The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
I call my own shots, largely based on an accumulation of data, and everyone knows it. Some FAKE NEWS media, in order to marginalize, lies!

All the President Bannon talk is upsetting him.

The media helped make him...if the media doesn't cave in, it can help to unravel him.

Oh my. No seriously, this is real, this isn't dEnald. Honestly :lol:

He really said that, if anything is positive it's right, but any polls that are negative are false. :lol:
right feck there anything remotely impeachable on the horizon?

People really need to get over this whole impeachment thing. While I would love for it to happen (and take the entire crew down at the same time), the reality is that impeachment is a political process. It is unlikely that the current Republican controlled House would pursue any impeachment of Trump.
Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
I call my own shots, largely based on an accumulation of data, and everyone knows it. Some FAKE NEWS media, in order to marginalize, lies!

All the President Bannon talk is upsetting him.

The media helped make him...if the media doesn't cave in, it can help to unravel him.
That an American president would ever embarrass himself to tweet something like this is shocking.

There are a couple of fun hashtags in use, e.g. #PresidentBannon, #StopPresidentBannon, #BannonsPuppet, #TrumpNotBriefed, #SoCalledPresident
I hope the Narcissist reads all those tweets, explodes and vanishes forever.
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Do you english speaking people not know/use the term 'Rechtsstaat' for the concept that government power is constrained by the law? I take it you include that in 'democracy'.
Mr. Trump remains intensely focused on his brand, but the demands of the job mean he spends less time monitoring the news media — although he recently upgraded the flat-screen TV in his private dining room so he can watch the news while eating lunch.

He often has to wait until the end of the workday before grinding through news clips with Mr. Spicer, marking the ones he does not like with a big arrow in black Sharpie — though he almost always makes time to monitor Mr. Spicer’s performance at the daily briefings, summoning him to offer praise or criticism, a West Wing aide said.

No wonder the poor chap looks like a constipated frog. I doubt he lasts more than 6 months.

Oh my. No seriously, this is real, this isn't dEnald. Honestly :lol:

He really said that, if anything is positive it's right, but any polls that are negative are false. :lol:

The first one is genuinely absurd. He's saying that quite literally anything about him is fake. Anything. Until now his approach has largely been deflection, turning arguments against the people criticising them etc, but in that tweet he's arguing that anything whatsoever that portrays his popularity as being negative is fake.
I haven't realized up until now that the DeVos family fortune is built on that Amway pyramid scheme.

Jeez, it gets even worse... I try not to spend time thinking of pyramid schemes, because every time I do I lose faith in humanity. The dishonesty + stupidity just depresses me.
I try not to spend time thinking of pyramid schemes

They are still massive business now, companies like Herbalife are basically giant pyramid schemes. They just keep reinventing themselves under different guises and with different products, but underneath they are all the same. Btw, back on topic...........

Jeez, it gets even worse... I try not to spend time thinking of pyramid schemes, because every time I do I lose faith in humanity. The dishonesty + stupidity just depresses me.

Greed, my friend, greed. My mother, a woman with 2 college degrees, fell for one such years ago. Luckily, the power of Google helped me convince her it was fraud before she spent anything substantial on it.
Greed, my friend, greed. My mother, a woman with 2 college degrees, fell for one such years ago. Luckily, the power of Google helped me convince her it was fraud before she spent anything substantial on it.

I know. I had a colleague a while back with an MA in economics, whose thesis was some extension of option pricing theory, math that I can't begin to understand (and my whole career is underscored by the fact that I'm pretty good at math relative to the whole population), but was in 2-3 of these schemes. Me and a friend would try to argue him out of it, but he just would not budge. Glad you got your mom turned away before any serious damage. The stories of people that already don't have much and end up spending thousands in these schemes are just awful.
I know. I had a colleague a while back with an MA in economics, whose thesis was some extension of option pricing theory, math that I can't begin to understand (and my whole career is underscored by the fact that I'm pretty good at math relative to the whole population), but was in 2-3 of these schemes. Me and a friend would try to argue him out of it, but he just would not budge. Glad you got your mom turned away before any serious damage. The stories of people that already don't have much and end up spending thousands in these schemes are just awful.

Desperation for the most part. I've heard stories of pyramid schemers moving from third world country to country, setting up shop, operating for a while, and absconding with their profits just before the pyramid collapses. The motto "if it sounds too good to be true..." doesn't hold water with someone struggling to get by as much as it does with well off folk.

Then again, the spectrum of people who got ripped off by Madoff included very well off people, which shoots holes in my previous paragraph. Who the feck knows eh?
Expect another round of delusional and angry statements. :drool:

Which stories is he on about?
The one that he wasn't briefed about the content of the EO which gave Steve Bannon a seat in the NSC. Hashtags like #StopPresidentBannon and #TrumpNotBriefed that followed the release of the story seem to be getting to him. :D

whatever it is, the nytimes must be delighted with the clicks they are getting.
Some days ago, the NYT tweeted that they have 3m subscriptions now, an all-time high.
He is going to have to call them The successful New York Times by the end of the month.

Awwwww booo hooo, bless. It hurted his fweeelings. :lol:

His main criticism, however, was that he believes Alec Baldwin’s portrayal of President Trump on the show is too “mean.” He said, “Alec has gone from funny to mean, and that’s unfortunate. SNL used to be really funny. There’s a streak of meanness now that they’ve crossed over to mean.”
For feck sake, the President and his official public spokesperson are spending their time complaining about a newspaper being critical and a comedian poking fun at them.

What is going on.

Awwwww booo hooo, bless. It hurted his fweeelings. :lol:

His choice of words is brilliant :lol:

Makes him sound like a Kindergarten child who got his toy taken a way. Could the freaking press secretary not come up with a better word than "mean"?
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