The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Okay, so the scenario is that we're three years into Trump's presidency and it's going badly. Public opinion is against him, it looks like they'll lose both houses and the Presidency at the next election. Breyer dies. The Dems filibuster the nominee.

In what twilight, heroin addled world are the GOP gonna say "you know what, we had a good run, we look certain to lose next year and the public really won't like us forcing a change in ideology on the Supreme Court, let's try and appoint a moderate the Dems agree with and if that fails, well shucks I guess they'll have the pick"?!

He would be incentivized to go with a more moderate pick. When I say moderate, I mean moderate by Republican terms, not one the resident lefties would approve of.
Get a grip. We're talking about a SCOTUS pick not the entire agenda. The Dems can't block it and you're basically advancing a laughable argument that they humiliate themselves for no gain whatsoever against an inevitability that Gorsuch gets confirmed and the Dems lose the filibuster. Only a GOP plant would advocate the Dems do this.

They can block it if Republicans adhere to the norms (which they don't). If they don't even try then what's the point of the filibuster?

You are the one who needs to get a grip when after all the Republicans have done, you still think they have any intention whatsoever to play by the rules.
They can block it if Republicans adhere to the norms (which they don't). If they don't even try then what's the point of the filibuster?

You are the one who needs to get a grip when after all the Republicans have done, you still think they have any intention whatsoever to play by the rules.

Again, you're advocating a failed strategy that will lead the Dems off the political cliff and give Trump more power.
Again, you're advocating a failed strategy that will lead the Dems off the political cliff and give Trump more power.

Which you insist on happening without having any example to back it up, whereas the opposite already happened with Dems from 06-08 and GOP 10-16

Obstruction works, it fecks up governance, but politically it works.
Which you insist on happening without having any example to back it up, whereas the opposite already happened with Dems from 06-08 and GOP 10-16

Obstruction works, it fecks up governance, but politically it works.

It actually doesn't work when you have a GOP President and Congress who can override everything. Unlike Obama, who in 09 made an attempt to be bipartisan, Trump doesn't care and his locomotive will roll right over any dissent, which makes this particular case completely futile.
It actually doesn't work when you have a GOP President and Congress who can override everything. Unlike Obama, who in 09 made an attempt to be bipartisan, Trump doesn't care and his locomotive will roll right over any dissent, which makes this particular case completely futile.

President Bush, Senate President Cheney and House majority leader Hastert.
Dems let Gorsuch pass. Trump "encourages" Kennedy to step down, pleased at how easy it was for Gorsuch. Dems don't fight again. "We'll need the filibuster for the important one!". Breyer leaves. Dems filibuster! GOP nuke because they have no ethical boundaries and they've just guaranteed a strongly conservative court for a generation. Roe vs Wade is game. Good job everyone.
'Toys out of the pram' gave Republicans the House, the Senate and the Presidency, against a fairly popular president. Seems good to me.

There's no mythical centre when people yearn for a rational, civilised two parties. Each side wants to obliterate the other and it's about time Dems wise up to that fact.

Raoul hasn't noticed that in the centre there's me, you, him and Justice Kennedy. And that's it.

Seriously, I would previously buy the argument that the electorate would punish such blatant obstructionism that the Republicans acted out last year. But after seeing the election results, really hard to buy it.

The point about the next justice being more important than this one I get, and is clever.
Dems let Gorsuch pass. Trump "encourages" Kennedy to step down, pleased at how easy it was for Gorsuch. Dems don't fight again. "We'll need the filibuster for the important one!". Breyer leaves. Dems filibuster! GOP nuke because they have no ethical boundaries and they've just guaranteed a strongly conservative court for a generation. Roe vs Wade is game. Good job everyone.

We really don't know who will step down next. It could be Breyer, Kennedy, and Ginsburg, at which point not having a filibuster will seem pretty silly.
We really don't know who will step down next. It could be Breyer, Kennedy, and Ginsburg, at which point not having a filibuster will seem pretty silly.
As I just pointed out, in that situation the GOP are going to be getting the three picks anyway, in your scenario the Dems just acquiesce to it.
Roe vs Wade is game

To be fair, I think that's guaranteed anyway I hope not, but I think it is. Pence has made it his life ambition to get that overturned and Trump has said a couple of times in the last week that he wants to go after it as well. I hate to say it, but I think it's gone, unless something remarkable happens. I think the sooner everyone gets their heads around how much damage he can do the better. Solidarity is needed to fight him every step of the way, he cannot be allowed to do anything, and certainly not as easily as he has done so far. Everything needs to be challenged, blocked, held up, whatever.

