The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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This is fascinating. The WA lawyer has just introduced Trump's own statements into the case. That one judge is giving him a hell of a grilling.

That's a Dubya appointed judge. The female judge is clearly on the side of the WA lawyers. Just depends on what the old judge concludes.
What was the point of Wolf Blitzer there? You don't need someone to introducer a newsreader. Is there something in his contract about being on TV at least once an hour?
I didn't get the Alan Dorshewits point. Did he say no court will uphold the injunction?
I didn't get the Alan Dorshewits point. Did he say no court will uphold the injunction?

He did but he said that he didn't knew what they would use to justify it from a legal standpoint, iirc.
I didn't get the Alan Dorshewits point. Did he say no court will uphold the injunction?

Derschowitz seems hellbent on the idea that the three judges won't allow Trump's policy to continue because it woud cause massive chaos at airports and the like. Not sure if the judges care about that sort of thing, but Derschowitz seems convinced it will be a factor.
I agree completely. The ones I know we're pretty gloomy today when Pence broke the tie to appoint DeVos. I just told them "make America great again, right?"
I'm just curios what do you think the potential impacts of confirming DeVos on the teachers, like yourself, in general? And why are people gloomy over her, especially if they voted for Trump in the first place (those who deserved the "I told you so/Make America great again, right?" line from you)?

(Big apologies for not going back on this thread to see all your posts)
....and now Twitter is apparently down. Good time for Drumpf to fire off a long tweet only to get the old internal server error.
I'm just curios what do you think the potential impacts of confirming DeVos on the teachers, like yourself, in general? And why are people gloomy over her, especially if they voted for Trump in the first place (those who deserved the "I told you so/Make America great again, right?" line from you)?

(Big apologies for not going back on this thread to see all your posts)
She knows absolutely nothing about federal law pertaining to public education. She also knows nothing about even the basics of the education profession. She has also spent her career pushing money from public to private schools and pushing ideas like vouchers and unregulated charter schools, which imo will simply lead to a new form of socio-economic segregation.

They're gloomy because they know she's a horrible pick, but they didn't consider things like that when they voted.
Bernie with a cheeky little universal healthcare request to 'work together' with Cruz.:lol:

In fairly good nature this one, much higher spirits than the Trump-Hilary debates...
Cruz' NHS slagging there was very slippery - uses a few isolated examples on waiting lists while deflecting from the fact that it's still one of the best healthcare systems in the world.
Cruz' NHS slagging there was very slippery - uses a few isolated examples on waiting lists while deflecting from the fact that it's still one of the best healthcare systems in the world.

Standard GOP scare tactics - socialized medicine and rationing.
Standard GOP scare tactics - socialized medicine and rationing.

He's notably just dealing in ideology instead of genuine plans now. The merits of his own preferred style of healthcare are kind of irrelevant when he's not in government himself and will have little sway over whatever Trump's incompetent administration plan to do.
The only good thing about this circus of freaks is one would hope at least Americans and the West in general can finally appreciate how good they have it. The level of whining and crying over the recent past has been truly amazing considering that we are currently enjoying such high standards in relative to history and pretty much anywhere else in the world. This buffoon and his cabinet of freaks should at least serve as a warning by showing how real problems look like, one would hope at least.
Why can't they just have universal healthcare through a single payer system such as the NHS in UK and Europe? Or even Canada. Universal healthcare works all over the world. In Australia and NZ. In North America as in Canada. It works north of the border from US. It can work in the US too.
Why can't they just have universal healthcare through a single payer system such as the NHS in UK and Europe? Or even Canada. Universal healthcare works all over the world. In Australia and NZ. In North America as in Canada. It works north of the border from US. It can work in the US too.

Because Republicans like to portray it as some terrifying bogeyman that'll lead to full-on socialism, and as an example of extreme government interference. Of course, the GOP will be claim to be against government interference...until they turn around and want to interfere in other social aspects of people's lives.
Why can't they just have universal healthcare through a single payer system such as the NHS in UK and Europe? Or even Canada. Universal healthcare works all over the world. In Australia and NZ. In North America as in Canada. It works north of the border from US. It can work in the US too.
Of course it can work, but agendas.... Greed....
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