The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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The Narcissist reaches another level of delusion.

His approval is already demonstrating a trend

I hate misleading graphs like that. No reason for it to go from 40-55..
No one would care if it just said Trump's approval is around 42%
I hate misleading graphs like that. No reason for it to go from 40-55..
No one would care if it just said Trump's approval is around 42%
I agree on the y-axis but think it is interesting to show ratings over time. A drop from 44 to 42 may be within the margin of error but I think it's rather unprecedented to have such low approval ratings and go even lower within a couple of days in the office.
Full interview just before superBowl

Trump admitting that previous US leaders are "killers" also. That's pretty incredible and arguably the most self aware and honest statement from a US president in decades (with regard to foreign policy, that is).

No, not a fan of the man, but even during the election there were times I thought he was arguably the best of the bunch on foreign affairs.

Incredible incompetence from Trump's administration on nearly every front so far. I hope it's exaggerated, because this level of stupidity shouldn't ever see the Oval Office. Signs of a power struggle early doors, though.
Wonder why the white college voters have reacted worse to his presidency than others?

Either because they have access to better quality reporting and understand it OR they voted for Trump as 'better than Hillary' OR they always vote Republican.
Incredible incompetence from Trump's administration on nearly every front so far. I hope it's exaggerated, because this level of stupidity shouldn't ever see the Oval Office. Signs of a power struggle early doors, though.

Hopefully Bannon's overplayed his cards and sees his influence diminish. Hopefully.
The thing that is so incredible is that people act surprised that he is like this.

He has always tried to dominate those who are "weaker" than him. One of the first things he seems to have done is alienate those who he doesn't see as fitting in with his ideology which is as rigid and as inflexible as it can get. The falst bravado and insulting the press because they don't print what he likes is insane to watch, he can't handle the simplest of questions.

I thought last year was a proper meltdown but now he seems to be more depressed and dour faced than ever. I don't think he realised the enormity of the task he had and he definitely doesn't seem to be happy from being separated from his family.

I expect his supporters don't really care though, they will lap up everything he does, they've seen in the past his actions are abhorrent, they don't care they just care about "winning" at any cost. Even if he seems to be taking everything backwards, he will maintain a core group of supporters.

What's getting even worse now is his belittling of officials. These people have spent their whole lives training to be at the top of their profession, but he thinks he can just humiliate them into doing what he wants, well it seems to me like they're getting their own back now.

EDIT: Sorry this was supposed to be in the Mourinho thread can a mod move it.
Incredible incompetence from Trump's administration on nearly every front so far. I hope it's exaggerated, because this level of stupidity shouldn't ever see the Oval Office. Signs of a power struggle early doors, though.

One would hope so, but I guess NY Times is one of the publications we can take seriously. I'm not surprised though!
Trump tweeting that 'if something happens, blame him and the court system' (regarding Judge Robart's ruling).

I really think that is incredibly incredibly dangerous. Both as an attack on the judiciary and more importantly in this case, an attack on him as an individual. Words have consequences. Not exactly a stretch to say that if something does happen (ie an attack of some kind, whether it is related to this ban or not), some people in the country may indeed want to 'blame him' and....punish him.
Trump tweeting that 'if something happens, blame him and the court system' (regarding Judge Robart's ruling).

I really think that is incredibly incredibly dangerous. Both as an attack on the judiciary and more importantly in this case, an attack on him as an individual. Words have consequences. Not exactly a stretch to say that if something does happen (ie an attack of some kind, whether it is related to this ban or not), some people in the country may indeed want to 'blame him' and....punish him.

No doubt they will. Can see Trump relating any attack to this travel ban even if it's not someone from the banned countries.
On January 31 (before Nordstrom removed Ivanka Trump's clothing line) the presidents of Nordstrom sent a memo to employees:

Last Friday an Executive Order was signed by the President of the United States related to immigration. This subject is one we're watching closely - our family's heritage, our company's roots, and our diverse employees and customers we serve are top of mind.

When John W. Nordstrom came to the U.S. as an immigrant, he was given opportunities that allowed him to find a more prosperous and happy life. In so many ways, our humble beginning and the work ethic and gratitude that goes with it helped shape the culture of our company to this day. Over 116 years we have been fortunate to be able to build on the foundation JWN laid for us, thanks to all of you who have chosen to bring your unique experiences and backgrounds to work here at Nordstrom every day. We currently employ more than 76,000 people who comprise different races, ethnicities and genders. We literally have thousands of employees who are first and second generation immigrants. Every one of your unique qualities brings a richness that allows us to better reflect and serve the multi-cultured communities we're a part of and ultimately makes us a better company. We are a better place with you here, no doubt about it.

