The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I don't have an opinion on the quality of Homeland's vetting, that's not my argument. They were vetting under Obama's direction, where Trump plans to be much stricter, and as Trump is now president he can do with actions influenced by Obama as he wishes.

Are you saying that the United Kingdom lets people come and go from Libya the same way that they do USA?

I don't care about the UK and what they do, we are talking about the US. And I specifically mentioned the people that have been interviewed and legally granted a VISA, if Trump wants to change the rules for new appliants it's fine but but the retroactivity is bullshit.


Only says...

September 29, 2016

This file was inadvertently published.

I presume they retracted the article very quickly, which means they probably shouldn't have published it in the first place. Without jumping the gun too quickly I think ALL the press, but especially CNN, Washington Post and the New York times have to triple check every single thing they print/report about Trump before going to press, airing it or publishing it on the internet or social media sites. They really don't want or need to be giving Trump and his team any more ammunition or reason for them to complain or bitch about unfair coverage from the Press or to be able to label it Fake News!

They are such an important part of taking this clown and his insane posse down and we need them to be at their very best, both professionally and ethically. They really cannot afford any more slip ups.
Serious question for anyone that wants to take it on.

What did the 'Muslim ban' truly seek to achieve? [Leaving aside refugees, asylum seekers etc]

That is; In Americas current system, is it possible for people to come into the country on a plane from overseas with a tourist visa and just... stay. Work, live and be happy?

The heartfelt belief of the President could not have been "Muslims are going to come and kill us all so lets stop them at the gate". Nobody is that stupid, there's got to be a more elegant problem that this would have solved.

I've read so much about it and I really can't believe it can have foundations in something so wrong-headed.
Because while you hippies were whining about it he stuffed in controversial education and supreme court picks through the back door.

I don't care about the UK and what they do, we are talking about the US. And I specifically mentioned the people that have been interviewed and legally granted a VISA, if Trump wants to change the rules for new appliants it's fine but but the retroactivity is bullshit.
Oui mais malheureusement, les Etats Unis sont même plus loins que la Grande Bretagne de ton paradis socialiste.
Because while you hippies were whining about it he stuffed in controversial education and supreme court picks through the back door.

Oui mais malheureusement, les Etats Unis sont même plus loins que la Grande Bretagne de ton paradis socialiste.

I don't care about socialism and you don't even know what it is. Don't try to be smart.
Because while you hippies were whining about it he stuffed in controversial education and supreme court picks through the back door.

Oui mais malheureusement, les Etats Unis sont même plus loins que la Grande Bretagne de ton paradis socialiste.

There was a very concerted movement against DeVos, which fell 1 short of the required number. At the same time there were slightly more successful, and heartening, protests against the ban.
One of the centrepieces of his campaign promises wasn't a distraction to get his (already controversial) cabinet through, it had its own reasons and merits.
I don't care about socialism and you don't even know what it is. Don't try to be smart.
You don't care about your own country?

There was a very concerted movement against DeVos, which fell 1 short of the required number. At the same time there were slightly more successful, and heartening, protests against the ban.
One of the centrepieces of his campaign promises wasn't a distraction to get his (already controversial) cabinet through, it had its own reasons and merits.
Wonder if @endless_wheelies has me on ignore...

What backdoor? What do you think people here have been talking about? And as regards US citizens, there's literally a walkout from schools happening right now over it.
And yet it just doesn't seem as bad as the travel ban does it? You think he didn't schedule these things? You think he may just have easily let three sets of mass protests happen sequentially rather than dividing the outrage?
You don't care about your own country?

And yet it just doesn't seem as bad as the travel ban does it? You think he didn't schedule these things? You think he may just have easily let three sets of mass protests happen sequentially rather than dividing the outrage?

Would LOOOOVE you to acknowledge how Trump himself in the video I posted last night so effortlessly deflates your "it's not anti-muslim" argument from last night that you're trying to pivot from now like an oil tanker in a sailboat race.

By the way, those videos are going to be the cornerstone of the case lawyers are making against the ban. So there's that too.
You don't care about your own country?

And yet it just doesn't seem as bad as the travel ban does it? You think he didn't schedule these things? You think he may just have easily let three sets of mass protests happen sequentially rather than dividing the outrage?
I don't no know about endless wheelies but you're definitely spinning.
"it's not anti-muslim"

I've kept out of this because it's ridiculous how you all are humouring someone who is clearly ignoring facts and being quite hostile and very disingenuous in reply. The one thing I can't ignore any longer though is how none of you have brought up the fact that Rudy G said it was a ban on numerous occasions and after all, he said he came up with it.

That really should put the whole issue to bed, and if it doesn't I seriously suggest the ignore feature mate, only because you are much better than this!
I've kept out of this because it's ridiculous how you all are humouring someone who is clearly ignoring facts and being quite hostile and very disingenuous in reply. The one thing I can't ignore any longer though is how none of you have brought up the fact that Rudy G said it was a ban on numerous occasions and after all, he said he came up with it.

