The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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His choice of words is brilliant :lol:

Makes him sound like a Kindergarten child who got his toy taken a way. Could the freaking press secretary not come up with a better word than "mean"?

:lol: Yup, that's spot on.

"There's a streak of meanness now they have crossed over to mean"
That an American president would ever embarrass himself to tweet something like this is shocking.

There are a couple of fun hashtags in use, e.g. #PresidentBannon, #StopPresidentBannon, #BannonsPuppet, #TrumpNotBriefed, #SoCalledPresident
I hope the Narcissist reads all those tweets, explodes and vanishes forever.

Interesting. Wonder how he would react if one of those Bannon related hashtags got trending around the world. I see so many bots on Twitter that tweet useless shite.. if only there were some that get these trending.
I don't know if this has been posted last year pre-election but I came across it just now:

On the surface, Bannon at least has the benefit of being politically sympathetic with Trump; Breitbart, under his leadership, after all, has become “Trump Pravda,” as one former staffer described it to me. But when I talked with Bannon, he expressed a wariness about the political genuineness of the Trump campaign persona. Trump is a “blunt instrument for us,” he told me earlier this summer. “I don’t know whether he really gets it or not.” It is likely that Bannon’s political calculus here, if not Trump’s, will be less about winning an election that seems a bit out of hand and more about cementing an American nationalist movement.

Loves the Judges! Maybe pissing them off and insulting them isn't the best idea.

Also........ Trump has gone too far and is abusing his power.

Yoo said Trump, as commander in chief, does not have the constitutional authority to order the construction of a border wall, nor does he have the power to terminate trade deals negotiated by Congress, like the North American Free Trade Agreement.
I don't know if this has been posted last year pre-election but I came across it just now:

On the surface, Bannon at least has the benefit of being politically sympathetic with Trump; Breitbart, under his leadership, after all, has become “Trump Pravda,” as one former staffer described it to me. But when I talked with Bannon, he expressed a wariness about the political genuineness of the Trump campaign persona. Trump is a “blunt instrument for us,” he told me earlier this summer. “I don’t know whether he really gets it or not.” It is likely that Bannon’s political calculus here, if not Trump’s, will be less about winning an election that seems a bit out of hand and more about cementing an American nationalist movement.

That chimes in with what this (Holocaust-denying) Breitbart journalist (who claims to have helped vet the incoming members of the Trunp admin) says here in a Reddit AMA (now deleted -

"Trump is the beginning of roll back. He is not the end point. Any movement that bets on the heart beat of a 70 year old who is hated isn’t going to go very far. This is ultimately why Trumpism is a dead end.

The smartest way you can change the world is to try to red pill the children of eminent/powerful men. This is especially true if you can’t red pill the men themselves. Ask lots of questions. Suggest lots of books. Really powerful people know that there’s something wrong with the world. Help them see the answers."
Does pam Geller have any type of role in the administration?

Doubt it at the moment. Her (much smarter) sidekick Robert Spencer is not committing himself to all out support for Trump yet.

Edit: These are the organizers of the Women's March.

Edit: These are the organizers of the Women's March.

I'd argue that's a bit excessive. Its also very risky to engage in a strike that doesn't see maybe 50%+ adoption (I did make up that number).

Also, I think they had great timing and results with the march a couple of weeks ago. General feedback in liberaland was that it was lifting to people's spirits. I think it lended energy that then manifested itself in reactions to the refugee ban, and other instances. But now the courts are at work, they will possibly strike down the order. So I don't think an escalation is the right thing to do. I'd keep my powder dry if I were them.
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40%, 60%, I'm assuming the effects won't be negligible... Obviously the more the better but hopefully there's a good enough turnout to make it effective.
I think someone just needs to make the grown up decision and shut down Twitter. If it isn't this toss pot making a fool of politics its fake news from both sides. Its all rather depressing.

Everything seems to revolve around making a viral sensation
Can someone tell him that the little box with moving images that he uses as a source is part of the press?
Has this already been mentioned ?


Regardless of his political views, by all accounts and appearances he is deeply and embarrassingly out of his depth as President. He is not going to deliver anything for the people who voted for him unless he figures out some kind of platform for actual policy.

