The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Yes it has, a number of times, but it's in a bizarre way entertaining regardless of how often I read or hear about it. No story writer in Hollywood could make this stuff up.
Oh alright thanks. Thread get's update so much it's hard to check if stuff has already been posted.
I can't see Bannon pulling the strings as he did in the first few days.
Hopefully your right. With Trump being such a narcissist he will remove anyone trying to take the ''spotlight''. It's been said a million times already but Bannon being anywhere near a position of power is terrifying.
No offence Raoul, but :wenger:

Forever the optimist. No need to be a pessimist either but there is a middle ground (wait and see). I just get the feeling this must be more frustrating for you than most as you seem to be expecting the best outcome in any given situation....

Its not optimism, its the fact that the WH won't be able to dictate policy as much when all the cabinet secretaries and their staffs are settled into the roles. Even if the WH wanted to push a policy, Priebus now has a lengthy checklist set up so there won't be a repeat of the travel ban fiasco. Bannon will then be relegated to the same roles Axelrod and Rove had in previous administrations.
Both. We're not in a position to stick it to Trump under any circumstances, maybe that doesn't chime with your hippy ideals but it's called the real world...
No, it's the world you live in... The position we are in is not of my making and there is no reason why I should be abandoning my ideals and bending over like you seem so keen to do. Hippie ideals huh?
Its not optimism, its the fact that the WH won't be able to dictate policy as much when all the cabinet secretaries and their staffs are settled into the roles. Even if the WH wanted to push a policy, Priebus now has a lengthy checklist set up so there won't be a repeat of the travel ban fiasco. Bannon will then be relegated to the same roles Axelrod and Rove had in previous administrations.
Fair enough, I'll wait and see...
Both. We're not in a position to stick it to Trump under any circumstances, maybe that doesn't chime with your hippy ideals but it's called the real world.
Appalling to imply that standing up against discrimination of people due to their sex, origin or religion are hippy ideals.
No, it's the world you live in... The position we are in is not of my making and there is no reason why I should be abandoning my ideals and bending over like you seem so keen to do. Hippie ideals huh?
Quick hypothetical - would allow yourself to be raped in order to stop Britain getting nuked?

Appalling to imply that standing up against discrimination of people due to their sex, origin or religion are hippy ideals.
Please point out said discrimination. Even if he was going round sticking his finger in every woman's butt he came across like he was trying out bowling balls and taking weekly hunting trips to Iraqi villages in his F-15 what position would we be in to change his behaviour by meekly waving our fists at him and mumbling "bully", as opposed to forming as close an alliance as possible and then telling him to change his behaviour as his friend? We already got him to back NATO.
Quick hypothetical - would allow yourself to be raped in order to stop Britain getting nuked?

Please point out said discrimination. Even if he was going round sticking his finger in every woman's butt he came across like he was trying out bowling balls and taking weekly hunting trips to Iraqi villages in his F-15 what position would we be in to change his behaviour by meekly waving our fists at him and mumbling "bully", as opposed to forming as close an alliance as possible and then telling him to change his behaviour as his friend? We already got him to back NATO.

I'm quite fascinated by who would be in that position actually. "Get raped or get nuked"
Quick hypothetical - would allow yourself to be raped in order to stop Britain getting nuked?

Please point out said discrimination. Even if he was going round sticking his finger in every woman's butt he came across like he was trying out bowling balls and taking weekly hunting trips to Iraqi villages in his F-15 what position would we be in to change his behaviour by meekly waving our fists at him and mumbling "bully", as opposed to forming as close an alliance as possible and then telling him to change his behaviour as his friend? We already got him to back NATO.
Travel ban, continued fake news on immigrants and muslims, misogyny, mocking of a disabled reporter, twisting the narrative of the attack in Quebec etc.

IMO it's naive to assume he backs NATO just because some people of his administration do it. I bow to the Speaker who pushes back on Trump loudly and clearly and doesn't stick into his behind as so many others do.
Its not optimism, its the fact that the WH won't be able to dictate policy as much when all the cabinet secretaries and their staffs are settled into the roles. Even if the WH wanted to push a policy, Priebus now has a lengthy checklist set up so there won't be a repeat of the travel ban fiasco. Bannon will then be relegated to the same roles Axelrod and Rove had in previous administrations.

Let's hope that's how things work out.
Is there a reason why your hypothetical was far from equivalent? Maybe because you're talking shite?
And your answer is...?

Travel ban, continued fake news on immigrants and muslims, misogyny, mocking of a disabled reporter, twisting the narrative of the attack in Quebec etc.

IMO it's naive to assume he backs NATO just because some people of his administration do it. I bow to the Speaker who pushes back on Trump loudly and clearly and doesn't stick into his behind as so many others do.
The travel ban was what he deemed to be high-risk countries using a list Obama drew up, the agenda-driven media were the ones who even brought faith into it. The rest aren't even related to his actual presidency just accusations against his personality (and yes I admit he is an asshole).

What exactly is not definitive about Trump backing NATO for you? And speaking of naivety what would your big plan for the British economy be if we left the single market AND flipped off Trump?
Quick hypothetical - would allow yourself to be raped in order to stop Britain getting nuked?

