The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Why not. America's always condemned Iran for being the rogue state. Now that Trump is making America look stupid and undermining all the years of at least putting a firm but fair face of their opposition to Iran, he's practically handing them the moral high ground through his complete lack of tact. It isn't to say who's actually right and wrong - it's a look at the propaganda each uses and to what effecs dt.

As said I don't like Trump (or any US president after Clinton for all that matters). However as a neutral I'd say if only Iran was at the same level of Trump's US in terms of rights, democracy and decency. How the feck can Iran criticise the US on the immigration ban (which is disgusting) when it pretty much does the same to Israel (not to forget the multiple threats)
It's not stuck in the middle age, Iranians are modern and very nice people.

Iran government and laws are stuck in the middle ages. I never mentioned its people (whom are as disgusted about it as I am)
I was thinking these days about the dissonance that is the fact that seemingly people in rural areas are supremely worried by the threat of terrorism, and people in urban areas that are the most likely targets apparently are not (hence not voting for he who called for the 'muslim ban').
Iran government and laws are stuck in the middle ages. I never mentioned its people (whom are as disgusted about it as I am)

Because the West(not just the US) made sure to get rid of democracy by their interventionism and then made sure to keep them in that state by banning them from the International community.
I'm sure this is not the last time CNN communications will correct Sean Spicer.

As said I don't like Trump (or any US president after Clinton for all that matters). However as a neutral I'd say if only Iran was at the same level of Trump's US in terms of rights, democracy and decency. How the feck can Iran criticise the US on the immigration ban (which is disgusting) when it pretty much does the same to Israel (not to forget the multiple threats)

Because America holds itself up as the bastion of freedom, affording Iran a minor propaganda victory by mocking the notion, and America has absolutely invited it with how shoddily they've implemented the ban and the fact that it even exists. As a broader point, that's just what propaganda is; people in glass houses throw stones and inflict whatever damage they possibly can. Hardly something to focus on at any length. It'll work on the people it's intended for and the rest of us can just roll our eyes.

A major reason why we have Trump. Individuals who have no interest in knowing facts. I had a discussion with a highly educated and incredibly smart individual last week about healthcare. His lack of knowledge on something that directly influenced him was mind-blowing. A lot of Americans are in for a bad surprise in the next decade.
Not a big deal. He's clearly joking.

There are jokes you can make.
There are jokes you can make as President.

Beyond that, he also struggles with language. If the joke was:

"Give me his name, I'll take him off my Christmas Card list"

That's mild and not all that entertaining but still low-key funny. His use of 'I'll ruin his career' is hostile, aggressive. He's a liability.
Because America holds itself up as the bastion of freedom, affording Iran a minor propaganda victory by mocking the notion, and America has absolutely invited it with how shoddily they've implemented the ban and the fact that it even exists. As a broader point, that's just what propaganda is; people in glass houses throw stones and inflict whatever damage they possibly can. Hardly something to focus on at any length. It'll work on the people it's intended for and the rest of us can just roll our eyes.

That's my criticism towards Iran
Because the West(not just the US) made sure to get rid of democracy by their interventionism and then made sure to keep them in that state by banning them from the International community.

It was the UK and the US mainly the UK. My country had nothing to do with that and we're part of the West

Also shit happens. Malta ended its 3000 years of colonialism by being blasted off the ground during WW2 (most bombed country in WW2 by square meter) by the Germans and the Italians (not the French, the Canadians or any other people from the West). The UK thanked us by giving us a tin medal and kept our hands off from the Marshall aid. We could have turned nasty but we didn't
There are jokes you can make.
There are jokes you can make as President.

Beyond that, he also struggles with language. If the joke was:

"Give me his name, I'll take him off my Christmas Card list"

That's mild and not all that entertaining but still low-key funny. His use of 'I'll ruin his career' is hostile, aggressive. He's a liability.

Nah. Its just the usual groupthink social media overreaction. Trump says stupid things. Time to accept it and move on as he isn't changing.
That's politics.

