The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Based off of posts from this very thread, a good deal of them yours...... Yes. Yes, that's what I think. If you can find a few Trump supporters that think outside of the box then bring them along with you next time.

If I could get you guys to say you're not racist (would be easy if I baited you) and trump is God a few times I'd have had multiple bingos...

But you didn't answer my question, do you live in the States and have people in your life that voted for Trump? Or are you just basing your beliefs off posts on an internet forum?
But you didn't answer my question, do you live in the States and have people in your life that voted for Trump? Or are you just basing your beliefs off posts on an internet forum?
I don't live in the states, I don't know anybody who owned up to voting Trump (I didn't expect to), but I'm smart enough to realise that this doesn't represent everyone that voted Trump. Thing is, it's all I see and hear though... You for example have had ample opportunity to say something other than the party line but you haven't, same as the rest of you. Anywhere else online (social media, content sections, etc) and it's worse ffs... So that point you are reaching for, just make it.
I don't live in the states, I don't know anybody who owned up to voting Trump (I didn't expect to), but I'm smart enough to realise that this doesn't represent everyone that voted Trump. Thing is, it's all I see and hear though... You for example have had ample opportunity to say something other than the party line but you haven't, same as the rest of you. Anywhere else online (social media, content sections, etc) and it's worse ffs... So that point you are reaching for, just make it.

I had a feeling that your views and especially that 'things Trump supporters say' table are based on social media and not on real interactions with Americans in your daily life. Otherwise you'd have known that many 'normal' people voted for Trump, for different reasons. and believe it or not they are not all racists and all that other stereotypes you have on Trump supporters.

But I don't blame you, social media indeed have brought to the surface a lot of stupidity.
I had a feeling that your views and especially that 'things Trump supporters say' table are based on social media and not on real interactions with Americans in your daily life. Otherwise you'd have known that many 'normal' people voted for Trump, for different reasons. and believe it or not they are not all racists and all that other stereotypes you have on Trump supporters.

But I don't blame you, social media indeed have brought to the surface a lot of stupidity.

Oh - the Trump supporters on my facebook - and I happen to really know them from face to face and their opinions do not really surprise me - are Trump supporters as they are described...

He started again...
I had a feeling that your views and especially that 'things Trump supporters say' table are based on social media and not on real interactions with Americans in your daily life. Otherwise you'd have known that many 'normal' people voted for Trump, for different reasons. and believe it or not they are not all racists and all that other stereotypes you have on Trump supporters.

But I don't blame you, social media indeed have brought to the surface a lot of stupidity.
I have interactions with Americans even if I don't live in America. I realise that my circle of American friends aren't your stereotypical Trump voters, but at the same time they do seem to have the same opinion of Trump voters... So....

See here's the thing. I've asked you (and the others) many questions, trying to figure out where you are coming from, and you've ignored them. Same as the other posters... You and the others pick and choose which questions you want to answer, which conversations you want to have. Any meaningful question gets swerved. So in light of that I can only go on what you do say...

I keep hearing how nobody listens to you guys 'the forgotten men', I've been trying to listen but you haven't been saying anything. All I hear in here or elsewhere is the same rehashed shite, it never progresses. This was the main reason for my bingo card fwiw....

So if you want to show us the other side of the Trump support, the side that nobody sees or hears from, please do so...

You're telling me about that other type of Trump supporter? Show me, show and tell mate...
Well I do live in the US, and I have met several Trump voters. I work with some. And the rationale I have heard, has been, without exception either based on alarmingly ill informed rhetoric, or some form of cultural prejudice. I'm yet to meet a sensible Trump voter.
Giggs86 said:
Do I really need to explain how freedom of speech works?

Giggs86 said:
Surely you're not that naive to believe all the things the Hollywood elitists lecture about, especially in politics?

Giggs86 said:
But I don't blame you, social media indeed have brought to the surface a lot of stupidity.
Good job that you're here to teach us about the evils of patronising others.
They hate the US while they dream of living in America. How are they enjoying their quality of life over there compared to the American quality of life? What about individual freedom?
The Russians always needed a Tzar, a dictator to follow. And it's embedded in the mentality.
Russians who hate the US do it either out of ignorance or out of pure jealousy.
@Giggs86 How many conversations with ordinary Russian people did you base this post on?
I have interactions with Americans even if I don't live in America. I realise that my circle of American friends aren't your stereotypical Trump voters, but at the same time they do seem to have the same opinion of Trump voters... So....

