The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Wilhelm II achieved much the same by virtue of being a bombastic idiot, and I think that's closer to what's happening here.
Not sure your comparison is going to take off unless we somehow get Trump to wear a pointy hat.
Ok a large group of masked individuals from an anarchist group known as the "Black Bloc". Seen this all before with BLM. A subset of an otherwise peaceful protest goes ape... It's not really representative of the whole. It's like me calling all republicans racist ignoramus due to the subset of racist ignoramus. kids violently protesting against freedom of speech.
I wouldn't put it past that piece of shit hiring a band of goons to do the worst of that.
Wouldn't surprise me, it happens. Saw something on it a few weeks back.
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Not sure your comparison is going to take off unless we somehow get Trump to wear a pointy hat.
Where does this whole Trump thing end.

No matter what you say - Trump is just doing what he said he would do. The people who voted for him and lent their support are answerable. Certainly only fuels the rise of the far right. #sadtimes
He hasn't prosecuted Hillary Clinton like he said he would.

Didn't he even say after the election that the Clintons were 'good people' and that the American people owed her a debt of gratitude?

Assuming that some people voted for him because they believed Hillary to be a criminal, then shouldn't he be following this through? Unless he has no case, in which case, the election was fought on at least one lie.
He hasn't prosecuted Hillary Clinton like he said he would.

Didn't he even say after the election that the Clintons were 'good people' and that the American people owed her a debt of gratitude?

Assuming that some people voted for him because they believed Hillary to be a criminal, then shouldn't he be following this through? Unless he has no case, in which case, the election was fought on at least one lie.

I would say he will try and do something.

Its clear no wall will be built and the immigration ban will be over ruled. What he has done is been seen to carry out his main points.

He did say he would release his tax returns also.
I would say he will try and do something.

Its clear no wall will be built and the immigration ban will be over ruled. What he has done is been seen to carry out his main points.

He did say he would release his tax returns also.
He surely can't do anything re prosecuting Hillary Clinton following his comments after the election.

Wouldn't you feel cheated if you'd voted for him based on the belief that Hillary was the devil incarnate
He surely can't do anything re prosecuting Hillary Clinton following his comments after the election.

Wouldn't you feel cheated if you'd voted for him based on the belief that Hillary was the devil incarnate
It's had the intended effect of whipping up the combined mobs of his hardline base, mainstream ultra-anti-Clinton conservatives (they are many) and Susan Sarandon types on the left. The first lot have been paid off with the muslim ban and the wall, the middle lot will get their tax cuts and a conservative Supreme Court, the last lot will go back out on marches pretending they were against Trump the whole time. Win win.
#MAGA can not become a thing. I forbid it.
Who are the hypocrites?

Overpaid delusional Hollywood liberals, Streep, Madonna, Judd etc. Living in their privileged bubble with no connection at all to 99% of Americans, yet taking the stage to lecture people about politics.
Overpaid delusional Hollywood liberals, Streep, Madonna, Judd etc. Living in their privileged bubble with no connection at all to 99% of Americans, yet taking the stage to lecture people about politics.

What about the millions who attend the marches and rallies ? Are they also not connected to Americans ?

When someone is speaking and you disagree with him, you don't have to listen or attend. But preventing someone from speaking because you disagree with him is being against the freedom of speech. And that's exactly what they did.
What about the millions who attend the marches and rallies ? Are they also not connected to Americans ?

They clearly aren't connected to Americans. Americans drive cars, they don't march.
I was referring to the Hollywood hypocrites with their cringe worthy theatricals.

You brought up the likes of Madonna and Judd, who spoke infront of the women's march. What about the masses who protested and and applauded what they had to say. They are Americans as well.
You brought up the likes of Madonna and Judd, who spoke infront of the women's march. What about the masses who protested and and applauded what they had to say. They are Americans as well.

To be fair, when you're taking part of a protest you already have a clear agenda in mind. They would applaud any speaker who talks about their agenda. My problem is not with the millions of protesters in attendance, but with the hypocrisy of the speakers.
To be fair, when you're taking part of a protest you already have a clear agenda in mind. They would applaud any speaker who talks about their agenda. My problem is not with the millions of protesters in attendance, but with the hypocrisy of the speakers.

So you agree that the hundreds of thousands of Americans who attended the march were in agreement with those who spoke at it, including Madonna and Judd. So where's the hypocrisy ?
So you agree that the hundreds of thousands of Americans who attended the march were in agreement with those who spoke at it, including Madonna and Judd. So where's the hypocrisy ?

Madonna and Judd being the hypocrites. Both multi millionaires who don't give two shits about anything but their own ratings. And on the way mocking around 60 million people, personally insulting Trump's family and threatening to blow things up. How can anyone take them seriously or relate to them is beyond me.
Madonna and Judd being the hypocrites. Both multi millionaires who don't give two shits about anything but their own ratings. And on the way mocking around 60 million people, personally insulting Trump's family and threatening to blow things up. How can anyone take them seriously or relate to them is beyond me.

So they are hypocrites because they are millionaires? Millionaires can't have convictions? And you only take people seriously when they don't have money?
Madonna and Judd being the hypocrites. Both multi millionaires who don't give two shits about anything but their own ratings. And on the way mocking around 60 million people, personally insulting Trump's family and threatening to blow things up. How can anyone take them seriously or relate to them is beyond me.

Replace Madonna and Judd in the first sentence with Trump. Think how you voted for him then?
Madonna and Judd being the hypocrites. Both multi millionaires who don't give two shits about anything but their own ratings. And on the way mocking around 60 million people, personally insulting Trump's family and threatening to blow things up. How can anyone take them seriously or relate to them is beyond me.

You're missing the broader point. Artists, actors, musicians etc are still Americans. You may consider them elites but many might consider Trump - a Manhattan billionaire developer- the ultimate elite, who happens to surround himself with other wealthy elites like Icahn and others, and is loosening up regulations so they can profit off his Presidency. If you're concerned about elites then your focus should be on Trump not Madonna.
Somewhat of a flaw in the thinking here is that the people he mentioned were normal people before they were famous. They made these millions he hates so much off their own backs, with much detailed scrabbling and hard graft in the case of Madonna, for example.

I'm really, really trying to keep away from whataboutism here, but I think this point is justified.
You're missing the broader point. Artists, actors, musicians etc are still Americans. You may consider them elites but many might consider Trump - a Manhattan billionaire developer- the ultimate elite, who happens to surround himself with other wealthy elites like Icahn and others, and is loosening up regulations so they can profit off his Presidency. If you're concerned about elites then your focus should be on Trump not Madonna.
It's ridiculous how much Trump supporters try to deflect attention away from him.

"Shit, what's the President of Australia's name again?"
"I don't know, just google it."
"Nothing's coming up!
You're missing the broader point. Artists, actors, musicians etc are still Americans. You may consider them elites but many might consider Trump - a Manhattan billionaire developer- the ultimate elite, who happens to surround himself with other wealthy elites like Icahn and others, and is loosening up regulations so they can profit off his Presidency. If you're concerned about elites then your focus should be on Trump not Madonna.

Exactly, the only common thing they have with the common people is that they are American. And nothing else. Taking the high moral ground when whoever the president may be have little effect on their daily life, and yet lecturing to people to bump up their ratings.

The thing about Trump I also agree with. He is a privileged businessman overlord who has never held public office before. But he was elected by people who put their trust in him, and so far he is keeping his promises.
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