The US did something silly. The last thing a country whose been silly on that for decades is to point such silliness. Its like having Vinnie Jones pointing out at Herrera's occasional reckless tackling

If Iran wants to criticize the US then they should first sort their mess
The fact that Wyoming gets the same level of representation in the Senate as California is ridiculous.
The main problem is that their administration interviewed people and granted them access to the US soil but the president and his aides decided to cancel everything because of the nationalities of those people, not because of what they are but because of their nationalities.
The big deal is from a moral standpoint, first this POTUS doesn't think that a contractual agreement has to be respected and secondly he thinks that you can discriminate people on the sole basis of their religion or origin.
It wasn't his administration though was it? If you entered into a job where your predecessor had signed a contract meaning that you now had to sit on a chair that had a built in dildo going in and out of you while you tried to do your job would you honour that contract just for the sake of honouring a contract?

Firstly hypothetically he can discriminate against who he wants when it comes to letting people into his country, secondly in reality all kinds of religions were being blocked from entry, not just one, thirdly do you think USA is the only country in the world that's ever looked at one nationality less favourably than another when deciding who to let in to their country?
The US did something silly. The last thing a country whose been silly on that for decades is to point such silliness. Its like having Vinnie Jones pointing out at Herrera's occasional reckless tackling

If Iran wants to criticize the US then they should first sort their mess

Once again, it's propaganda. This is how it works. What else do you realistically expect? Point out how dumb it is, but you really don't need to analyse is at any great length.
What press sec comments?

#AlternativeFacts by the WH.

What happened before: CNN said the WH offered Kellyanne for their Sunday morning (?) show but refused to take her due to credibility issues. Kellyanne claimed that she refused to come due to family reasons.

What happened today.
At the White House briefing, press secretary Sean Spicer claimed that CNN had “retracted” its statement about not inviting Conway, Counselor to the president, onto its shows over concerns about her credibility.

“My understanding is they retracted that, they walked that back, or denied it, or however you want to put it, I don’t care,” Spicer said.

“But I think Kellyanne is a very trusted aide of the president and any characterization otherwise is insulting. If they choose not to work with someone that’s up to them, but we’re going to continue to put out key leaders of this administration, including Kellyanne, that can articulate this president’s policies and agenda.”
The US did something silly. The last thing a country whose been silly on that for decades is to point such silliness. Its like having Vinnie Jones pointing out at Herrera's occasional reckless tackling

If Iran wants to criticize the US then they should first sort their mess
You're really harping on about a complete non-issue. Iran is hypocritical...GO FIGURE. So is every other country on the face of the earth.
It wasn't his administration though was it? If you entered into a job where your predecessor had signed a contract meaning that you now had to sit on a chair that had a built in dildo going in and out of you while you tried to do your job would you honour that contract just for the sake of honouring a contract?

You seem to have an obsession with having things put in your arse against your will. I'm starting to get a little concerned about you.

Also for the unmitigated moronic nonsense you spout, but mostly the uninvited anal penetration thing.
The US did something silly. The last thing a country whose been silly on that for decades is to point such silliness. Its like having Vinnie Jones pointing out at Herrera's occasional reckless tackling

If Iran wants to criticize the US then they should first sort their mess

A guy with BO can still realise that someone else smells bad.

A guy with BO can easily point out that someone that once smelled good, now smells awful.
It wasn't his administration though was it? If you entered into a job where your predecessor had signed a contract meaning that you now had to sit on a chair that had a built in dildo going in and out of you while you tried to do your job would you honour that contract just for the sake of honouring a contract?

Firstly hypothetically he can discriminate against who he wants when it comes to letting people into his country, secondly in reality all kinds of religions were being blocked from entry, not just one, thirdly do you think USA is the only country in the world that's ever looked at one nationality less favourably than another when deciding who to let in to their country?

By administration, I'm talking about the Homeland administration not the POTUS administration.

