The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I think her and Spicer have two of the hardest jobs I can think of. Constantly trying to polish a turd.
i actually think spicer actually believes the shits he spouts and loves taking it to the media. With kellyanne i think trump has some secret for her and shes doing this against her own will :lol:
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one of the best interviews i have ever seen with a trump staffer. He was amazing, i was glued, and the best part was they never took a break, he kept drilling and pressing for about 20 mins, she was all over the shop and he nailed her constantly with actual fact , logic and things that happened. Loved the part where he asked her since he tweets so much and says media doesnt cover terror attacks how come he hasnt made a public comment on the attack on muslims in canada.

She said the canadian prime minister is coming soon so they will talk about it at the white house :lol::lol::lol: I feel for her, she is the one i truly think doesnt actually believe the bullshit she has to spew every week
feck her. She played a huge role in lying to the public with great frequency to get this entirely unqualified fecknugget into office where he's doing lasting and possibly irreparable damage, and now she's continuing to lie for him every time she opens her equine mouth.

Nobody forced her to do that, and nobody is forcing her to continue, she's every bit as bad as him.
Will a Trump sympathizer join this thread and surprise/challenge us with insightful conversation? Is it too much to hope for?

I doubt it. Usually it's just endless whataboutism, strawmen arguments, and complaining about how we're all too liberal here and how Trump supporting types are supposedly ganged up on. Most disappear as soon as they're posed with a difficult question, and then later return when they have a tenuous point to make.
feck her. She played a huge role in lying to the public with great frequency to get this entirely unqualified fecknugget into office where he's doing lasting and possibly irreparable damage, and now she's continuing to lie for him every time she opens her equine mouth.

Nobody forced her to do that, and nobody is forcing her to continue, she's every bit as bad as him.

She didnt force the american public to vote for trump. America voted in Trump and American voters alone are to blame. Dont hate the player hate the game. In an era where anything someone says can be fact checked with the click of a button i dont blame her for miss informing anyone. I blame the public for being the ones to believe and defend anything Trump says. The left can complain all they want the country voted for who they wanted. Trump said he could kill someone and they would still vote for him. He saif that :lol: , it was true, because no matter what he did, no matter what kellyanne said as spin or whatever , the American public voted for the president they wanted to reflect WHO THEY ARE. And trump for me is that person, according to the electoral college. I dont think shes a bad person, she was given a job and she's doing it and seems to be the only one with some semblence of a soul left in his staff.
Wow, those Conway interviews. How someone can stand and spin, deflect and cover for such blatant BS is shocking.

It really worries me some of the opinions from people I've heard first hand lately. They seem to not care about any of this stuff though. Trump justifies their xenophobic stance on a number of issues and I'm just an outraged liberal, apparently. I'm not an outraged liberal, I'm just an outraged, decent human being with a strong set of values. I fecking hate people.
Would LOOOOVE you to acknowledge how Trump himself in the video I posted last night so effortlessly deflates your "it's not anti-muslim" argument from last night that you're trying to pivot from now like an oil tanker in a sailboat race.

By the way, those videos are going to be the cornerstone of the case lawyers are making against the ban. So there's that too.
Relink those vids for me bro, please.
Would LOOOOVE you to acknowledge how Trump himself in the video I posted last night so effortlessly deflates your "it's not anti-muslim" argument from last night that you're trying to pivot from now like an oil tanker in a sailboat race.

By the way, those videos are going to be the cornerstone of the case lawyers are making against the ban. So there's that too.
Like you're not replying directly to my post?

I already said that I addressed this, remarks made during the election campaign to gain the votes of racist hicks are not relevant to his policies now.

What is the link with my country?
You're up in arms about a country viewing immigration from one particular nation less favourably than another, as though the likes of France and United Kingdom (alongside every other country in the world) don't do exactly the same thing.

I've kept out of this because it's ridiculous how you all are humouring someone who is clearly ignoring facts and being quite hostile and very disingenuous in reply. The one thing I can't ignore any longer though is how none of you have brought up the fact that Rudy G said it was a ban on numerous occasions and after all, he said he came up with it.

