The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Some tweets with the hashtag #PaulRyanIn4Words are pretty much spot on:

Who says protesting or boycotting doesn't work?

The boycott of Ivanka Trumps jewellery and clothing has had a massive effect forcing some major names to drop her merchandise from their stores, catalogues or websites.

I just hope the same is happening with the rest of the Trumps brands. The hotels, wines, clothing, golf courses etc.....
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I think you guys are getting yourself pretty worked up over nothing with the 'choice' the Dems have to make regarding the Supreme Court nominee. The filibuster will be disappearing at some point, whether it's with this vote or the next one. The Dems control none of the arms of government, and have basically zero conventional political power right now. Trump's nominees are getting on the bench until the Dems can win back control of the senate.

Also, as a matter of principle, I think they should use the filibuster now, given how the Republicans blocked Obama's pick. I actually think the filibuster is a bad thing anyway, and all votes in congress should be done on the basis of a simple majority.

Citizen Trump
I think you guys are getting yourself pretty worked up over nothing with the 'choice' the Dems have to make regarding the Supreme Court nominee. The filibuster will be disappearing at some point, whether it's with this vote or the next one. The Dems control none of the arms of government, and have basically zero conventional political power right now. Trump's nominees are getting on the bench until the Dems can win back control of the senate.

Also, as a matter of principle, I think they should use the filibuster now, given how the Republicans blocked Obama's pick. I actually think the filibuster is a bad thing anyway, and all votes in congress should be done on the basis of a simple majority.
They should work hard on mobilizing their base to get the senate in 18 months. If they think that filibustering the SC pick will achieve that then they should go for it, despite that obviously it won't block the appointment and Republicans will go nuclear.

If they get the senate next term then they can block the appointments of Trump, but as it is, they can do it just for the show. Being obstructionists shouldn't work normally, but for Republicans it did.


Btw, I liked how they didn't make a fuss for any of Trump's appointments for secretaries. While it is alright trying to block a SCOTUS, I never understood why the senate needs to confirm president's choices for members of his cabinet. He won the election, he should be able to choose whoever he wants to work with him.
I never understood why the senate needs to confirm president's choices for members of his cabinet. He won the election, he should be able to choose whoever he wants to work with him.

These people don't simply work for 'him'...they work for the American people. More often than not...they aren't elected - this vetting is a GOOD thing.

The scrutiny helps to ensure some measure of screening...annountability.

You see how the nominee for Army Sec. withdrew because of business ties - that never happens if they aren't screened.

Not to mention, it is very rare for the nominee NOT to get through.
Is there a neutral anywhere who can confirm that Donald Trump isn't in fact a megalomaniac with absolutely no clue about politics, let alone being POTUS.
Is there a neutral anywhere who can confirm that Donald Trump isn't in fact a megalomaniac with absolutely no clue about politics, let alone being POTUS.

You could make a good case that his self-righteous, tertiary knowledge of politics is inclusive of his megalomania.
What gets me is the cry that he won in a democratic election.

Isn't that a bit like seeing someone driving like a maniac, but ignoring it because he's passed his test.
Is there a neutral anywhere who can confirm that Donald Trump isn't in fact a megalomaniac with absolutely no clue about politics, let alone being POTUS.
I consider myself quite neutral. I even thought he might calm down when he took office, and we wouldn't really notice much change.

I was wrong. He is batshit mental but at times I do laugh at him. So he does have an entertainment factor for me

Anyone told him that he wasn't the country and that the US is a democracy based on the dream that anyone can turn its life around if he is willing to make the efforts. People are against the ban because while you might prevent one bad apple to come in, you are denying the american dream to millions hundred of thousands of perfectly respectable people.

For a foreigner Trump sounds anti-american.
He went to Wharton. He is, like, a smart person. His uncle is a professor of nuclear, at MIT, best person, the smartest person.

Am I doing this right?
I think I saw it on Maddow and haven't looked it up myself but I believe that he only took courses from Wharton while at the University of Pennsylvania. Either way he is a fecking idiot.
I think I saw it on Maddow and haven't looked it up myself but I believe that he only took courses from Wharton while at the University of Pennsylvania. Either way he is a fecking idiot.

You only go to Wharton per se when you take graduate classes there. But a lot of business, econ and adjacents have classes there while at U Penn undergrad. So they end up saying they went to Wharton for undergrad. It's BS I agree, but the Donald is not the first to say it.
Those last few tweets up there, his supporters must cringe when they see that? Feelings of 'what have I done?' must wash over them? Surely?
I think you guys are getting yourself pretty worked up over nothing with the 'choice' the Dems have to make regarding the Supreme Court nominee. The filibuster will be disappearing at some point, whether it's with this vote or the next one. The Dems control none of the arms of government, and have basically zero conventional political power right now. Trump's nominees are getting on the bench until the Dems can win back control of the senate.

Also, as a matter of principle, I think they should use the filibuster now, given how the Republicans blocked Obama's pick. I actually think the filibuster is a bad thing anyway, and all votes in congress should be done on the basis of a simple majority.
It's a pain in the ass alright. I would take the filibuster majority to 55. With that number you could work with each other and a one person majority can't feck everything up. You don't want a VP stepping in as a deciding vote either. You would always hope that there are five sane people you could talk sense to on stuff like allowing mentally ill people getting guns or energy companies allowed to dump toxic waste in public water. Republicans really are cnuts though so fillabuster is important when not in control of the asylum.
He isn't using the potus account is he? The tweets from that account seem like they are just updates posted by a member of staff. They don't have that Trump flavor to them. Then you see all the retweets from his OG account and you think to yourself 'yeah that's the real Trump' :lol:
He isn't using the potus account is he? The tweets from that account seem like they are just updates posted by a member of staff. They don't have that Trump flavor to them. Then you see all the retweets from his OG account and you think to yourself 'yeah that's the real Trump' :lol:

Yep, I think Schavino runs the Potus account. Unlike with Obama, it will be rendered pretty irrelevant of Trump continues using his personal account.
The Donald's on it this morning

"So called judge", wtf. A judge is kinda important when it comes to law and order. This in my opinion is one of the most dangerous things he has ever said. He is basically declaring himself the final line in constitutional law enforcement.
I think we can safely say that the United States of America has elected its first dictator and we should all fear for our immediate futures under this regime.
If this country continues on its regular cycle of one party control for two years before a 180 flip then we really need to talk about the crazy feckers that run for the GOP. Every election we have a swarm of crazy cnuts selling books and running on a platform of hate and exclusion. We have gone from Cheney/Bush to Sarah Palin to a Mormon bishop who has elevators for his cars and on to Donald fecking trump. Why do they hate everyone so much? Is there a chemical imbalance in a right wing conservatives brain that blocks reason and progress? With what we know now and the obvious silence by trump voters on these serious issues and unimaginably fecked up cabinet picks I do believe Hillary was right, over half of them are deplorable.
Sorry if this has already been posted.

Bannon has the look of someone who's traded his soul.
I consider myself quite neutral. I even thought he might calm down when he took office, and we wouldn't really notice much change.

I was wrong. He is batshit mental but at times I do laugh at him. So he does have an entertainment factor for me
I'm not sure I find it entertaining that the most powerful man in the world is batshit mental
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