The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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When someone is speaking and you disagree with him, you don't have to listen or attend. But preventing someone from speaking because you disagree with him is being against the freedom of speech. And that's exactly what they did.
As I pointed out, it wasn't the students as a group. It was a subset of anarchists. The guy you are defending is a professional troll... A Waste of space, he's there to incite people. I don't know why they pay him any mind... Should just boycott him.
Exactly, the only common thing they have with the common people is that they are American. And nothing else. Taking the high moral ground when whoever the president may be have little effect on their daily life, and yet lecturing to people to bump up their ratings.

The thing about Trump I also agree with. He is a privileged businessman overlord who has never held public office before. But he was elected by people who put their trust in him, and so far he is keeping his promises.

So basically anyone who is known because of their work or anyone who is wealthy doesn't have a credible opinion? Sounds a bit elitist to me.

As for Trump, he has yet to keep any of his so called promises ranging from the wall, repealing Obamacare, etc. All he has done so far is estrange the US from its allies and divide the country from within, which is not coincidentally why he's barely at 40%.
As I pointed out, it wasn't the students as a group. It was a subset of anarchists. The guy you are defending is a professional troll... A Waste of space, he's there to incite people. I don't know why they pay him any mind... Should just boycott him.

Now see, there lies the problem. I am not defending the guy, I am defending his freedom of speech.
FFS, Who do you think gave America such a positive image worldwide for nigh on a century? Actors & actresses in Hollywood movies; with precious few exceptions, it has hardly ever been politicians.
So basically anyone who is known because of their work or anyone who is wealthy doesn't have a credible opinion? Sounds a bit elitist to me.

As for Trump, he has yet to keep any of his so called promises ranging from the wall, repealing Obamacare, etc. All he has done so far is estrange the US from its allies and divide the country from within, which is not coincidentally why he's barely at 40%.

Let's just say that anyone who is so out of touch with the common people, being it because of wealth or other things, their opinions should be taken with a pinch of salt. They will say all the right things that their audience wants to hear, but for their own selfish reasons.

Regarding Trump, the country was divided from withing since the beginning of the primaries. Just look at Hillary vs Bernie supporters, or Trump vs Gop establishment supporters. Looking at the 40% poll is like looking at the 90%(?) poll in Hilary's favor the night before the elections. How did that end up?
But not Judd and Madonna though? They are hypocrites yeah?
If you're going to hate on celebrities at least have a rational hate... I wonder if he even listens to what they say? Or is it just blanket hate regardless what they say? Does he disagree with what they say? Maybe I'm putting too much thought into it.... probably.
But not Judd and Madonna though? They are hypocrites yeah?

Missing the point, again. Where did I oppose their freedom of speech? There is a huge difference between preventing someone to speak to criticizing someone for what they say. Do I really need to explain how freedom of speech works?
He'd be all over the celebrities if they'd supported him; we would be reading tweets about them being 'wonderful people'.
Let's just say that anyone who is so out of touch with the common people, being it because of wealth or other things, their opinions should be taken with a pinch of salt. They will say all the right things that their audience wants to hear, but for their own selfish reasons.

Regarding Trump, the country was divided from withing since the beginning of the primaries. Just look at Hillary vs Bernie supporters, or Trump vs Gop establishment supporters. Looking at the 40% poll is like looking at the 90%(?) poll in Hilary's favor the night before the elections. How did that end up?

Bit in bold is quite funny if you're a Trump supporter.
...Do I really need to explain how freedom of speech works?
No, but you could try explaining why you have a blanket dislike for rich celebrities but put your country in the hands of one of the biggest? Or why you think that coming into money means you can no longer relate to everyone except for people with money. Never mind the American dream...
There are only three categories of people that voted for Trump:

- The bigoted
- The extremely wealthy
- The ignorant.

Fear has always been a powerful motivator of all three, but the only group truly voting in their own self interests are the extremely wealthy. Medium to long term, middle and working classes will be much worse off for having a President with such an incoherent and nonsensical economic policy, who is diametrically opposed to the provision of social services (such as healthcare); and who eschews investment in next generation industry, in favour of short term crowd pleasers.

Economically, I'll be alright - hopefully - Highly educated and experienced. But from a civil rights aspect, I personally have a lot that concerns me and like many, am ready to stand up and be counted against any erosion of those rights. My family is mixed raced, I'm a green card holder, and my sister in law is married to another woman and trying to have a baby (IVF).

