The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Along those lines, I think now would a great time for new version of the TV drama, modelled along with what is happening in the West Wing right now. Though I cant of anyone who could properly mimic tRump. Any suggestions?
Greg Shapiro is a genius.
He'd just move the show to - the right's new Twitter like social network.

Wouldn't be the same though. It'd get a small surge in voyeur members, but he alone wouldn't make it as big as twitter. The fact he's still tweeting from his @DonaldJTrump account, when he has a @POTUS account, just shows how important he thinks the platform is...He's basically using it to make official statements. It's made the WH Press Secretary virtually redundant. Yet it's technically just a private app. They've banned lesser people for lesser agitation before. Milo, for one.

The only reason they wouldn't ban him is a fear of reprisal, which is precisely why I'd like to see it happen. What could he do? If Facebook, Google, Twitter et al have any integrity, they would wage a war of information against Trump from their off-site European tax havens.

It's foolish to think such huge corporations would do anything of the sort, though. But we can but dream.
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Wouldn't be the same though. It'd get a small surge in voyeur members, but he alone wouldn't make it as big as twitter. The fact he's still tweeting from his @DonaldJTrump account, when he has a @POTUS account, just shows how important he thinks the platform is...He's basically using it to make official statements. It's made the WH Press Secretary virtually redundant. Yet it's technically just a private app. They've banned lesser people for lesser agitation before. Milo, for one.

The only reason they wouldn't ban him is a fear of reprisal, which is precisely why I'd like to see it happen. What could he do? If Facebook, Google, Twitter et al have any integrity, they would wage a war of information against Trump from their off-site European tax havens.

It's foolish to think such huge corporations would do anything of the sort, though. But we can but dream.

They would have to have a valid reason for banning him that outweighs the cons of banning him (ie. accusations of censorship, politicization, massive blowback from half the US twitter base, the fact that his tweets drive a lot of narratives, trends and traffic etc).
When they let an actual neo-Nazi come back from suspension, I struggle to imagine they'll be brave enough to do it for Trump.
Fox would be calling for Obama's immediate impeachment if he'd said that on their show :lol:




BOOM! He's absolutely spot on. I'm really surprised that Trump hasn't responded to him at all yet, he's been digging away time and again.




Just think though, if Romney won in 2012, trump would not be where he is now.

Hindsight is a wonderful thing, but maybe if it was possible to see into the future there would not have been such a democrat media bias 4 years ago
It's probably apt we start calling him 'so-called president'.

Yeah, more than a few did on Twitter but it didn't quite stick. There has to be a nickname out there that does stick, I mean he came up with ones for Lyin Ted, and Crooked Hillary and others, it's only fair he gets one too. Kellyanne needs one too, and so does Spicer. I had an idea for Sean and that was Spurious Spicer or Spurious Sean, it's very apt and works well, just doubtful it will stick as everyone seems to be using the very unoriginal Bagdad Bob.
How many times did Trump use the word 'ban' now in his ranting tweets? Although Spicer had kept telling the media it's not a ban? :lol:

BOOM! He's absolutely spot on. I'm really surprised that Trump hasn't responded to him at all yet, he's been digging away time and again.

He is. Trump would be fuming if he knew about his tweets but I reckon he doesn't read them anyway.

Yeah, more than a few did on Twitter but it didn't quite stick. There has to be a nickname out there that does stick, I mean he came up with ones for Lyin Ted, and Crooked Hillary and others, it's only fair he gets one too. Kellyanne needs one too, and so does Spicer. I had an idea for Sean and that was Spurious Spicer or Spurious Sean, it's very apt and works well, just doubtful it will stick as everyone seems to be using the very unoriginal Bagdad Bob.
Nevertheless there were some good tweets using #socalledpresident.

Wouldn't be the same though. It'd get a small surge in voyeur members, but he alone wouldn't make it as big as twitter. The fact he's still tweeting from his @DonaldJTrump account, when he has a @POTUS account, just shows how important he thinks the platform is...He's basically using it to make official statements. It's made the WH Press Secretary virtually redundant. Yet it's technically just a private app. They've banned lesser people for lesser agitation before. Milo, for one.

The only reason they wouldn't ban him is a fear of reprisal, which is precisely why I'd like to see it happen. What could he do? If Facebook, Google, Twitter et al have any integrity, they would wage a war of information against Trump from their off-site European tax havens.

It's foolish to think such huge corporations would do anything of the sort, though. But we can but dream.
I share the same dream. Whenever appropriate, I report his tweets as targeted harrassment. If hundreds of thousands of people were doing it and it became public, Twitter could hardly don't do anything.
Protest march in Houston

(The sign on the left: :lol: )

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Nevertheless there were some good tweets using #socalledpresident.