That really should put the whole issue to bed, and if it doesn't I seriously suggest the ignore feature mate, only because you are much better than this!
"Giuliani reiterated that the ban is "not based on religion."

"It's based on places where there are substantial evidence that people are sending terrorists into our country," he said."

2 quick questions-
1) Do you think any Muslims entered USA during the travel ban?
2) Do you think any non-Muslims were stopped from entering during the travel ban?
She didnt force the american public to vote for trump. America voted in Trump and American voters alone are to blame. Dont hate the player hate the game. In an era where anything someone says can be fact checked with the click of a button i dont blame her for miss informing anyone. I blame the public for being the ones to believe and defend anything Trump says. The left can complain all they want the country voted for who they wanted. Trump said he could kill someone and they would still vote for him. He saif that :lol: , it was true, because no matter what he did, no matter what kellyanne said as spin or whatever , the American public voted for the president they wanted to reflect WHO THEY ARE. And trump for me is that person, according to the electoral college. I dont think shes a bad person, she was given a job and she's doing it and seems to be the only one with some semblence of a soul left in his staff.
Nah, mate, when you're knowingly misinforming people for your own gain then you're a bad person. That's it.

If I was for some reason employed by someone to walk around town shooting random folks you wouldn't say "Fair enough, he's just doing his job" and blame my employer instead.

Most of us would probably benefit from disregarding morality and such every now and then but we choose not to.
You're up in arms about a country viewing immigration from one particular nation less favourably than another, as though the likes of France and United Kingdom (alongside every other country in the world) don't do exactly the same thing.

You still fail to see that my problem is with banning people that have been granted Visas or you can't read. While I believe that it's pointless to ban people because of their nationality, as long as the americans are okay with it, I'm okay with it
She didnt force the american public to vote for trump. America voted in Trump and American voters alone are to blame. Dont hate the player hate the game. In an era where anything someone says can be fact checked with the click of a button i dont blame her for miss informing anyone. I blame the public for being the ones to believe and defend anything Trump says. The left can complain all they want the country voted for who they wanted. Trump said he could kill someone and they would still vote for him. He saif that :lol: , it was true, because no matter what he did, no matter what kellyanne said as spin or whatever , the American public voted for the president they wanted to reflect WHO THEY ARE. And trump for me is that person, according to the electoral college. I dont think shes a bad person, she was given a job and she's doing it and seems to be the only one with some semblence of a soul left in his staff.
What a load of guff.

Voters obviously aren't blameless but you can't just absolve the liars of any blame for what they've done.
Like you're not replying directly to my post?

I already said that I addressed this, remarks made during the election campaign to gain the votes of racist hicks are not relevant to his policies now.

You're up in arms about a country viewing immigration from one particular nation less favourably than another, as though the likes of France and United Kingdom (alongside every other country in the world) don't do exactly the same thing.

"Giuliani reiterated that the ban is "not based on religion."

"It's based on places where there are substantial evidence that people are sending terrorists into our country," he said."

2 quick questions-
1) Do you think any Muslims entered USA during the travel ban?
2) Do you think any non-Muslims were stopped from entering during the travel ban?

Arrrrrrgh! How am I not replying directly to you??

You said it's not a muslim ban.... I sent you a video of Trump saying it is, and as others have stated, it's on the record that Trump asked Giuliani how he could find a way legally to get around it so as to make it a Muslim ban but not in name!
You say we don't talk about DeVos... Just go back through this thread and see how much we did!

Your quote from Giuliani is ridiculous, because as it's been stated many times, no terror attacks on US soil have been perpetrated by anyone from the countries included in the ban!