I remember (myself and a few others) being called a drama queen and worse in the last few months up until the election, a fair few times until January too. Funny how that's not the case now. People are coming in and saying they didn't think he would be so bad, or that he would be moderate etc. Now people are waking up to the fact he is a sociopath with severe mental illnesses and he doesn't care at all. What's worse is the lunatics he has surrounded himself with. The billionaires who just want any and all regulations dropped so they can squeeze every single penny they can to be even richer. Then on top of that you have the proper ideological and religious nutcases like Pence and Bannon and co. They want a combination of different things, but none are good and all will severely damage the country and set it back decades. To be honest, it could never recover from the damage they do. As @Raoul said, the Supreme Court could be set for the next 20 or 30 years if luck goes Trump and the Republicans way. Everything else has recently, so don't be surprised if that does too.

Seriously this isn't about scaremongering or anything like that, not being a drama queen, it's about looking at the evidence and being logical, and also planning for the worst, anything less is a bonus. But they have made it clear and said everything they want to do, so don't be surprised when they actually do it. Better still, work out ways to fecking stop it all. First on the list has to be solidarity, the infighting with the Dems needs to stop. Still Hillary and Bernie fans can't get on the same page, they despise each other and both blame each other for losing the election. That doesn't get anyone anywhere. Seriously, all that is in the past and needs to stay there, they/we all need to work together on stopping this, stopping Trump and also damage limitation for what's to come. Everyone working together rather than against each other. A good place to start is reaching out to all the disenchanted Trump supporters who have left and those who will be leaving him in droves the more he upsets everyone. That and repairing the rift in the Democratic party. Obama and Michelle need to come back quickly, I honestly think their intelligence and influence is needed now more than ever, I think they could do more good now, than he actually did while he was in power. After all, it's his legacy that is being destroyed here. The sooner his face is back on TV screens and newspapers all around the world, the better.
As I just pointed out, in that situation the GOP are going to be getting the three picks anyway, in your scenario the Dems just acquiesce to it.

They can't stop this one either. At least with future picks, you can make a calculation that Trump won't have any post-election momentum/mandate to choose just anyone to be on the Supreme Court. If his poll numbers are lower then (quite likely) then the Dems will have more leverage. But losing the filibuster now will completely undercut that and they will be left to deal with a flat vote.
So a GWB appointed federal judge in Washington (state) has issued a nationwide temporary restraining order to halt the Trump travel ban.

On the other hand, if GoP goes nuclear with this pick, Roe vs Wade is game the minute they go nuclear.

Kennedy is fairly conscionable on social issues. I'd rather chance it with him abstaining or siding with the liberal justices rather than letting everything slide to the point a swing vote can't change the outcome anymore.

Also, the point of obstruction is that it forces the GOP's hands into drastic measures that deviates from the norms. Reid's nuking the filibuster for lower courts judges most likely played its part in the conservative turnout of 2014.
On the other hand, if GoP goes nuclear with this pick, Roe vs Wade is game the minute they go nuclear.
Well, it'd just go back to the situation they had with Scalia, and exactly the same situation as if they rolled over on it.

I'm in fact looking for articles against doing it among Dems and not really finding anything. Caution, maybe, but not really this overwhelming opinion that it's strategically thick.
I'm listening to the governor of Washington go off on the Trump admin right now. Called Trump a "rogue politician" and his administration "amateurs".
Tricky one, this. As convincing as the reasoned argument based on recent history might be, Raoul's 'because I say so' is hard to ignore.
Kennedy is fairly conscionable on social issues. I'd rather chance it with him abstaining or siding with the liberal justices rather than letting everything slide to the point a swing vote can't change the outcome anymore.

Also, the point of obstruction is that it forces the GOP's hands into drastic measures that deviates from the norms. Reid's nuking the filibuster for lower courts judges most likely played its part in the conservative turnout of 2014.

Either way, it's a hard choice and it's not open and shut as you put it. You think drastic measure hurts GOP chances, but it can be equally argued otherwise. If the Dems filibuster it and Republicans take the nuclear option and confirm this guy and even if no other justice steps down, it will again fire up the GOP base to replace the aging judges without the majority. Left has already proven that they can't be bothered to vote for the sake of SC anyway. So, the Republicans go nuclear now and they fill 3 more posts this term or the term next.

