The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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So Iran and USA are about to become great enemies again after Obama had reached some good results with the Islamic Republic? I guess Putin is gonna be happy.
Conway really shouldn't be able to appear in public at this point without being mocked relentlessly. Guessing she'll be back spinning lies with no comeback right away though.
How about media outlets forget about ratings and stop having Kellyanne on their shows.
I heard it on The Young Turks network on Youtube. They must be wrong then. They said that Kaine had voted for every nominee that has been approved so far.
Thanks. They were obviously promoting fake news.

Awaiting the angry Trump retort :devil:
Brilliant cover page by DER SPIEGEL once again.
Obama signed his share of Executive Orders...maybe my memory is failing me - but, I don't remember him, displaying them in this manner. Can anyone else?

*Not saying it's a big deal...just wondering.
Obama signed his share of Executive Orders...maybe my memory is failing me - but, I don't remember him, displaying them in this manner. Can anyone else?

*Not saying it's a big deal...just wondering.

Pence should give him 5 gold stars for each one.
Obama signed his share of Executive Orders...maybe my memory is failing me - but, I don't remember him, displaying them in this manner. Can anyone else?

*Not saying it's a big deal...just wondering.
I recollect seeing him do this on a few landmark bills or EOs.
I know you weren't implying it but he's done fewer EOs per year than any president since something like 1880?
Merkel calls for more defense funding for the EU/Germany :nervous:

Which was agreed upon two years ago and is also clearly necessary given the state the european military is in and the shown unwillingness of the past 2 US administrations to intervene in Europe or its backyard. Also, Russia.

Especially the investments in the navy have been obvious for the last 5 years at least in Germany, as we are getting 4 new destroyers, a dozen new corvettes and a whole bunch of multithreat frigates. Nothing to see here, really.
If Trump drops financial regulations and Wall Street manages to start another financial crisis we should all side behind China on replacing the $ as the world currency.

Good luck on that foreign debt then, Drumpf.
If Trump drops financial regulations and Wall Street manages to start another financial crisis we should all side behind China on replacing the $ as the world currency.

Good luck on that foreign debt then, Drumpf.

Do you think he or anyone of his cronies will care? All that will happen is that some "businessmen" would sense another opportunity to make another shite ton of money (dollars or otherwise). Nothing is going to change for any one of us.
Thanks. They were obviously promoting fake news.

Cenk Uyghur from TYT is one of the founders of Justic Democrats, a progressive group that wants to put up candidates in primaries against establishment Dems. Maybe they want to tarnish Tim Kaine and other centrist/centre-right Dems and are using their channel for the same reason.

I think more than likely they made an honest mistake. I watch TYT and they are on the whole pretty fair.
He is answering easy questions with bullshit strawman arguments.
It isnt an AMA, its a shitty advertisement for a shitty book.

Yep, like the time some Snowden representative did one and dodged all the Russian stuff.
I was just on reddit reading the comments about Iran banning American wrestlers from the world cup. This comment seemed very poignant:
It feels like a ton of Western oriented people in this thread are arguing that in a feud between America and Iran, Iran should "be the bigger person" and not sink down to America's level.

I just think it's sad that we've ceded so much moral authority in the US that no one expects us to do the right thing so we're just hoping nobler countries turn the other cheek.
I was just on reddit reading the comments about Iran banning American wrestlers from the world cup. This comment seemed very poignant:

I fully expect tit-for-tat responses to the obvious provocations. It's when the really scary stuff starts that I'll be hoping for other countries to be the bigger person, so to speak.
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