1.) 100,000 people were stopped from entering the US.
2.) The former PM of Norway because he once visited Iran

When was the last time France said they didn't want one religious group to enter their country?
Drumpf's lawyers are getting massacred at the hearing right now. Completely unprepared for the judges questions.
"I'm gonna ban Muslims" - Trump

"He asked me how he could ban Muslims but get around the illegality of doing that, so we changed some wording" - Giuliani

"Don't listen to them, it's not really that" - endless nonsense
Nah, mate, when you're knowingly misinforming people for your own gain then you're a bad person. That's it.
Fair enough, u are, trump is a bad person, that represents bad people. thats what i am saying. I however feel of all the "bad hombres" in the POTUS staff kellyanne isnt the worst of them. Thats just my opinion based on not much to be fair.

If I was for some reason employed by someone to walk around town shooting random folks you wouldn't say "Fair enough, he's just doing his job" and blame my employer instead.
i wouldnt say her job is to shoot ppl, i more see her as the lawyer trying to sway the jury to get her client off, and to be honest trump could represent him self and the jury would still vote that hes innocent...the jury being the american ppl

Most of us would probably benefit from disregarding morality and such every now and then but we choose not to.

What a load of guff.

Voters obviously aren't blameless but you can't just absolve the liars of any blame for what they've done.

I think the voters are most to blame. Trump saw what he needed to do to get the vote. and did it. If he says we are going to ban muslims and build a wall and mexicans are this and that, hes not lying, hes telling the truth and the truth as he sees it and THEY VOTED for that. Trump is a wack job but i blame the millions that voted in a crazy person in the first place. He didnt mislead them when he said in no uncertain terms of what he was ACTUALLY going to do.
feck her. She played a huge role in lying to the public with great frequency to get this entirely unqualified fecknugget into office where he's doing lasting and possibly irreparable damage, and now she's continuing to lie for him every time she opens her equine mouth.

Nobody forced her to do that, and nobody is forcing her to continue, she's every bit as bad as him.

Yup. She/her group got paid a couple million during the campaign. She was initially a Cruz backer and said plenty of outlandish shit in favor of Cruz, and plenty of attacks on Trump.
Also, this apparently:

Just hours before mounting the biggest defense of the young Trump administration, the Justice Department swapped lawyers.

The U.S. said the two top lawyers representing the U.S. would not take part in Tuesday’s hearing, because of their past relationship with one of the world’s biggest law firms, Jones Day. Instead, August Flentje, a longtime Justice Department lawyer, will argue the administration’s case.
one of the best interviews i have ever seen with a trump staffer. He was amazing, i was glued, and the best part was they never took a break, he kept drilling and pressing for about 20 mins, she was all over the shop and he nailed her constantly with actual fact , logic and things that happened. Loved the part where he asked her since he tweets so much and says media doesnt cover terror attacks how come he hasnt made a public comment on the attack on muslims in canada.

She said the canadian prime minister is coming soon so they will talk about it at the white house :lol::lol::lol: I feel for her, she is the one i truly think doesnt actually believe the bullshit she has to spew every week

It was absolutely brilliant wasn't it?

I think what he got completely spot on was just letting her talk. He let her dig her hole for as long as she liked (while he wore the same look of pure contempt as us).

Less talented journalists would have tried to say their peace which in turn turns it into an argument. Arguments are bread and butter for her and easy to manage but when he sits there for three long minutes in silence, not even nodding, after asking her to defend the indefensible, you can just see how difficult she is finding it.
What amazes me is how many people voted for him and justified it by saying "well I don't think he will really do that"
Its their own fault. I dont feel sorry for them. The problem is, being the "leader of the free world" his actions affect far beyond the shores of the USA
You still fail to see that my problem is with banning people that have been granted Visas or you can't read. While I believe that it's pointless to ban people because of their nationality, as long as the americans are okay with it, I'm okay with it
Then who said that "the big deal is from a moral standpoint" that "he thinks that you can discriminate people on the sole basis of their religion or origin"?

In any case, the visas were granted by a previous administration, just as they had the right to grant them Trump has the right to revoke them.

Arrrrrrgh! How am I not replying directly to you??