That really should put the whole issue to bed, and if it doesn't I seriously suggest the ignore feature mate, only because you are much better than this!

Yeah, it's about time to draw a line under this. Also, I cannot stand people who try to change the topic of an argument when they're blatantly wrong, as @endless_wheelies is doing right now by trying to throw DeVos into the mix, as if we haven't all been discussing her too til the cows come home.
I think we should go easy on endless nonsense out of respect for the victims of bowling green.
I've kept out of this because it's ridiculous how you all are humouring someone who is clearly ignoring facts and being quite hostile and very disingenuous in reply. The one thing I can't ignore any longer though is how none of you have brought up the fact that Rudy G said it was a ban on numerous occasions and after all, he said he came up with it.

That really should put the whole issue to bed, and if it doesn't I seriously suggest the ignore feature mate, only because you are much better than this!

It's not going to change anything because he thinks that discrimination is alright, so he will be oblivious to the fact that they legally can't label it as a muslim ban, even though it is one.
Will a Trump sympathizer join this thread and surprise/challenge us with insightful conversation? Is it too much to hope for?
I think we should go easy on endless nonsense out of respect for the victims of bowling green.


It's not going to change anything because he thinks that discrimination is alright, so he will be oblivious to the fact that they legally can't label it as a muslim ban, even though it is one.

Yeah, you are right, It's just this argument has been going round in circles for days now, it really is getting tedious. Arguing if it's a ban or not is really taking the importance of the issue away. The real issue is this is a worrying start and obvious discrimination and it has already hurt lots of people and enraged millions, possibly even billions more.
Jake Tapper destroying Skeletor on CNN...the disgust and contempt he has for her is plain to see.


Please! please! could you (or someone) sort out a link to a video of this when it's finished. That would be great. Although I thought they wouldn't have her back on the channel because she's untrustworthy.
Will a Trump sympathizer join this thread and surprise/challenge us with insightful conversation? Is it too much to hope for?
Same thing happens every time. They roll in, post a bunch of soundbites which are quickly shown up as either Trump lies or at best a complete lack of understanding. Then comes the whataboutism, followed by the question dodging and bingo card comments like "liberal media" etc followed by complaining of being in a minority and so being unable to respond without being hounded and then eventually disappearing whilst attempting to claim some moral high ground, probably with a mention of echo chambers.
Please! please! could you (or someone) sort out a link to a video of this when it's finished. That would be great. Although I thought they wouldn't have her back on the channel because she's untrustworthy.
They called her in to destroy her. She got set up big time...I *almost* felt sorry for her.

Almost...then I remembered how much damage people like Comrade Skeletor have done looking back in history and went fcuk that.
You are using liberals' words again.:nono:
:( I blame libcafe...
Same thing happens every time. They roll in, post a bunch of soundbites which are quickly shown up as either Trump lies or at best a complete lack of understanding. Then comes the whataboutism, followed by the question dodging and bingo card comments like "liberal media" etc followed by complaining of being in a minority and so being unable to respond without being hounded and then eventually disappearing whilst attempting to claim some moral high ground, probably with a mention of echo chambers.
Ikr, it's like they have been given some sort of script...
There is the entire thing here.

Cheers mate *gets popcorn
Jake Tapper destroying Skeletor on CNN...the disgust and contempt he has for her is plain to see.

one of the best interviews i have ever seen with a trump staffer. He was amazing, i was glued, and the best part was they never took a break, he kept drilling and pressing for about 20 mins, she was all over the shop and he nailed her constantly with actual fact , logic and things that happened. Loved the part where he asked her since he tweets so much and says media doesnt cover terror attacks how come he hasnt made a public comment on the attack on muslims in canada.

She said the canadian prime minister is coming soon so they will talk about it at the white house :lol::lol::lol: I feel for her, she is the one i truly think doesnt actually believe the bullshit she has to spew every week
one of the best interviews i have ever seen with a trump staffer. He was amazing, i was glued, and the best part was they never took a break, he kept drilling and pressing for about 20 mins, she was all over the shop and he nailed her constantly with actual fact , logic and things that happened. Loved the part where he asked her since he tweets so much and says media doesnt cover terror attacks how come he hasnt made a public comment on the attack on muslims in canada.

She said the canadian prime minister is coming soon so they will talk about it at the white house :lol::lol::lol: I feel for her, she is the one i truly think doesnt actually believe the bullshit she has to spew every week

Feckin hell, she must spend 10 hours a day with her head spinning, thinking of ways to utterly spin what has been said. Every sentence is "What I think he meant was....".

Cognative dissonance translation :D Trump Cliff Notes.
I think her and Spicer have two of the hardest jobs I can think of. Constantly trying to polish a turd.
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