Now, you are suggesting that under Obama, Homeland security didn't do its job, that the people they interviewed and to which they granted VISAS were badly checked? That's what you are suggesting? You are suggesting that Trump is right to decide that their work need to be scrapped?

Also, the "I'm not the only one doing that" isn't an argument, that's flat out stupidity.
It wasn't his administration though was it? If you entered into a job where your predecessor had signed a contract meaning that you now had to sit on a chair that had a built in dildo going in and out of you while you tried to do your job would you honour that contract just for the sake of honouring a contract?

Firstly hypothetically he can discriminate against who he wants when it comes to letting people into his country, secondly in reality all kinds of religions were being blocked from entry, not just one, thirdly do you think USA is the only country in the world that's ever looked at one nationality less favourably than another when deciding who to let in to their country?

Oh hello, are you back? Returning with another lovely metaphor, but still ignoring reality even though you actually used the words "in reality".
Is the ignore option the greatest addition to any internet forum? I'd like to think so...I know some will say - it defeats the purpose of having an internet forum/board - but, I disagree.

A major reason why we have Trump. Individuals who have no interest in knowing facts. I had a discussion with a highly educated and incredibly smart individual last week about healthcare. His lack of knowledge on something that directly influenced him was mind-blowing. A lot of Americans are in for a bad surprise in the next decade.
I think that's unfortunately a phenomenon that occurs in many countries, and I find it rather depressing that people who don't care to inform themselves properly have the same voting rights as those who know at least the basics. If they upset their lives by decisions due to their cluelessness: Fair enough, I don't bother. But that they ruin the life of others makes me angry.
Is the ignore option the greatest addition to any internet forum? I'd like to think so...I know some will say - it defeats the purpose of having an internet forum/board - but, I disagree.


I'd like to give it one more go to get @endless_wheelies to acknowledge the videos etc from last night and then will consider it. Over to him/her...
Serious question for anyone that wants to take it on.

What did the 'Muslim ban' truly seek to achieve? [Leaving aside refugees, asylum seekers etc]

That is; In Americas current system, is it possible for people to come into the country on a plane from overseas with a tourist visa and just... stay. Work, live and be happy?

The heartfelt belief of the President could not have been "Muslims are going to come and kill us all so lets stop them at the gate". Nobody is that stupid, there's got to be a more elegant problem that this would have solved.

I've read so much about it and I really can't believe it can have foundations in something so wrong-headed.

An ice cream parlor in Philadelphia is rolling out a new option for its customers: the ImPeach Sundae.

Franklin Fountain posted a photo of its new sundae option on Instagram.

The sundae is made up of peach ice cream "smothered in nuts from the cabinet, with a side of our orange colored Tomato Ice Cream topped with Cheetos," according to the Instagram post.

"May be served with tiny demitasse spoon per request, to make any hands look huge," the ice cream shop wrote in its Instagram caption, posted just weeks into President Trump's term.
Serious question for anyone that wants to take it on.

What did the 'Muslim ban' truly seek to achieve? [Leaving aside refugees, asylum seekers etc] Ban refugees from entering the country, refugees from countries that the US is involved in creating refugees in. Also to be racist, but swallowing the racism for countries where Trump has business interests.

That is; In Americas current system, is it possible for people to come into the country on a plane from overseas with a tourist visa and just... stay. Work, live and be happy? Yup. Ask all the illegal Irish (Brazilians at it too I think)

The heartfelt belief of the President could not have been "Muslims are going to come and kill us all so lets stop them at the gate". Nobody is that stupid, there's got to be a more elegant problem that this would have solved. He is that stupid. There's a very good chance he can't read very well, and certainly verifiably runs from it like the plague. But there is also arch racism at play, in his own head and in particular among some of his advisors. Note that attacks not on westerners were ignored in his list of "not reported on" attacks and how white supremacist hate groups are no longer to be monitored.