You said it's not a muslim ban.... I sent you a video of Trump saying it is, and as others have stated, it's on the record that Trump asked Giuliani how he could find a way legally to get around it so as to make it a Muslim ban but not in name!
You say we don't talk about DeVos... Just go back through this thread and see how much we did!

Your quote from Giuliani is ridiculous, because as it's been stated many times, no terror attacks on US soil have been perpetrated by anyone from the countries included in the ban!

1.) 100,000 people were stopped from entering the US.
2.) The former PM of Norway because he once visited Iran

When was the last time France said they didn't want one religious group to enter their country?
More important than redcafe though is do you think the American public gave the two controversial high-profile appointments as much attention as they would have done had the travel ban not been dominating the headlines? And you're missing the point that it doesn't matter what Trump said to appeal to some hicks or someone said he said once in private, what we are talking about is the ban itself. It's clearly not a Muslim-ban, many Muslims were allowed in and many non-Muslims were stopped, it was country-specific not religion.
Its their own fault. I dont feel sorry for them. The problem is, being the "leader of the free world" his actions affect far beyond the shores of the USA
I agree completely. The ones I know we're pretty gloomy today when Pence broke the tie to appoint DeVos. I just told them "make America great again, right?"
It was absolutely brilliant wasn't it?

I think what he got completely spot on was just letting her talk. He let her dig her hole for as long as she liked (while he wore the same look of pure contempt as us).

Less talented journalists would have tried to say their peace which in turn turns it into an argument. Arguments are bread and butter for her and easy to manage but when he sits there for three long minutes in silence, not even nodding, after asking her to defend the indefensible, you can just see how difficult she is finding it.
It was amazing. I love a good argument and he was fecking amazing in how he put her in her place, he went soft at some places and went hard at just the right time. It was like watching poetry
I agree completely. The ones I know we're pretty gloomy today when Pence broke the tie to appoint DeVos. I just told them "make America great again, right?"
That was a sad day, i feel it for the kids because it affects them so much yet they have no say in this.
Then who said that "the big deal is from a moral standpoint" that "he thinks that you can discriminate people on the sole basis of their religion or origin"?

In any case, the visas were granted by a previous administration, just as they had the right to grant them Trump has the right to revoke them.

And the rest of the sentence about breaking a contract? Or is that not convenient for you?
That was a sad day, i feel it for the kids because it affects them so much yet they have no say in this.

Worse of all, I have a feeling it'll be the same story as with Trump. Now she's in she will start pushing through on her horrible agendas and people will be saying "wow, I didn't actually think she would be this crazy"
Then who said that "the big deal is from a moral standpoint" that "he thinks that you can discriminate people on the sole basis of their religion or origin"?

In any case, the visas were granted by a previous administration, just as they had the right to grant them Trump has the right to revoke them.

More important than redcafe though is do you think the American public gave the two controversial high-profile appointments as much attention as they would have done had the travel ban not been dominating the headlines? And you're missing the point that it doesn't matter what Trump said to appeal to some hicks or someone said he said once in private, what we are talking about is the ban itself. It's clearly not a Muslim-ban, many Muslims were allowed in and many non-Muslims were stopped, it was country-specific not religion.

Ok, you're Kellyanne Conway. Full pivot combined with ignoring facts. Bye bye.
Worse of all, I have a feeling it'll be the same story as with Trump. Now she's in she will start pushing through on her horrible agendas and people will be saying "wow, I didn't actually think she would be this crazy"
how the feck does pence sleep at night when he sees that so many americans actually didnt want to have her confirmed and had to drive all the way to Congress to vote her in for the first in history.
In any case, the visas were granted by a previous administration, just as they had the right to grant them Trump has the right to revoke them.

Visas are not granted by an administration, visas are granted by the US Government. The people who are granted them have rights (although not as broad as permanent residents and citizens), as do the states where they temporarily reside and visit. Again I tell you, the Executive branch in itself is not the full extent of the US Government, and large parts of the Constitution and subsequent laws are simply to protect citizens and others from arbitrary decisions on behalf of the Executive.
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