What has happened, in the campaign, what it has exposed about people around the country, has frankly disgusted me. I've been angry too; but now I am content to sit back and see how this all unfolds. There is an evident competency gap in the administration, and it's going to come to a head one way or another. Maybe these are just necessary growing pains the country needs to go through at this point in its history. Weed out the bigotry, dispel the myths of hate etc.
He'd be all over the celebrities if they'd supported him; we would be reading tweets about them being 'wonderful people'.

"We have all the best celebrities. The most important, influential people support us. You're not going to believe how incredible the people who support us are. Fantastic."
There are only three categories of people that voted for Trump:

- The bigoted
- The extremely wealthy
- The ignorant.

And that, my friend, is why Trump won the elections. If you really think that 60 million people fall into these three categories you should really have a word with yourself.
How is that funny? Surely you're not that naive to believe all the things the Hollywood elitists lecture about, especially in politics?

Seriously? It's funny because every single word applies to Trump himself. Yikes. :lol:
There are only three categories of people that voted for Trump:

- The bigoted
- The extremely wealthy
- The ignorant.

Fear has always been a powerful motivator of all three, but the only group truly voting in their own self interests are the extremely wealthy. Medium to long term, middle and working classes will be much worse off for having a President with such an incoherent and nonsensical economic policy, who is diametrically opposed to the provision of social services (such as healthcare); and who eschews investment in next generation industry, in favour of short term crowd pleasers.

Economically, I'll be alright - hopefully - Highly educated and experienced. But from a civil rights aspect, I personally have a lot that concerns me and like many, am ready to stand up and be counted against any erosion of those rights. My family is mixed raced, I'm a green card holder, and my sister in law is married to another woman and trying to have a baby (IVF).

What has happened, in the campaign, what it has exposed about people around the country, has frankly disgusted me. I've been angry too; but now I am content to sit back and see how this all unfolds. There is an evident competency gap in the administration, and it's going to come to a head one way or another. Maybe these are just necessary growing pains the country needs to go through at this point in its history. Weed out the bigotry, dispel the myths of hate etc.

You could add one more; The desperate. You could argue they're in the ignorant group, but if they're desperate and the past governments have done nothing to help them then voting for Hillary would have been daft. They'd have to hope that Trump was being genuine.
How is that funny? Surely you're not that naive to believe all the things the Hollywood elitists lecture about, especially in politics?

It's funny because for some reason the logic part of your brain can't fathom that your argument applies to all high ranked politicians. If we follow your logic, you are naive to believe all the things Trump says.

By the way, I believe in no one.
Ok you're on a wind up right?

Yes, yes, replace 'x' with Trump and it sounds the same, I get it. Do you think that every moderate-conservative person is a Trump supporter? It is what it is, and it's much better than the other option on the ballot.
Let's just say that anyone who is so out of touch with the common people, being it because of wealth or other things, their opinions should be taken with a pinch of salt. They will say all the right things that their audience wants to hear, but for their own selfish reasons.

While I will agree that celebrities are afforded a public forum within which to promote their own political and ideological agendas - often as a result of their over inflated sense of self - the motivation to do so, is often out of a desire to have their voice heard loudly. Trump on the other hand, used his platform to push an agenda of hate, in order to assume power and control. These are very different outcomes.

Furthermore, most of us engage that mushy grey substance between our ears to be able to internal decipher what opinions we agree with and which we don't. There isn't just a blanket acceptance that all celebrities should be listened to. Par example, Stephen Baldwin: Bell end, don't listen. Meryl Streep: Magnificent, listen.
And that, my friend, is why Trump won the elections. If you really think that 60 million people fall into these three categories you should really have a word with yourself.

I'll be honest, you have a back catalogue of some of the most absurd, ill informed, bigoted, and poorly thought through posts in internet forum history. So you're firmly in one of those categories.
You could add one more; The desperate. You could argue they're in the ignorant group, but if they're desperate and the past governments have done nothing to help them then voting for Hillary would have been daft. They'd have to hope that Trump was being genuine.

That's a pretty good shout. I had lumped them into the ignorant, because I surmised that anyone remotely informed would never be desperate enough to vote for Trump. But you make a fair point.
I'll be honest, you have a back catalogue of some of the most absurd, ill informed, bigoted, and poorly thought through posts in internet forum history. So you're firmly in one of those categories.

And yet nothing was worse than your last post, where you just categorized half of America into three insulting categories. And that's exactly the problem with liberals like you - calling someone ill informed bigot while being exactly the same yourself.
You could add one more; The desperate. You could argue they're in the ignorant group, but if they're desperate and the past governments have done nothing to help them then voting for Hillary would have been daft. They'd have to hope that Trump was being genuine.
A hail Mary of a vote...
...most of us engage that mushy grey substance between our ears to be able to internal decipher what opinions we agree with and which we don't. There isn't just a blanket acceptance...
Exactly, distinct lack of critical thinking. I get the impression that a lot of people (specifically trump supporters) categorize huge swathes of the population (race, wealth, celebrity, religion, etc) into two categories US and THEM. Then choose to believe everything US, and ignore anything THEM. Empathize with anything US, and dislike anything THEM. No nuance, no individuals, straight US vs THEM. It annoys me...
And that, my friend, is why Trump won the elections. If you really think that 60 million people fall into these three categories you should really have a word with yourself.

