The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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You can have all the free passes you want as long as your ideology aligns with theirs. Hopefully the message gets through to the swing voters and those who are typically apolitical, because his core of supporters will be as loud as ever in defending him when he's being a hypocrite.
Wouldn't it be in Little Marco's interests to distance himself from Trump? I wouldn't have expected it this early, mind.
Wouldn't it be in Little Marco's interests to distance himself from Trump? I wouldn't have expected it this early, mind.

I think there are a good number of Republicans who are currently holding their fire (to varying degrees) against Trump. He still has a lot of base support, but once his poll numbers dip into the 30s, the likes of McCain, Rubio, Graham, Flake, and others will begin to peel off and criticize him more. Its just hard for them to do it now because he still has a degree of post-election support from much of the Republican base.
Wouldn't it be in Little Marco's interests to distance himself from Trump? I wouldn't have expected it this early, mind.
I think there are a good number of Republicans who are currently holding their fire (to varying degrees) against Trump. He still has a lot of base support, but once his poll numbers dip into the 30s, the likes of McCain, Rubio, Graham, Flake, and others will begin to peel off and criticize him more. Its just hard for them to do it now because he still has a degree of post-election support from much of the Republican base.

To be fair to "little" Marco, he has been pretty consistent since the election. He hasn't flip flopped or sank to the levels of Romney or Cruz and allowed himself to be humiliated like they were. He's also voiced his concern a couple of times, and like the Tweet above, he has walked the tightrope a couple of times too. Don't get me wrong, I still don't like or trust him, but out of all the Republicans I think it's really only him and Jeb Bush that have remained consistent and haven't rushed to appease the Giant Wotsit.
He flip flopped on Tillerson and will vote to confirm the rest of his cabinet. I don't think you can really credit anyone in the GOP with how they've reacted to him. Arnie maybe, but that's seemingly focused more about TV ratings than anything substantial.
He flip flopped on Tillerson and will vote to confirm the rest of his cabinet.

Yeah, that's fair, but they have all been as bad as each other when it comes to the cabinet pick voting. I meant more like how he hasn't (as far as we have seen) grovelled to Trump for a job or for other motives like Ted Cruz and Mitt Romney did, or like Ben Carson did as well. He's also spoke out about a few things Trump has done. It's a very low bar, but I meant he's been one of the best of a very bad bunch.
Yeah, that's fair, but they have all been as bad as each other when it comes to the cabinet pick voting. I meant more like how he hasn't (as far as we have seen) grovelled to Trump for a job or for other motives like Ted Cruz and Mitt Romney did, or like Ben Carson did as well. He's also spoke out about a few things Trump has done. It's a very low bar, but I meant he's been one of the best of a very bad bunch.
True on that front. Think he's keeping his powder dry and may try to primary him (barring impeachment) in 2020.
I was under the misguided view that an executive order by the POTUS was binding.
Has one ever been revoked like the travel one is now.
It is my understanding that it hasn't been revoked yet, just suspended, and that both sides will continue to take the case ultimately to the Supreme Court. I might be wrong but would be surprised if the GOP hadn't used the same approach when Obama was in charge and signed EOs.
It is my understanding that it hasn't been revoked yet, just suspended, and that both sides will continue to take the case ultimately to the Supreme Court. I might be wrong but would be surprised if the GOP hadn't used the same approach when Obama was in charge and signed EOs.
Yeah Suspended is what I meant, maybe so with Obama, you just did not hear about it.
I was under the misguided view that an executive order by the POTUS was binding.
Has one ever been revoked like the travel one is now.

Executive orders have the force of law but there is a hierarchy between laws and constitutional laws are at the summit, so an executve order has to be in accordance to the US constitution.
Aren't these the same people Drumpf paid for attending his first presser who cheered when he bashed CNN and other media outlets?
Protesting about the protests. :lol:

"YUGE crowds supporting me all across America. Bigger than the PATHETIC numbers who attended rallies against me. Don't believe the FAKE NEWS #trumpsteaks"

He's off again. His line of thought is petrifying to be honest. So in his mind, only bad people started coming in to the USA since the judge stopped the travel ban? I mean, what about before it was even imposed?

And yet again he has a go at a Judge. So unprofessional and so completely not Presidential at all.
The thing that is so incredible is that people act surprised that he is like this.

He has always tried to dominate those who are "weaker" than him. One of the first things he seems to have done is alienate those who he doesn't see as fitting in with his ideology which is as rigid and as inflexible as it can get. The falst bravado and insulting the press because they don't print what he likes is insane to watch, he can't handle the simplest of questions.

I thought last year was a proper meltdown but now he seems to be more depressed and dour faced than ever. I don't think he realised the enormity of the task he had and he definitely doesn't seem to be happy from being separated from his family.

I expect his supporters don't really care though, they will lap up everything he does, they've seen in the past his actions are abhorrent, they don't care they just care about "winning" at any cost. Even if he seems to be taking everything backwards, he will maintain a core group of supporters.

What's getting even worse now is his belittling of officials. These people have spent their whole lives training to be at the top of their profession, but he thinks he can just humiliate them into doing what he wants, well it seems to me like they're getting their own back now.

EDIT: Sorry this was supposed to be in the Mourinho thread can a mod move it.
It's like he wants something to happen so the public turn on the courts/rule of law & become Emperor Trump's minions.

He's off again. His line of thought is petrifying to be honest. So in his mind, only bad people started coming in to the USA since the judge stopped the travel ban? I mean, what about before it was even imposed?

And yet again he has a go at a Judge. So unprofessional and so completely not Presidential at all.

"I have instructed the fire departments to extinguish fires VERY THORHOUGHLY."

He's off again. His line of thought is petrifying to be honest. So in his mind, only bad people started coming in to the USA since the judge stopped the travel ban? I mean, what about before it was even imposed?

And yet again he has a go at a Judge. So unprofessional and so completely not Presidential at all.

He is so darn fecking stupid it's an intellectual insult to anybody who is reading his tweets.
He could achieve it over a longer period if he was a bit more patient and had a bit more tact. He hasn't been in power long enough or appeased the middle ground enough to even consider gutting the judiciary like he'd need to in order to strengthen his position.
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