The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Not that Trump, Bannon or the other lunatics of his administration or in the Republican party would care, in fact they will see this as a confirmation of their lies:

A poll conducted on behalf of German public TV and the newspaper Die Welt asks regularly if the following countries can be trusted as partners for Germany, yes or no.

November 2016: US 59%; Russia 25%.
February 2017: US 22%; Russia 21%.

Let that sink in.

Edit: Sorry, @fcbforever 's post didn't show when I sent my post.
Milo drowning his sorrows on FoxNews

Over 100,000 visas have been revoked as a result of President Trump’s ban on travel from seven predominantly Muslim countries, an attorney for the government revealed in Alexandria federal court Friday.

The number came out during a hearing in a lawsuit filed by attorneys for two Yemeni brothers who arrived at Dulles International Airport on Saturday and were quickly put on a return flight to Ethiopia in response to the president’s executive order.

The government attorney could not say how many people with visas were sent back to their home countries from Dulles in response to the travel ban.

100K - not an insignificant number :eek:

:lol: :lol: :lol: Here he goes again.................draining the swamp and looking out for the little man.................. just like all the Trumpers through he would :lol:

It's tragic, but it was so obvious to anyone who bothered looking, what he was going to do. He's shameless and despicable and everything he is doing is purely to help him and his rich mates. He hasn't done one single thing to help the little man so far.

A vindictive part of me is happy he'll screw them over. It's obvious the wellbeing of refugees, minorities and everyone that isn't them isn't a factor and neither is reality so the only way they'll change their mind on Trump is if their lives become worse.
That's only 1,000 times more than the number Spicer gave out, what's a few orders of magnitude between friends!
I *think* Comrade Spicer was maybe referring to Green Card Holders at airports. Not that he's done anything to deserve the benefit of the doubt :lol:
Nice to see we're heading into this dystopian state at full bore, like proper Americans...

At least 10 bills to limit protests have been introduced in recent months. North Dakota is considering protection for motorists who unintentionally kill protesters blocking roads. ...

At the state level, bills have been proposed in Missouri to prohibit demonstrators committing illegal acts from wearing masks or robes; in Iowa, to levy five years in prison for traffic disruptions
I *think* Comrade Spicer was maybe referring to Green Card Holders at airports. Not that he's done anything to deserve the benefit of the doubt :lol:
Apparently his "109" was purely the number of people affected that were in the air literally at the moment of signing the order :lol:
Apparently his "109" was purely the number of people affected that were in the air literally at the moment of signing the order :lol:

Impressive making up of a number, erm I mean impact analysis, from the liars in chief there.
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