See here's the thing. I've asked you (and the others) many questions, trying to figure out where you are coming from, and you've ignored them. Same as the other posters... You and the others pick and choose which questions you want to answer, which conversations you want to have. Any meaningful question gets swerved. So in light of that I can only go on what you do say...

I keep hearing how nobody listens to you guys 'the forgotten men', I've been trying to listen but you haven't been saying anything. All I hear in here or elsewhere is the same rehashed shite, it never progresses. This was the main reason for my bingo card fwiw....

So if you want to show us the other side of the Trump support, the side that nobody sees or hears from, please do so...

You're telling me about that other type of Trump supporter? Show me, show and tell mate...

There is no other type of Trump supporters, the "other type" didn't vote for Trump.
Trump supporters say ignore the noise from the trolls, but then the silence from the other type (myth?) of Trump voter is telling. It's like pulling teeth trying to get the ones in here to be critical and not partisan... If ya'll don't speak up and silence the trolls in your support then you can't blame us for thinking that it represents you. If you don't pipe up on articles when your rabid support are abusing people racially and posting falsehoods, then you really need to quit moaning about the perception people have of you.
I have interactions with Americans even if I don't live in America. I realise that my circle of American friends aren't your stereotypical Trump voters, but at the same time they do seem to have the same opinion of Trump voters... So....

See here's the thing. I've asked you (and the others) many questions, trying to figure out where you are coming from, and you've ignored them. Same as the other posters... You and the others pick and choose which questions you want to answer, which conversations you want to have. Any meaningful question gets swerved. So in light of that I can only go on what you do say...

I keep hearing how nobody listens to you guys 'the forgotten men', I've been trying to listen but you haven't been saying anything. All I hear in here or elsewhere is the same rehashed shite, it never progresses. This was the main reason for my bingo card fwiw....

So if you want to show us the other side of the Trump support, three side that nobody sees or hears from, please do so...

I haven't ignored questions on purpose. Things is that as you've probably noticed I am outnumbered here with my views, with this being a predominantly non-American forum. So imagine that I get ten alerts on every post I write, so a lot of things I just don't have time or will to even react to.

Problem is, and not pointing you out specifically, that every thing i'd say will be used against me as being racist/ignorant by at least a couple of posters, and then the debate is getting lost with meaningful insults.

Just to give you an example - the wall. I don't agree that logistically it's the best option, but I do believe in the idea of having a secure border. I do believe there should be a harder line on illegal immigration. Now as a conservative I will tell you that this is because of the same reason I lock my house doors at night - not because I hate the people outside my house, but because I love the people inside. While a lot of liberals will immediately call me racist because i'm against illegal immigration. And that's just one example.
I haven't ignored questions on purpose. Things is that as you've probably noticed I am outnumbered here with my views, with this being a predominantly non-American forum. So imagine that I get ten alerts on every post I write, so a lot of things I just don't have time or will to even react to.

Problem is, and not pointing you out specifically, that every thing i'd say will be used against me as being racist/ignorant by at least a couple of posters, and then the debate is getting lost with meaningful insults.

Just to give you an example - the wall. I don't agree that logistically it's the best option, but I do believe in the idea of having a secure border. I do believe there should be a harder line on illegal immigration. Now as a conservative I will tell you that this is because of the same reason I lock my house doors at night - not because I hate the people outside my house, but because I love the people inside. While a lot of liberals will immediately call me racist because i'm against illegal immigration. And that's just one example.
All of this is nothing new, been posted by others before you. How about telling us something new, something you think we should now about you and the other supporters, something you think we don't know and need to know. Better yet, how about answering one of the questions directed at you?

You give an excuse about all the people talking to you at once, you can choose what you answer and who you reply to. It's telling that you and the others always seem to take the 'easy' way out and swerve specific questions...
@Giggs86 How many conversations with ordinary Russian people did you base this post on?

How far back did you dig to find that post? :lol: Put it in a context of being a discussion with a heavy pro-Russian anti-American poster IIRC.

Anyways, Being of former USSR ancestry myself and having Russian friends and a few friends that live in Russia / former USSR.. I'd say I had plenty of conversations.
That fecking line about loving the people inside.