Yeah there were, some amazing ones. Just a real shame they died out quickly instead of going viral and catching as a nickname. As I said, he desperately needs one, the Dems need him to have one too to help undermine him and so people can relate to it.
Yeah there were, some amazing ones. Just a real shame they died out quickly instead of going viral and catching as a nickname. As I said, he desperately needs one, the Dems need him to have one too to help undermine him and so people can relate to it.
I'd like to have one but would question if it's wise for the Dems to use it. They should call him out for his actions or the lack thereof, but with class and not on the same low level as Trump does.

Oh boy he's gonna go apoplectic over this shit! He's getting slammed and Melisa McCarthy as Spicer is fecking hilarious. :lol:

(sorry not the best quality vids, just the first ones uploaded)
I'd like to have one but would question if it's wise for the Dems to use it. They should call him out for his actions or the lack thereof, but with class and not on the same low level as Trump does.

Oh I agree completely, I mean more for the Dem voters and protestors and the press/bloggers/whatever. Let the politicians go high while everyone else humiliates him at every given opportunity, just like people are starting to do now.

Those SNL sketches I just posted above are amazing, I think the Sean Spicer Press conference is probably the best one I have seen. McCarthy nails it and it was very well written, it's scarily close to the stupidity of the real Press Conferences too. It really is hilarious, and then Baldwin phoning world leaders and making an arse out of himself and them not respecting him (Trump) and then Bannon saying he wants his desk back and Trump calling him Mr President. Wow, if that doesn't strike a nerve and get Trump raging then I don't know what will. Both sketches were so well written, so close to the bone and so funny, they had me really laughing out loud. I think it's only a matter of time before those tiny little fingers start Tweeting about them, he's probably so angry he's struggling to work out what to say.

Nothing about SNL so far, just another Tweet about the judge.

One problem (out of many) I have with this "travel ban" nonsense and especially Trump's latest Tweets about it. Is he keeps insinuating that because the ban has been lifted by the judge, that now "thousands" (his words) of bad people and terrorists will be coming in to the USA. But going by that logic, then surely that means that literally hundreds of thousands must have been pouring in on a weekly basis. Or have they only just started coming in because Trump's in charge? His argument makes no fecking sense at all.

Oh boy he's gonna go apoplectic over this shit! He's getting slammed and Melisa McCarthy as Spicer is fecking hilarious. :lol:

(sorry not the best quality vids, just the first ones uploaded)

Tonight was probably SNL's best episode of the season and they spent the majority of it ripping Trump a new one, I'm looking forward to what he has to tweet about it tomorrow.

Melissa McCarthy was dead good as Spicer

Oh boy he's gonna go apoplectic over this shit! He's getting slammed and Melisa McCarthy as Spicer is fecking hilarious. :lol:

(sorry not the best quality vids, just the first ones uploaded)

At first glance on my mobile, I didn't even realize that wasn't Trump on the bottom-left.

I think somebody needs to sit him down and explain to him how things work. Trouble is, I doubt he will listen though.

He's been making sly digs at the judge and his decision all day now, surely this can't go on? He's making a mockery out of his position, the Judge's ruling and status and the entire country. He's a fecking National embarrassment.

You have to keep in mind, this is a man who hasn't been told "no" much in his entire life, and when someone has denied him something his tactic has always been to go straight for the throat, destroy that person with any means necessary. If the first couple of weeks has been a sign of things to come, i'd wager The Donald will keep on trying to do ridiculous shit and hopefully the other bodies of government will keep up the fight.
At first glance on my mobile, I didn't even realize that wasn't Trump on the bottom-left.

:lol: He's become a parody of himself.

You have to keep in mind, this is a man who hasn't been told "no" much in his entire life, and when someone has denied him something his tactic has always been to go straight for the throat, destroy that person with any means necessary.

Oh yeah, most definitely and that's what makes him so dangerous. That and him completely not understanding how anything works from the Government to the law and rules of the constitution to international diplomacy, none of it. And couple that with his ego, narcissism and exceptionally think skin and you have a fecking time bomb just waiting to go off. He's made it clear he thinks he makes a rule because he is President and then that rule stands, no matter what. He thinks his power is ultimate and nobody can question it, argue with it or overturn it, he thinks it's absolute. He really does think and act more like a Dictator each day, but he's got a shock coming because his power isn't absolute and he's going to start hearing NO a lot more often and he's going to have more and more people push back against him. That's what is scary though and I just hope that innocent people don't have to suffer. He really needs to be stopped before he goes too far.

Less than 2 weeks in and he's already threatened Iran, gone after Muslims for a travel ban, pissed of Mexico and China, upset Germany and Australia and again last night sided with Putin, and yet people are still saying there's nothing to worry about and he's relatively harmless. For fecks sake.
Another couple of weeks of SNL playing up the "Bannon is the real president" angle and I expect trouble for Steve.
The house of cards is starting to tumble... Especially for Kellyanne Conway.

Conway has been widely mocked for the remarks as well as her contention last week that lies press secretary Sean Spicer told from the White House briefing room about the size of Pres. Trump’s inaugural crowds were alternative facts."
On Tuesday the Trump administration announced that it would no longer be sending spokespersons to speak to CNN on the air because the network “does not promote” Pres. Trump’s agenda.

