The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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That's kind of what I was implying, yes. This is a great opportunity for Trump to instigate a false flag operation. Any sort of terrorist attack, even a small scale one, would play right into his (tiny) hands.
Nah, let's not get into conspiracy stuff.

But I can well imagine ISIS and sympathizing Jihadists putting top priority on making something happen in the US soon.
Nah, let's not get into conspiracy stuff.

But I can well imagine ISIS and sympathizing Jihadists putting top priority on making something happen in the US soon.
Yeah, let's do. It's happened many, many times before and will happen again. Not always on American soil, mind you but nonetheless it would be true to form.
But I can well imagine ISIS and sympathizing Jihadists putting top priority on making something happen in the US soon.

Possibly, but the beauty of Trump (or the nightmare for him) is that he has hotels and golf courses all over the world. If Trump starts ramping up the war against ISIS then they could retaliate against him personally so much easier than striking the USA, unless they use sleeper cells or radicalised US nationals of course. This is where his conflicts of interests are actually a huge danger. I personally wouldn't ever stay at a Trump hotel, but certainly not now while he's President and being such a Islamaphobe.
Wouldn't it be in Little Marco's interests to distance himself from Trump? I wouldn't have expected it this early, mind.

I think there are a good number of Republicans who are currently holding their fire (to varying degrees) against Trump. He still has a lot of base support, but once his poll numbers dip into the 30s, the likes of McCain, Rubio, Graham, Flake, and others will begin to peel off and criticize him more. Its just hard for them to do it now because he still has a degree of post-election support from much of the Republican base.

Both of those have re-elections coming up for their senate seats in 2018, so its in their best interests to shut the feck up about Trump. The last time an incumbent from South Carolina opened his mouth against Trump, he lost his senate seat by a wide margin.
Possibly, but the beauty of Trump (or the nightmare for him) is that he has hotels and golf courses all over the world. If Trump starts ramping up the war against ISIS then they could retaliate against him personally so much easier than striking the USA, unless they use sleeper cells or radicalised US nationals of course. This is where his conflicts of interests are actually a huge danger. I personally wouldn't ever stay at a Trump hotel, but certainly not now while he's President and being such a Islamaphobe.
That is good point actually, and I was thinking how stupid he was to forget that his brand and business are all over the world and an easy target for terriorists. It could have a massive impact on his business and brand.
Both of those have re-elections coming up for their senate seats in 2018, so its in their best interests to shut the feck up about Trump. The last time an incumbent from South Carolina opened his mouth against Trump, he lost his senate seat by a wide margin.

Perhaps, although it's always a good strategy to stay onside whilst throwing soft criticisms his way on certain issues. If the loudmouth stays, you're simply going against him on the issues that permit you to. If he goes, you won't be tarnished like those who were utterly spineless and went along with absolutely everything.
Both of those have re-elections coming up for their senate seats in 2018, so its in their best interests to shut the feck up about Trump. The last time an incumbent from South Carolina opened his mouth against Trump, he lost his senate seat by a wide margin.

Rubio and McCain just got reelected in November and Graham got another 6 year term in 2014. None of them are remotely vulnerable from a re election standpoint.
Flake should be, won by 3% in 2012, but I'm not sure whether pro- or anti-Trump is his best reelection tactic in Arizona
Flake should be, won by 3% in 2012, but I'm not sure whether pro- or anti-Trump is his best reelection tactic in Arizona

Arizona is pretty neutral on Trump. He won here but a prominent Republican newspaper endorsed Hillary.
Rubio and McCain just got reelected in November and Graham got another 6 year term in 2014. None of them are remotely vulnerable from a re election standpoint.

My bad I remember reading somewhere recently that McCain's seat was up in 2018.
Trump's voters believe that existing political bureaucracy is corrupt and self serving. Thus, excited talk of a 'constitutional crisis' misses the point. This is exactly what Trump's supporters want him to do: in their eyes, he is making immediate and dramatic progress delivering their wishes.

The neo liberal media still don't get it. Their faux outrage only plays well with those already against tRump and does nothing to change the hearts and minds of his 47%. They need to get out of their comfy echo chamber and come up with a new communications strategy to reach these people.
Trump's voters believe that existing political bureaucracy is corrupt and self serving. Thus, excited talk of a 'constitutional crisis' misses the point. This is exactly what Trump's supporters want him to do: in their eyes, he is making immediate and dramatic progress delivering their wishes.

The neo liberal media still don't get it. Their faux outrage only plays well with those already against tRump and does nothing to change the hearts and minds of his 47%. They need to get out of their comfy echo chamber and come up with a new communications strategy to reach these people.


The problem with that point of view is, this is a situation where they can't have it both ways. He is creating a constitutional crisis, and his supporters can't on the one hand decry this, but on the other hand run to the constitution when things they like get threatened.
Trump's voters believe that existing political bureaucracy is corrupt and self serving. Thus, excited talk of a 'constitutional crisis' misses the point. This is exactly what Trump's supporters want him to do: in their eyes, he is making immediate and dramatic progress delivering their wishes.

The neo liberal media still don't get it. Their faux outrage only plays well with those already against tRump and does nothing to change the hearts and minds of his 47%. They need to get out of their comfy echo chamber and come up with a new communications strategy to reach these people.
As many people on his own side have insisted, there is not just one kind of Trump voter. Not all of them are anarchists that just want to see it burn, many will be put off by incompetence and cruelty.
Wouldn't they prefer for America to be in conflict with itself rather than uniting them to go after ISIS tho?
I think what they try to achieve with attacks in Western countries is to deepen the rifts between Muslims living there and the majority society as much as possible. Try to escalate the situation so that the tribalistic anti-Muslim element becomes politically dominant (Trump, Le Pen, AfD etc.) and all Muslims are regarded as potential enemies. The ultimate goal is a violent 'with us or against us' situation, where every Muslim in the West is forced to decide between 'collaboration' and Jihad, with no middle ground left.

But I don't know if they perhaps prefer keeping a low profile in light of their current military situation right now. Doesn't really sound like them, but I might be wrong.
Possibly, but the beauty of Trump (or the nightmare for him) is that he has hotels and golf courses all over the world. If Trump starts ramping up the war against ISIS then they could retaliate against him personally so much easier than striking the USA, unless they use sleeper cells or radicalised US nationals of course. This is where his conflicts of interests are actually a huge danger. I personally wouldn't ever stay at a Trump hotel, but certainly not now while he's President and being such a Islamaphobe.
Hadn't thought of that yet, but it sounds like a logical target for them.
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As many people on his own side have insisted, there is not just one kind of Trump voter. Not all of them are anarchists that just want to see it burn, many will be put off by incompetence and cruelty.

any evidence beyond anecdotal? The recent surveys do not suggest such.
His approval is already demonstrating a trend

And the white-college subgroup is less than enthusiastic

More to the point, we're not even three weeks in.
His approval is already demonstrating a trend

And the white-college subgroup is less than enthusiastic

More to the point, we're not even three weeks in.

Wonder why the white college voters have reacted worse to his presidency than others?
That graph is in the first chapter in any book about statistics as an example how not to present data. Or as an example how to mislead with data. The Y axis is so broken that even changes that are probably within the margin of error look big.
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