It's important that we reiterate our values to all of you and make it clear that we support each of our employees. We will continue to value diversity, inclusion, respect, and kindness… you can count on that.

Here's a screenshot:
Reminder to those turning a blind eye on Trump / Bannon.

Wonder why the white college voters have reacted worse to his presidency than others?
Data doesn't seem to make sense - approval rating from whites is down 4%, made up of 10% from white college educated and 7% from white non-college educated. FAKE NEWS! SAD!
Trump now accepts the jobs report. Go figure.

:lol: Yeah only because he's President now. He rejected it every single time it was released under Obama. Funnily enough, this report is still actually reflecting Obama's time in office, the NEXT ONE will be the first one to reflect numbers under Trump. You just know if the next time the job report comes out it shows a decrease in employment he will say it's bogus, fake report or it's fixed. He's so fecking pathetic, he really is.
That graph is in the first chapter in any book about statistics as an example how not to present data. Or as an example how to mislead with data. The Y axis is so broken that even changes that are probably within the margin of error look big.
Yep, it's straight out of the book "Never let the truth get in the way of a good story." The presentation exaggerates the actual dynamics of the voter's preference.
"We're going to repeal and replace Obamacare on Day 1." - Every clown at the Republican presidential debates.
"It might happen sometime next year or so" - All of those clowns now. :lol:
:lol: Yeah only because he's President now. He rejected it every single time it was released under Obama. Funnily enough, this report is still actually reflecting Obama's time in office, the NEXT ONE will be the first one to reflect numbers under Trump. You just know if the next time the job report comes out it shows a decrease in employment he will say it's bogus, fake report or it's fixed. He's so fecking pathetic, he really is.
Take a look at unemployment plots. These things have an unnerving cycle about them. I wouldn't be surprised to see the rate jump to 10% during his presidency.

Edit. Here is one that is 2 years behind. Currently a little below 5%. If it starts to spike he'll meltdown.

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Trump admitting that previous US leaders are "killers" also. That's pretty incredible and arguably the most self aware and honest statement from a US president in decades (with regard to foreign policy, that is).

No, not a fan of the man, but even during the election there were times I thought he was arguably the best of the bunch on foreign affairs.
I don't know whether I would generalize it to the whole field of foreign policy. But, essentially, yes, there is a point that most of the past presidents would have lied or would have tried to circumvent it. He does not have a problem with telling it as it is, in this particular case.
Against Normalization: The Lesson of the “Munich Post”
By Ron Rosenbaum

THE TRUMP-HITLER COMPARISON. Is there any comparison? Between the way the campaigns of Donald Trump and Adolf Hitler should have been treated by the media and the culture? The way the media should act now? The problem of normalization?

Because I’d written a book called Explaining Hitler several editors had asked me, during the campaign, to see what could be said on the subject.

Until the morning after the election I had declined them. ... But after the election, things changed. Now Trump and his minions are in the driver’s seat, attempting to pose as respectable participants in American politics, when their views come out of a playbook written in German. Now is the time for a much closer inspection of the tactics and strategy that brought off this spectacular distortion of American values.
Take a look at unemployment plots. These things have an unnerving cycle about them. I wouldn't be surprised to see the rate jump to 10% during his presidency.

Edit. Here is one that is 2 years behind. Currently a little below 5%. If it starts to spike he'll meltdown.

I know everything goes in cycles, swings and roundabouts is the old saying and it can be applied to nearly everything and anything you can think of, and I knew that the economy/job employment rate was no different. However, I really didn't realise that it was so predictable like that, or that it spookily followed such an obvious pattern. Unnerving indeed! Going by that and what you said, I would think you could be absolutely spot on, it could easily spike to 8 or 10% during the next 4 years, it's also not unthinkable that there could be another recession during that time too and then you are right again, meltdown would be imminent. Although you can be sure he would find someone else to blame it on, it obviously would never be his fault.
I know everything goes in cycles, swings and roundabouts is the old saying and it can be applied to nearly everything and anything you can think of, and I knew that the economy/job employment rate was no different. However, I really didn't realise that it was so predictable like that, or that it spookily followed such an obvious pattern. Unnerving indeed! Going by that and what you said, I would think you could be absolutely spot on, it could easily spike to 8 or 10% during the next 4 years, it's also not unthinkable that there could be another recession during that time too and then you are right again, meltdown would be imminent. Although you can be sure he would find someone else to blame it on, it obviously would never be his fault.
Some bad judge somewhere
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