It's straight from the_donald.

Its also a load of shit.

So you don't lock your house doors at night? You do, right? Why, are you racist? Do you hate the people outside?

Edit: I didn't mean it to rhyme or to sound like a line from a bad rap song.
How far back did you dig to find that post? :lol: Put it in a context of being a discussion with a heavy pro-Russian anti-American poster IIRC.

Anyways, Being of former USSR ancestry myself and having Russian friends and a few friends that live in Russia / former USSR.. I'd say I had plenty of conversations.
No idea. Just skipped pages until I found something in the CE (you do seem mainly to prefer the FF's) and bingo. Took about a minute.

What in these discussions led you to believe they hated America but wanted to live there and that their hate was out of ignorance or pure jealousy?
No idea. Just skipped pages until I found something in the CE (you do seem mainly to prefer the FF's) and bingo. Took about a minute.

What in these discussions led you to believe they hated America but wanted to live there and that their hate was out of ignorance or pure jealousy?

I'm not going to resurface that debate again. IIRC I posted my opinion on that exact question back then. If you really want you can read that thread.
I'm not going to resurface that debate again. IIRC I posted my opinion on that exact question back then. If you really want you can read that thread.
I'm bored enough to check.

I don't lock my door, at night, if this is relevant.

EDIT - I am afraid my research suggests your memory has let you down.
I haven't ignored questions on purpose. Things is that as you've probably noticed I am outnumbered here with my views, with this being a predominantly non-American forum. So imagine that I get ten alerts on every post I write, so a lot of things I just don't have time or will to even react to.

Problem is, and not pointing you out specifically, that every thing i'd say will be used against me as being racist/ignorant by at least a couple of posters, and then the debate is getting lost with meaningful insults.

Just to give you an example - the wall. I don't agree that logistically it's the best option, but I do believe in the idea of having a secure border. I do believe there should be a harder line on illegal immigration. Now as a conservative I will tell you that this is because of the same reason I lock my house doors at night - not because I hate the people outside my house, but because I love the people inside. While a lot of liberals will immediately call me racist because i'm against illegal immigration. And that's just one example.

About the wall and immigration, is their a conversation about the role of the US drug market responsiblity? People flee salvador, Guatemala or Honduras because of gangs like MS-13 who happens to be extremely powerful because of the american's fondness for drugs.
About the wall and immigration, is their a conversation about the role of the US drug market responsiblity? People flee salvador, Guatemala or Honduras because of gangs like MS-13 who happens to be extremely powerful because of the american's fondness for drugs.

I'm not sure i'm following. By responsibility you mean the high demand for drugs in the US? If so, what else can be done except of reinforcing border patrol and being stricter with those who participate in the drug trafficking?
I'm not sure i'm following. By responsibility you mean the high demand for drugs in the US? If so, what else can be done except of reinforcing border patrol and being stricter with those who participate in the drug trafficking?

I'm asking if it's a big subject.
Maybe he means that Michael Jackson is back.
No, but you could try explaining why you have a blanket dislike for rich celebrities but put your country in the hands of one of the biggest? Or why you think that coming into money means you can no longer relate to everyone except for people with money. Never mind the American dream...

This is kind of my problem, especially when you're criticising people who, although wealthy now, were very hard up at certain stages in their lives. Without resorting to whataboutism again, Trump has never ever been in the tough situations the celebrities he's criticising have been in. Very arrogant to assume that they would have forgotten what it's like to be poor just because they have millions now.
The guys is so against islamic extremists he is playing right in their hands. He just doesn't know his ass from his elbow.

I think this whole thing is a smokescreen.

I think tRump is trying to incite a huge terror attack on America which would provide him the context to start his war in the Middle East. The aim of that war would be complete takeover and colonisation.

Just my hunch.
I think this whole thing is a smokescreen.

I think tRump is trying to incite a huge terror attack on America which would provide him the context to start his war in the Middle East. The aim of that war would be complete takeover and colonisation.

Just my hunch.
Yep, exactly like when there was the strategy of tension in Italy to try to have a very right-wing government in charge.
Oh - the Trump supporters on my facebook - and I happen to really know them from face to face and their opinions do not really surprise me - are Trump supporters as they are described...

He started again...

This basically confirms that he doesn't understand what a democracy is and he isn't going to acknowledge the judicial branch.
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