazi. Trump ordered the Yemen raid without adequate intel, and tweeted about "FAKE NEWS" while Americans died as a result of his carelessness.

You voted for Trump because Clinton didn't care about "the little guy." Trump's cabinet is full of billionaires, and he took away your health insurance so he could give them a multi-million-dollar tax break.

You voted for Trump because he was going to build a wall and Mexico was going to pay for it. American consumers will pay for the wall via import tariffs.

You voted for Trump because Clinton was going to get us into a war. Trump has provoked our enemies, alienated our allies, and given ISIS a decade's worth of recruiting material.

You voted for Trump because Clinton didn't have the stamina to do the job. Trump hung up on the Australian Prime Minister during a 5pm phone call because "it was at the end of a long day and he was tired and fatigue was setting in."

You voted for Trump because foreign leaders wouldn't "respect" Clinton. Foreign leaders, both friendly and hostile, are openly mocking Trump.

You voted for Trump because Clinton lies and "he tells it like it is." Trump and his administration lie with a regularity and brazenness that can only be described as shocking.

Let's be honest about what really happened.

The reality is that you voted for Trump because you got conned. Trump is a grifter and the American people were the mark. Now that you know the score, quit insisting the con-man is on your side.

This was posted on Facebook by Ben Mallicote and shared by the
Tell that man its a fcuking good post...

Can't wait til he has to be sacked... Will be such huge momentum and validation to an emboldened press out for blood.
Will also galvanise and validate every single person who has spent time personally protesting.

I doubt he'll last the month.. But as soon as he gets fired, the floodgates will open

I agree with tRump though on this one... Spicer was such a bad choice and on so many levels. He lacks the charisma and gravitas and thats before he has to represent tRump.

Have no sympathy for him though as he is part of tRump's machine. Guess he'll also be completely unemployable in the media afterwards as his credibility is below zero
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Wasn't that the rumour from day one? He wanted Conway and Priebus convinced him to get Spicer, either way I can't see him lasting long in the position.

Yep. Trouble is the Press Secretary job is a poisoned chalice under Trump, since he makes up things and his spokesperson is then forced to shamelessly answer the media's questions about what Trump just made up.
Yep. Trouble is the Press Secretary job is a poisoned chalice under Trump, since he makes up things and his spokesperson is then forced to shamelessly answer the media's questions about what Trump just made up.

Add to that how often Trump contradicts his party, his cabinet and himself and you're right it's next to impossible to know what to defend.
Wasn't that the rumour from day one? He wanted Conway and Priebus convinced him to get Spicer, either way I can't see him lasting long in the position.
who could?

Kellyanne "lets look at the broader issue" Conway isn't going to be much better than what Sean Spicer would have been doing anyway. As it's an impossible task. It's like trying to out a forest fire with a pint of piss.
who could?

Kellyanne "lets look at the broader issue" Conway isn't going to be much better than what Sean Spicer would have been doing anyway. As it's an impossible task. It's like trying to out a forest fire with a pint of piss.

Oh I think it's a horrible job in general but Trump is making it impossible, they've started skyping with their right wing outlets though, that could well increase as Trump continues to try and weaken the mainstream media. That would certainly make it easier for Spicers successor.
This story on Sen. Warren vs Sessions is another eye opener for me (as if I needed it). US is disgusting me. It's all so suspect... Racism is on its way back into the wide open it seems...

Trump supporters don't care tho, or do they?
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Yep. Trouble is the Press Secretary job is a poisoned chalice under Trump, since he makes up things and his spokesperson is then forced to shamelessly answer the media's questions about what Trump just made up.
Would you not apply for this job Raoul bud. You've been defending him since 9pm election night. You could also get me Hallie Jacksons phone number and some soft hand towels for all the boys on the Caf.
Trump pacing the halls in a bathrobe at night and sitting in Bannon's shadow in awe at the White House phone during the day. Staff having meetings in the dark because they can't find the light switch. Conway looking like she had a rough night on a street corner. I know it's not a nice thing to say but are we dealing with a gang of retards ?
Trump has a habit of blaming everyone around him so I'm expecting a change of staff every three months. Where does he go considering he's already scraping the bottom of the septic tank?
how the feck does pence sleep at night when he sees that so many americans actually didnt want to have her confirmed and had to drive all the way to Congress to vote her in for the first in history.
Do you really think that Pence cares about anything but himself and his religious agenda?
Thanks for sharing, great read and the list isn't even complete. I doubt though that Trump voters either understand yet or would admit how naive and stupid they were to vote for him.
Kudos to Tapper, he did an amazing job. Kellyanne Conway was terrible to defend Trump's series of lies, just terrible. No human being with a spine could work for Trump in that role. Furthermore, she looks like a drug addict with her very unflattering make-up and hair.

