The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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FFS why didn't he put the word "judge" in quotations marks? The one time it would have at least sort of made sense in his context and he doesn't do it!
Kelly, Mattis, and Tillerson formed a united front. Bad news for Bannon.

I worry about Tillerson to be honest. I get the impression he's very smart and very canny. I think he's aware that Trump and Bannon are a train wreck and there is an inevitablity to Trump being impeached. He's getting his legs under the table and aligning himself with a view to the long term. Despite what he claims about a clean break from Exxon, I think he's still got an agenda formed by that company and he will return once his goals are achieved.
I worry about Tillerson to be honest. I get the impression he's very smart and very canny. I think he's aware that Trump and Bannon are a train wreck and there is an inevitablity to Trump being impeached. He's getting his legs under the table and aligning himself with a view to the long term. Despite what he claims about a clean break from Exxon, I think he's still got an agenda formed by that company and he will return once his goals are achieved.

I'm not concerned about Tillerson at all. The important thing right now is that the new cabinet secretaries form an alternate power structure that squeezes Bannon out of the mix and gradually settles him into a conventional advisor position where he isn't advancing policies that are traditionally in the lanes of the cabinet secretaries. With Tillerson, Mattis, and Kelly doing their jobs - and Priebus and Kuschner hitting stride, Bannon will be the odd man out.
Someone has to tell him the President can't call a Federal judge...a 'so called' judge.

I would have thought strict constitutionalists would be irate at the executive branch trying to bully the judiciary.

The judiciary in this country is NOT subservient to the Executive Russia? Sure.
No experience in policy or governance, minimal understanding of tasks. Their ideas are shaped by various personal agendas. They're governing by impulse, and by the fact that they must do something immediately. He seems to have forgotten he has a number of years in office to deliver his policy.
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More ranting against the NY-Times. With the MAGA Tweet and the attack on the Judge, you can tell he's very tired, probably hasn't slept and is thoroughly pissed off at everything and everyone.
Is he trolling?
This is revealing. The recklessly fast pace he has operated at which has garnered unprecedented amounts of criticism towards a USA President has consequences:

He has lost the love of loads of people who voted for him, as they can see that his actions will not 'make America great'. He has to reawaken the emotions inside those who remain, to block the hole in his popularity bucket, for his next wave of actions.

He knows he has to have public support to strengthen his mandate. But to have to resort back to his campaign slogan so soon is not good business for him. Its a well of diminishing support.
Obama signed his share of Executive Orders...maybe my memory is failing me - but, I don't remember him, displaying them in this manner. Can anyone else?

*Not saying it's a big deal...just wondering.
It's irritating to say the least, and I don't think any president have done that including Obama.
So we are in week three - he has waged a war on inauguration crowd sizes and declared the election he won fraudulent, his aides have popularised "alternative facts" and invented a massacre, he's sacked an (acting) AG and an executive order to ban a number of muslims has been temporarily halted by a court for being unconstitutional.

What does month two hold in store?
It's irritating to say the least, and I don't think any president have done that including Obama.

I'm pretty sure Obama didn't do it, but it's par for the course with the attention seeking whore that is Trump. "Oh look at me look at me i'm so important and I've done something important because I've got the power"

What does month two hold in store?

For fecks sake, let's get through month one first shall we? There's no guarantee that's going to happen so let's not get ahead of ourselves.
It's kind of the funny (and sad) that most Trump supporters are watching and wondering why everybody else is blowing this out of proportion, 'losing their shit' so to speak... Weirdos
It's kind of the funny (and sad) that most Trump supporters are watching and wondering why everybody else is blowing this out of proportion, 'losing their shit' so to speak... Weirdos

Don't really have to be a Trump supporter to find the total meltdown of the liberal crybabies rather amusing.
As I said, just find the whole meltdown amusing, starting with the Hollywood hypocrites and ending up with college kids violently protesting against freedom of speech.

I agree with the college rioting bit. Totally shameful.
As I said, just find the whole meltdown amusing, starting with the Hollywood hypocrites and ending up with college kids violently protesting against freedom of speech.
That 'violent protest', how violent was it?
As I said, just find the whole meltdown amusing, starting with the Hollywood hypocrites and ending up with college kids violently protesting against freedom of speech.
Who are the hypocrites?
Where does this whole Trump thing end.

No matter what you say - Trump is just doing what he said he would do. The people who voted for him and lent their support are answerable. Certainly only fuels the rise of the far right. #sadtimes
While there is in fighting and power struggles within all administrations I find myself drawn to comparing how Hitler purposely kept his minions pitted against each other.
Wilhelm II achieved much the same by virtue of being a bombastic idiot, and I think that's closer to what's happening here.
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