I don't think he mentioned the words 'electoral college' there at all so thats just fundamentally untrue.
Now see, there lies the problem. I am not defending the guy, I am defending his freedom of speech.

Freedom of speech in my eyes is not without limit...

Wikipedia tells it like this:
Freedom of speech and expression are not absolute, and common limitations to freedom of speech relate to libel, slander, obscenity, pornography, sedition, incitement, fighting words, classified information, copyright violation, trade secrets, non-disclosure agreements, the right to privacy, the right to be forgotten, public security, and perjury. Justifications for such include the harm principle, proposed by John Stuart Mill in On Liberty, which suggests that: "the only purpose for which power can be rightfully exercised over any member of a civilized community, against his will, is to prevent harm to others"

I have a problem with people that spread hate and ignite others with their speech...
Needs an update, gotta add 'That's why the Dems lost/Trump won' and 'Hollywood Elites'
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And that, my friend, is why Trump won the elections. If you really think that 60 million people fall into these three categories you should really have a word with yourself.

To be fair you have a point, the first sentence should put them all in the last category.:p
Let's just say that anyone who is so out of touch with the common people, being it because of wealth or other things, their opinions should be taken with a pinch of salt. They will say all the right things that their audience wants to hear, but for their own selfish reasons.

Regarding Trump, the country was divided from withing since the beginning of the primaries. Just look at Hillary vs Bernie supporters, or Trump vs Gop establishment supporters. Looking at the 40% poll is like looking at the 90%(?) poll in Hilary's favor the night before the elections. How did that end up?

Like, say, a man who lives in a skyscraper named after himself that has a gold plated elevator? Yeah, what kind of idiot would trust someone like that?
I think I'm still in denial as I've started binge re-watching The West Wing again from season 1. Sadly Marten Sheen is now 76 and so too old to actually run for President .... I think his 8 years acting as President in The West Wing would make him a highly effective President. He certainly knows more about the role than the current president.

Along those lines, I think now would a great time for new version of the TV drama, modelled along with what is happening in the West Wing right now. Though I cant of anyone who could properly mimic tRump. Any suggestions?
Like, say, a man who lives in a skyscraper named after himself that has a gold plated elevator? Yeah, what kind of idiot would trust someone like that?
Aw come on, mate, he's done well at Celtic.
Like, say, a man who lives in a skyscraper named after himself that has a gold plated elevator? Yeah, what kind of idiot would trust someone like that?

I'm not defending Trump. His personal image and demeanor doesn't help him.
And yet nothing was worse than your last post, where you just categorized half of America into three insulting categories. And that's exactly the problem with liberals like you - calling someone ill informed bigot while being exactly the same yourself.

Herpes? Having your banjo string snap during vigorous intercourse? Having your mum catch you masturbating to a picture of Donald Trump, whilst wearing a Klan hat? All infinitely worse I'd wager.

As for us dirty, dreadful "liberals"..... you do realise that's not an insult right? The definition of liberal is "open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values". That's actually a good thing. Calling someone an ill informed bigot, doesn't make you yourself an ill informed bigot. That doesn't even make sense. A bigot against bigots? Is that what you're trying to say? Well, yeah, I guess so.

In this day and age political discourse should take place within certain ironclad societal contexts, such as equality, tolerance, secularism, and environmental preservation. When we start to attack those fundamental cornerstones of what defines an advanced culture, we only do so from a position of fear, ignorance or hate. I really don't care which one you fall into it.
Needs an update, gotta add 'That's why the Dems lost/Trump won' and 'Hollywood Elites'

No, it's more like things that Hannity would say. But do you really think that about all the people who voted for Trump? Or about all the conservatives, republicans as a whole? Just out of curiosity, do you live in the states? If so, you must have friends, relatives, co-workers who voted for Trump?
But do you really think that about all the people who voted for Trump? Or about all the conservatives, republicans as a whole?
Based off of posts from this very thread, a good deal of them yours...... Yes. Yes, that's exactly what I think. If you can find a few Trump supporters that think outside of the box then bring them along with you next time.

If I could get you guys to say you're not racist (would be easy if I baited you) and trump is God a few times I'd have had multiple bingos...
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