If Dems don't filibuster it now and wait for the next judge, it's equally problematic as per your earlier posts.
Drumpf is on Twitter now. Expecting a few tweets.
Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump
Countries charge U.S. companies taxes or tariffs while the U.S. charges them nothing or little.We should charge them SAME as they charge us!

Well folks. Walmart shopping is bout to get more expensive.

From 4 hrs ago..
We could start by deporting him
Either way, it's a hard choice and it's not open and shut as you put it. You think drastic measure hurts GOP chances, but it can be equally argued otherwise. If the Dems filibuster it and Republicans take the nuclear option and confirm this guy and even if no other justice steps down, it will again fire up the GOP base to replace the aging judges without the majority. Left has already proven that they can't be bothered to vote for the sake of SC anyway. So, the Republicans go nuclear now and they fill 3 more posts this term or the term next.

It's true, in which case going down swinging is still better than taking it in the arse and thanking them for it.

I'm most worried about the Dems base tbh. They are very animated now with the election still fresh in their minds but a few failures of the leadership to put up meaningful obstruction then it can go downhill pretty fast. Either blew up to full scale violent protests or disheartened and stay home, as the media continues with the normalisation of the Cheeto Jesus.
Might I also point out that one of the additions Trump made to the Oval Office has been this portrait of Pres. Andrew Jackson.
He (Jackson) committed the US to a policy of ethnic cleansing against Native Americans. Just saying...
He (Jackson) committed the US to a policy of ethnic cleansing against Native Americans. Just saying...

Yup, he also looks spookily like The Donald from that portrait.

BTW, funny how when Trump was asked about previous Presidents and what he admires them for, he never mentioned Jackson. He struggled to name any from what I can remember.
It's true, in which case going down swinging is still better than taking it in the arse and thanking them for it.

I'm most worried about the Dems base tbh. They are very animated now with the election still fresh in their minds but a few failures of the leadership to put up meaningful obstruction then it can go downhill pretty fast. Either blew up to full scale violent protests or disheartened and stay home, as the media continues with the normalisation of the Cheeto Jesus.

Where will they go? Even the possibility of swinging the SC, re-districting and Cheeto Jesus didn't fire up the base in the first place and they did stayed at home.
Yup, he also looks spookily like The Donald from that portrait.

BTW, funny how when Trump was asked about previous Presidents and what he admires them for, he never mentioned Jackson. He struggled to name any from what I can remember.
Well, after hearing his glossing over of significant black figures in American history (including using present tense in reference to Frederick Douglass), I'm not surprised in the least that he might have a less than grade level understanding of the US presidency.
Trump's pick for Army secretary just withdrew.

Not turning out to be the best of days for him. Would be great if Devos gets bounced next week.
I'm not surprised in the least that he might have a less than grade level understanding of the US presidency.

Can you think of anything he would have a grade level (or above) of? Other than bullshitting that is. I mean that seriously too, obviously not English. I should think Science is out too, Maths, well, you would have thought he could make Casino's work, Business Studies is doubtful, History not a chance, Geography and Environment :lol: no fecking way, Technology, well he does use Twitter but I doubt it.... so what does that leave?
Trump's pick for Army secretary just withdrew.

Not turning out to be the best of days for him. Would be great if Devos gets bounced next week.
From Politico...
"withdrew over financial issues in his vetting, according to administration officials."

Can you think of anything he would have a grade level (or above) of? Other than bullshitting that is. I mean that seriously too, obviously not English. I should think Science is out too, Maths, well, you would have thought he could make Casino's work, Business Studies is doubtful, History not a chance, Geography and Environment :lol: no fecking way, Technology, well he does use Twitter but I doubt it.... so what does that leave?

He went to Wharton. He is, like, a smart person. His uncle is a professor of nuclear, at MIT, best person, the smartest person.

Am I doing this right?
Can you think of anything he would have a grade level (or above) of? Other than bullshitting that is. I mean that seriously too, obviously not English. I should think Science is out too, Maths, well, you would have thought he could make Casino's work, Business Studies is doubtful, History not a chance, Geography and Environment :lol: no fecking way, Technology, well he does use Twitter but I doubt it.... so what does that leave?
Bankruptcy. Bullying. Pussy-grabbing.
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