The next day, however, the administration sent former editor turned White House aide Sebastian Gorka to appear on Anderson Cooper 360, By Saturday, Conway was asking to appear on CNN’s State of the Union, a request that the network denied

Press critic and media watchdog Jay Rosen has suggested that news networks should stop allowing Conway to appear at all.

Given Conway’s habit of openly lying and muddying the waters without giving any actual illumination into her boss’ actual views, Rosen said, there is no journalistic value in having her appear.

The thing that is so incredible is that people act surprised that he is like this.

He has always tried to dominate those who are "weaker" than him. One of the first things he seems to have done is alienate those who he doesn't see as fitting in with his ideology which is as rigid and as inflexible as it can get. The falst bravado and insulting the press because they don't print what he likes is insane to watch, he can't handle the simplest of questions.

I thought last year was a proper meltdown but now he seems to be more depressed and dour faced than ever. I don't think he realised the enormity of the task he had and he definitely doesn't seem to be happy from being separated from his family.

I expect his supporters don't really care though, they will lap up everything he does, they've seen in the past his actions are abhorrent, they don't care they just care about "winning" at any cost. Even if he seems to be taking everything backwards, he will maintain a core group of supporters.

What's getting even worse now is his belittling of officials. These people have spent their whole lives training to be at the top of their profession, but he thinks he can just humiliate them into doing what he wants, well it seems to me like they're getting their own back now.

EDIT: Sorry this was supposed to be in the Mourinho thread can a mod move it.
Oh yeah, most definitely and that's what makes him so dangerous. That and him completely not understanding how anything works from the Government to the law and rules of the constitution to international diplomacy, none of it. And couple that with his ego, narcissism and exceptionally think skin and you have a fecking time bomb just waiting to go off. He's made it clear he thinks he makes a rule because he is President and then that rule stands, no matter what. He thinks his power is ultimate and nobody can question it, argue with it or overturn it, he thinks it's absolute. He really does think and act more like a Dictator each day, but he's got a shock coming because his power isn't absolute and he's going to start hearing NO a lot more often and he's going to have more and more people push back against him. That's what is scary though and I just hope that innocent people don't have to suffer. He really needs to be stopped before he goes too far.

Less than 2 weeks in and he's already threatened Iran, gone after Muslims for a travel ban, pissed of Mexico and China, upset Germany and Australia and again last night sided with Putin, and yet people are still saying there's nothing to worry about and he's relatively harmless. For fecks sake.

Completely agreed. The fact that he is not competent does not really worry me so much, it's his toxic personality and complete lack of morals that scares me. Still though, at the end of the day i hope and think that even his own party will stop him if he keeps this up. For example, the judge who repealed the ban and apparently his new mortal enemy was a republican:

We also have to keep in mind that the opposition inside the republican party, and in a lot of republican voters were quite massive during the campaign, but as he sailed up as the only viable candidate, i guess they had to go for him and with eight years of Obama and i'd wager a lot of them were so power hungry and desperate they just looked past all his flaws.

It will take time, but in the end i guess his core of voters, the desperate and/or ignorant will also abandon him once they realize he won't magically create a boom in the economy with his magic wand. These are simple people who just want a job and so far Drumpf has only shown he: a) Knows feck all about trade and macro economy and b) Is more inclined to do favors for his pals at Wall Street than Average Joe. Many of them (his core voters) seem so blinkered to the truth, but the day will come when they realize he was just bullshitting them, and they will get pissed.
The thing that is so incredible is that people act surprised that he is like this.

He has always tried to dominate those who are "weaker" than him. One of the first things he seems to have done is alienate those who he doesn't see as fitting in with his ideology which is as rigid and as inflexible as it can get. The falst bravado and insulting the press because they don't print what he likes is insane to watch, he can't handle the simplest of questions.

I thought last year was a proper meltdown but now he seems to be more depressed and dour faced than ever. I don't think he realised the enormity of the task he had and he definitely doesn't seem to be happy from being separated from his family.

I expect his supporters don't really care though, they will lap up everything he does, they've seen in the past his actions are abhorrent, they don't care they just care about "winning" at any cost. Even if he seems to be taking everything backwards, he will maintain a core group of supporters.

What's getting even worse now is his belittling of officials. These people have spent their whole lives training to be at the top of their profession, but he thinks he can just humiliate them into doing what he wants, well it seems to me like they're getting their own back now.

EDIT: Sorry this was supposed to be in the Mourinho thread can a mod move it.
That's quite good.
It's a sad indictment of the choice of president that when reading his latest twitter outbursts regarding the judge I couldn't help but think will he:
Have the secret service kill / dissapear him
Declare him an isis operative / enemy of the state and have him thrown it gitmo
Or leak a fake news story about the judge bring a peado or similar to force his resignation.
My conclusion was actually I think his supporters are more likely to shoot / pitchfork / lynch the judge themselves and him tweet about it making America great again.
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