While in principle i think the speaker should stay neutral ive got to kind of admire this.

This is really embarrassing for may and well us as, we should never have offered him a state visit it isn't doing anyone any favours.............
:boring: just more "well I for one am opposed to sexism and racism"

We need a big fat trade deal off Trump, that is far more important than the fact Trump is more openly an asshole than every other politician is in the world.
Sounds like someone's been guzzling moral relativism from Glenn Greenwald again.

Do you know what moral relativism is?
is the position that moral or ethical propositions do not reflect objective and/or universal moral truths, but instead make claims relative to social, cultural, historical or personal circumstances

I think you accusing Greenwald of moral relativism is pure projection. He applies his universal standards to both his own country and others, and finds they both fall short, sometimes in different ways and to different extents.
You apply standards to one country, draw a convenient line, and declare thus that one is better than the other, and thus criticism of one country means backing the other. That is much closer to moral relativism.
Trump's voters believe that existing political bureaucracy is corrupt and self serving. Thus, excited talk of a 'constitutional crisis' misses the point. This is exactly what Trump's supporters want him to do: in their eyes, he is making immediate and dramatic progress delivering their wishes.

The neo liberal media still don't get it. Their faux outrage only plays well with those already against tRump and does nothing to change the hearts and minds of his 47%. They need to get out of their comfy echo chamber and come up with a new communications strategy to reach these people.
Any ideas? Because as far as I can see his support don't seem very open to challenging conversations. I'm hoping the slow realisation that they backed an idiot who will not make there lives any better (possibly worse), and the drip drop of embarrassment leads them to come to their own enlightenment. They sure as hell won't be influenced by no snowflake liberal...

I think someone just needs to make the grown up decision and shut down Twitter. If it isn't this toss pot making a fool of politics its fake news from both sides. Its all rather depressing.

Everything seems to revolve around making a viral sensation
Shut down Twitter because you can't handle misinformation? Nobody is forcing you to believe anything. You also have a degree of control other what you are exposed to. Take responsibility...

Regardless of his political views, by all accounts and appearances he is deeply and embarrassingly out of his depth as President. He is not going to deliver anything for the people who voted for him unless he figures out some kind of platform for actual policy.
Hopefully more and more people come to realise this, it's been evident to a lot of us for a very long time.

:boring: just more "well I for one am opposed to sexism and racism"

We need a big fat trade deal off Trump, that is far more important than the fact Trump is more openly an asshole than every other politician is in the world.
So you're saying you think these are non issues, (or that you are willing to take it up the arse for a deal)? I have zero respect for either position or people that take them.
Has this already been mentioned ?

Yes it has, a number of times, but it's in a bizarre way entertaining regardless of how often I read or hear about it. No story writer in Hollywood could make this stuff up.
:boring: just more "well I for one am opposed to sexism and racism"

We need a big fat trade deal off Trump, that is far more important than the fact Trump is more openly an asshole than every other politician is in the world.
thats a very pragmatic view, we do need that deal, and your right it is more important then the fact trump is more of an arsehole (especially in public) then most politicians.

But this isnt doing any one any good, the hole idea of giving trump a state visit to gain favour to hopefully get a trade deal isnt going to work in these circumstances
I can't see Bannon pulling the strings as he did in the first few days.
No offence Raoul, but :wenger:

Forever the optimist. No need to be a pessimist either but there is a middle ground (wait and see). I just get the feeling this must be more frustrating for you than most as you seem to be expecting the best outcome in any given situation....
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“It’s a shame,” Spicer continued, “that we’re not focused more on making sure that we’re applauding the decision by the president to make a renewed focus on keeping this country safe.”


Spicer is asking for the country's focus on applauding Trump :nervous:
So you're saying you think these are non issues, (or that you are willing to take it up the arse for a deal)? I have zero respect for either position or people that take them.
Both. We're not in a position to stick it to Trump under any circumstances, maybe that doesn't chime with your hippy ideals but it's called the real world.

thats a very pragmatic view, we do need that deal, and your right it is more important then the fact trump is more of an arsehole (especially in public) then most politicians.

But this isnt doing any one any good, the hole idea of giving trump a state visit to gain favour to hopefully get a trade deal isnt going to work in these circumstances
Why not?
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