The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I was just on reddit reading the comments about Iran banning American wrestlers from the world cup. This comment seemed very poignant:

Iran being the "bigger person"? Maybe true for the average Joe, the Iranians are generally great, but this is a regime that still does the whole "Down with the Great Satan, Little Satan, and Britain (lol)" thing regularly, and parades missiles with "USA" "Israel" etc. on them, and continued with this nonsense even after the nuclear deal with Obama.
I have to admit I thought people were overreacting over Trump before the election and I didn't think he would be THAT bad if he got elected. Sadly I was wrong

I thought he would backtrack on most of his craziness during the election run once he got elected but he actually does seem to be a very stupid man. It's all very depressing now

The USA is in a right mess and our PM holds this guys hand

Surely he won't have a second term...!
He won't. And don't call me Shirley.
I have to admit I thought people were overreacting over Trump before the election and I didn't think he would be THAT bad if he got elected. Sadly I was wrong

I thought he would backtrack on most of his craziness during the election run once he got elected but he actually does seem to be a very stupid man. It's all very depressing now

The USA is in a right mess and our PM holds this guys hand

Surely he won't have a second term...!
Wartime leaders tend to get reelected, and they're already banging that drum. Still, all that fast food might catch up with him.
I have to admit I thought people were overreacting over Trump before the election and I didn't think he would be THAT bad if he got elected. Sadly I was wrong

I thought he would backtrack on most of his craziness during the election run once he got elected but he actually does seem to be a very stupid man. It's all very depressing now

The USA is in a right mess and our PM holds this guys hand

Surely he won't have a second term...!

Our unelected PM at that. :lol:
Wartime leaders tend to get reelected, and they're already banging that drum. Still, all that fast food might catch up with him.
He does seem to be really hated though. I hope that there will be voters who don't usually vote who come out just to get rid of him

Anyway thats 4 years away...
Drumpf's "Muslim Ban" executive order just got overturned in court.

Angry reaction tweet imminent.....
Drumpf's "Muslim Ban" executive order just got overturned in court.

Angry reaction tweet imminent.....

B.b.b.b.b.b.b.b.b.bbbbbbbbbbbbbb...bbbut I'm the President, I can't do whatever the feck I want and nobody can stop me! What's the point of me being President if I can't do anything I want!

Is it any surprise while a Navy SEAL was being killed, Trump was Tweeting, instead of being present in the situation room. As confirmed by Spurious Spicer. Unfeckingbelievable.
I asked this last weekend too, do we have anyone here knowledgable with the US law system? Does this appeal go to the same Federal judge, a different one, or does it need to go to a higher level (whatever that might be)?

Surely the Supreme Court is where it will end up? Or does it not work like that in the USA?
Bit of a random thought, but I wonder if we'll ever start seeing suspicious "car accidents" or "heart attacks" on those who continue to work against Trump?
Ffs @langster I told you before!

:lol: Well at least you got a reply, @InfiniteBoredom ignored me when I said it, the rude bastard :( And I was replying to his post ffs.

Maybe he couldn't understand me, maybe I should have written it like this for him......

¿∀S∩ ǝɥʇ uᴉ ʇɐɥʇ ǝʞᴉl ʞɹoʍ ʇou ʇᴉ sǝop ɹO ¿dn puǝ llᴉʍ ʇᴉ ǝɹǝɥʍ sᴉ ʇɹnoƆ ǝɯǝɹdnS ǝɥʇ ʎlǝɹnS
:lol: Well at least you got a reply, @InfiniteBoredom ignored me when I said it, the rude bastard :( And I was replying to his post ffs.

Maybe he couldn't understand me, maybe I should have written it like this for him......

¿∀S∩ ǝɥʇ uᴉ ʇɐɥʇ ǝʞᴉl ʞɹoʍ ʇou ʇᴉ sǝop ɹO ¿dn puǝ llᴉʍ ʇᴉ ǝɹǝɥʍ sᴉ ʇɹnoƆ ǝɯǝɹdnS ǝɥʇ ʎlǝɹnS
It would probably end up 4-4 meaning the local ruling holds, right @Raoul?
All the more reason for Dems to block the shit out of Gorsuch and force the Repubs' hand.
It will be decided before Gorsuch even gets a hearing. As in, this weekend or early next week.

They will have already fast tracked an appeal to the SC. if Kennedy sides with the 4 liberal justices then it's decided, but if it's a 4-4 ruling then they can bring it up again when Gorsuch or anyone like him get confirmed.
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