I've read so much about it and I really can't believe it can have foundations in something so wrong-headed. Welcome to the Trump administration, where you hand state departments to climate change disbelievers, vaccine deniers, mates of Russia and rich people who hate public education.
Serious question for anyone that wants to take it on.

What did the 'Muslim ban' truly seek to achieve? [Leaving aside refugees, asylum seekers etc]
In reality? It was all about the optics. Trump gets to look tough - and say to his voters...see I kept my promise. That's it. It DID NOT and DOES NOT make America safer.

As so many have pointed out - none of the countries on the ban list have had citizens who committed a terrorist act in the US in the last 40 years. That's not to say those countries didn't deserve to be on the list - quite a few of those are nations that are barely hanging on. But, that this was NOT truly about security is proven by who it left out.

Again - I'm sure you don't need me to repeat some of the nations which are proper terrorist safe havens. In fact, going by security risk - quite a few European nations would need to be either banned or placed under 'extreme vetting'. Thousands of jihadists have left mainland Europe to fight in Iraq and Syria. Many hundreds have come back. How do we know a few of them won't try to come to the US??? Say a couple of brothers from Belgium?
Serious question for anyone that wants to take it on.

What did the 'Muslim ban' truly seek to achieve? [Leaving aside refugees, asylum seekers etc]

That is; In Americas current system, is it possible for people to come into the country on a plane from overseas with a tourist visa and just... stay. Work, live and be happy?

The heartfelt belief of the President could not have been "Muslims are going to come and kill us all so lets stop them at the gate". Nobody is that stupid, there's got to be a more elegant problem that this would have solved.

I've read so much about it and I really can't believe it can have foundations in something so wrong-headed.

It's more philosophical than anything else, among some people there is the idea that we are currently in the middle of a war of civilizations and muslims are at the door ready to enter and ravage our home. Which is why you often see people use the "you lock your door at night" because in their mind muslims/dark skinned people are metaphorical burglars.
By administration, I'm talking about the Homeland administration not the POTUS administration.

Now, you are suggesting that under Obama, Homeland security didn't do its job, that the people they interviewed and to which they granted VISAS were badly checked? That's what you are suggesting? You are suggesting that Trump is right to decide that their work need to be scrapped?

Also, the "I'm not the only one doing that" isn't an argument, that's flat out stupidity.
I don't have an opinion on the quality of Homeland's vetting, that's not my argument. They were vetting under Obama's direction, where Trump plans to be much stricter, and as Trump is now president he can do with actions influenced by Obama as he wishes.

Are you saying that the United Kingdom lets people come and go from Libya the same way that they do USA?
In a little-noticed 6-3 vote today, the House Administration Committee voted along party lines to eliminate the Election Assistance Commission, which helps states run elections and is the only federal agency charged with making sure voting machines can’t be hacked. The EAC was created after the disastrous 2000 election in Florida as part of the Help America Vote Act to rectify problems like butterfly ballots and hanging chads. (Republicans have tried to kill the agency for years.) The Committee also voted to eliminate the public-financing system for presidential elections dating back to the 1970s.

“It is my firm belief that the EAC has outlived its usefulness and purpose,” said Committee chair Gregg Harper (R-MS), explaining why his bill transfers the EAC’s authority to the Federal Election Commission.

Remember these are the same people who say they're worried about fair elections.... :lol:
Serious question for anyone that wants to take it on.

What did the 'Muslim ban' truly seek to achieve? [Leaving aside refugees, asylum seekers etc]

That is; In Americas current system, is it possible for people to come into the country on a plane from overseas with a tourist visa and just... stay. Work, live and be happy?

The heartfelt belief of the President could not have been "Muslims are going to come and kill us all so lets stop them at the gate". Nobody is that stupid, there's got to be a more elegant problem that this would have solved.

I've read so much about it and I really can't believe it can have foundations in something so wrong-headed.
IMO, it was an appeal to his base that he meant business. The countries picked were cheap and easy targets.
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