Edit: For those who don't want to go back and search for the link to the interview:
I think the voters are most to blame. Trump saw what he needed to do to get the vote. and did it. If he says we are going to ban muslims and build a wall and mexicans are this and that, hes not lying, hes telling the truth and the truth as he sees it and THEY VOTED for that. Trump is a wack job but i blame the millions that voted in a crazy person in the first place. He didnt mislead them when he said in no uncertain terms of what he was ACTUALLY going to do.
He's lying about all sorts of stuff to justify those things though and people buy into it. He's stoking the flames of fear and flat out lying about things on a daily basis.
This story on Sen. Warren vs Sessions is another eye opener for me (as if I needed it). US is disgusting me. It's all so suspect... Racism is on its way back into the wide open it seems...

Trump supporters don't care tho, or do they?

Whats the story here? CNN seems to think it's a big moment
Try to not imagine this as an Alec Baldwin SNL skit....

WASHINGTON – President Donald Trump was confused about the dollar: Was it a strong one that’s good for the economy? Or a weak one?

So he made a call ― except not to any of the business leaders Trump brought into his administration or even to an old friend from his days in real estate. Instead, he called his national security adviser, retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn, according to two sources familiar with Flynn’s accounts of the incident.

Flynn has a long record in counterintelligence but not in macroeconomics. And he told Trump he didn’t know, that it wasn’t his area of expertise, that, perhaps, Trump should ask an economist instead.

Trump was not thrilled with that response ― but that may have been a function of the time of day. Trump had placed the call at 3 a.m., according to one of Flynn’s retellings ― although neither the White House nor Flynn’s office responded to requests for confirmation about that detail.
Kudos to Tapper, he did an amazing job. Kellyanne Conway was terrible to defend Trump's series of lies, just terrible. No human being with a spine could work for Trump in that role. Furthermore, she looks like a drug addict with her very unflattering make-up and hair.

Edit: For those who don't want to go back and search for the link to the interview:

His haters getting all woopidooda about it does not change anything.
How does her performance play with Trumps 47%. Any anecdotal or quantitative data on that?
She was banned from debating Sessions's appointment to AG strictly on a party line vote because she read out past remarks from Ted Kennedy and MLK's widow regarding Sessions's racist history.

Later on apparently, the same letter she wanted to read was read out by another (male) senator.
His haters getting all woopidooda about it does not change anything.
How does her performance play with Trumps 47%. Any anecdotal or quantitative data on that?
That's not my (main) point. My point is that a journalist did not allow Trump's lies to become the norm but nailed it down. It needs to be done every day, on any lie, as long as this disgraceful administration is in charge. They need to face people who resist their propaganda and hold them accountable for their lies every single day.
@Carolina Red

Regardless of whether this bill gets through: How would you like it that only states and communities should be responsible for education? Thanks.

That's not my (main) point. My point is that a journalist did not allow Trump's lies to become the norm but nailed it down. It needs to be done every day, on any lie, as long as this disgraceful administration is in charge. They need to face people who resist their propaganda and hold them accountable for their lies every single day.
I agree with that completely.

tRump, Spicer and Conway want to advocate that the President's random make belice should be admissible because of his office and that it supports his policy. Its nuts. And the press and electorate need to work overtime to ensure that does not become the new normal.

Must be an amazing and invigorating time to be a journalist in Washington right now - perhaps the rebirth of genuine journalism and moving away from the sensationalist era we have been living.
The big deal is it's quite rare to admonish a Senator and prevent him/her from taking part in a confirmation debate. And she didn't break any rules.
So how did they ban her from participating in future on this debate? What allowed them to take a vote on her participation?
So how did they ban her from participating in future on this debate? What allowed them to take a vote on her participation?

There's a rule regarding impugning the conduct of another senator.
So how did they ban her from participating in future on this debate? What allowed them to take a vote on her participation?
"Mitch McConnell, the Republican majority leader, said Ms Warren had broken senate rules by impugning the conduct of another senator."

"The incident occurred during a debate in thesenate on the nomination of Mr Sessions. Mr McConnell's objection to Ms Warren's speech was put to a vote and senators voted 49-43 in his favour."

Above is from BBC.

From what I understand, someone accused, then they voted, and Republicans outnumbered Dems, so got her banned from saying bad stuff (well, from reading a letter) about Sessions.
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