Please point out said discrimination. Even if he was going round sticking his finger in every woman's butt he came across like he was trying out bowling balls and taking weekly hunting trips to Iraqi villages in his F-15 what position would we be in to change his behaviour by meekly waving our fists at him and mumbling "bully", as opposed to forming as close an alliance as possible and then telling him to change his behaviour as his friend? We already got him to back NATO.

You are a dick head.

Worth the infraction because I don't have the time to call you out on 5 different things this evening. Good day.
Spicer apparently implies that anti-Trump protesters are a paid movement while Tea Party was an organic movement, and that the media don't cover terror attacks as they should. WTF?!?!?!?!?

Edit: Spicer said he'll later distribute a list later with attacks that the media haven't covered (adequately). I hope the media don't get distracted by Trump's attempts to pivot.
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Spicer apparently implies that anti-Trump protesters are a paid movement while Tea Party was an organic movement, and that the media don't cover terror attacks as they should. WTF?!?!?!?!?

The non-reporting of Bowling Green is a (((mainstream))) conspiracy.
The travel ban was what he deemed to be high-risk countries using a list Obama drew up, the agenda-driven media were the ones who even brought faith into it. The rest aren't even related to his actual presidency just accusations against his personality (and yes I admit he is an asshole).

What exactly is not definitive about Trump backing NATO for you? And speaking of naivety what would your big plan for the British economy be if we left the single market AND flipped off Trump?

Wake up: Trump and Giuliani both admitted it's a muslim ban. And agenda-driven media? Sorry, but that's laughable, as your attempt to pivot that discriminations during the elections don't count and are just an accusation against his personality. You're either of the same breed as he is or in denial.
There are many more quotes from Trump that he thinks NATO is a relict, nobody of his administration condemned the new outburst of fights in Ukraine, he defends Putin in a Fox interview and you still buy that he backs NATO? Just :lol: .
Can't stop laughing about this parody of fake news, FakeTrumpNews - the WORLDWIDE LEADER IN (IMAGINARY) TRUMP NEWS. :lol:

Anynone remember the articles of Alex Jones in which he claimed that Obama and Cliniton ooze a smell of sulfur, and that they are surrounded by swarms of flies? This is so reminiscent:

Doctors Claim that Sean Spicer is Full of Feces; has no Internal Organs
A group of physicians announced their findings this afternoon regarding White House Press Secretary and Communications Director Sean Spicer including that he has no internal organs and is full of fecal matter.

“Mr. Spicer is full of it. Everything that comes out of his mouth is bovine manure. We have studied him for the last two weeks and found that he is incapable of emitting truthful words, accepting facts as truth, and is driven to justify the unjustifiable. There just seems to be an unending supply of crap. Frankly, we fear for his health and do not see how any person can continue to function under this scenario.” explained the group’s spokesperson, Dr. Ackula.

The review was prompted by concerns over Mr. Spicer’s moodiness, and his inability to recognize reality.

“Mr. Spicer has appeared aggressive, verbalizing great offense over small slights, and expressing a skewed perception of facts bordering on psychosis. These may be symptoms of extreme constipation caused by his entire body cavity being filled with doo-doo. This man needs help.”

When asked for comment, a White House spokesperson simply closed their eyes, put their fingers in their ears, and sang “la-la, la-la, la.”
Perfectly valid in light of the post that prompted it... Are you leading up to a point? We can save time here...
What I'm saying is even if we had to take a rape it would be worth it to avoid economic oblivion.

Wake up: Trump and Giuliani both admitted it's a muslim ban (1). And agenda-driven media (2)? Sorry, but that's laughable, as your attempt to pivot that discriminations during the elections don't count and are just an accusation against his personality (3). You're either of the same breed as he is or in denial.
There are many more quotes from Trump that he thinks NATO is a relict (4), nobody of his administration condemned the new outburst of fights in Ukraine, he defends Putin in a Fox interview and you still buy that he backs NATO (5)? Just :lol: .
1 - where?
2 - you don't think the outlets pushing the Trump-anti-Islam line were anti-Trump?
3 - discrimination really refers to meaningful acts of hatred not throwaway quips
4 - before May got hold of him
5 - he's trying to make peace with Putin like he said and we all want don't we? It has no baring on NATO.

Anyway where's your answer to-
And speaking of naivety what would your big plan for the British economy be if we left the single market AND flipped off Trump?
Coz aforceintricity voluteered to get raped and saved Britain obviously
Fcuk off, I watched Britain burn while smoking a spliff (hippie reefer)...

Anyway I'm not entertaining him and his false equivalency bullshit, not sure what he's on about tbh....
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What I'm saying is even if we had to take a rape it would be worth it to avoid economic oblivion.

1 - where?
2 - you don't think the outlets pushing the Trump-anti-Islam line were anti-Trump?
3 - discrimination really refers to meaningful acts of hatred not throwaway quips
4 - before May got hold of him
5 - he's trying to make peace with Putin like he said and we all want don't we? It has no baring on NATO.

Anyway where's your answer to-
This post, delivering another blend of ignorance and downplaying as the ones before, show why it's a waste of time to continue. And if you seriously think that a deal with Trump is the one that will save the UK, you're even more in denial then I thought.
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