The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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Merkel calls for more defense funding for the EU/Germany :nervous:

We should do it but it won't happen. I imagine we're just heading to a band of national governments with their heads up their arses for a few years. When the older voters *ahem* 'leave', the younger voters, who aren't afraid of foreigners and don't like policies from the '80s, will take over and we can start to fix the damage caused by the last (and next) few years.
In some countries the culture of resigning and thereby demonstarting a sense of honour is very weak. I wonder what it's like in the US ?
We should do it but it won't happen. I imagine we're just heading to a band of national governments with their heads up their arses for a few years. When the older voters *ahem* 'leave', the younger voters, who aren't afraid of foreigners and don't like policies from the '80s, will take over and we can start to fix the damage caused by the last (and next) few years.

The current young voters will be the new older voters, with families, mortgages and member berry indigestion.

Sadly it's the common cycle of life, to gradually move from selfless and idealistic to selfish (immediate-family-centric) and cynical. I'm ashamed to say that it's more or less the path my life had taken.
The crazy thing is that pretty much everyone associated to Trump has done or said something that, against the backdrop of any previous administration (GOP or Dem), would have lead to public outrage, media hysteria and in a lot of cases a very public shaming and sacking.

It's par for the course with these crooks though and nobody is shocked anymore. We can't just let this sort of thing become normality.
The current young voters will be the new older voters, with families, mortgages and member berry indigestion.

Sadly it's the common cycle of life, to gradually move from selfless and idealistic to selfish (immediate-family-centric) and cynical. I'm ashamed to say that it's more or less the path my life had taken.
Speak for yourself...
The crazy thing is that pretty much everyone associated to Trump has done or said something that, against the backdrop of any previous administration (GOP or Dem), would have lead to public outrage, media hysteria and in a lot of cases a very public shaming and sacking.

It's par for the course with these crooks though and nobody is shocked anymore. We can't just let this sort of thing become normality.
When Trump said he could walk down the street and shoot somebody without losing any votes is one of the occasions when the old normality was lost. He didn't even say shoot a mass murderer or anything, I think, just shoot somebody. I think he was actually cheered.:eek:
Speak for yourself...
I did, specifically. :D

But I really admire those who do manage to keep the youthful fires of optimism burning.

Are you advanced in years too, or just confident that you will resist the temptations of materialism and conservatism in the years ahead? If it's the former, congratulations. If it's the latter, good luck. Sincerely. The world needs more good guys, now more than ever.

As A young man I was convinced I would remain loyal to my socialist ideals for my entire existence. Unfortunately time, family pressures, career progression, highs and lows of success and failure have all eroded my idealism. Hopefully the caf can help point me back in the right direction.
Can I ask what has he done to benefit anyone as well? Right now it isn't about being selfish, it's about being sane and sense the danger.
I did, specifically. :D

But I really admire those who do manage to keep the youthful fires of optimism burning.

Are you advanced in years too, or just confident that you will resist the temptations of materialism and conservatism in the years ahead? If it's the former, congratulations. If it's the latter, good luck. Sincerely. The world needs more good guys, now more than ever.

As A young man I was convinced I would remain loyal to my socialist ideals for my entire existence. Unfortunately time, family pressures, career progression, highs and lows of success and failure have all eroded my idealism. Hopefully the caf can help point me back in the right direction.
I'm 40+ now and I haven't moved to the right the older I've gotten, if anything I've moved slightly to the left. All those things you've listed as moving you to the right have had the opposite effect on me...

As with all things, different people see things and react to them differently. I thought you were making a point about what happens as you get older... I will however accept that it probably happens to a lot of people, just not all.
Can I ask what has he done to benefit anyone as well? Right now it isn't about being selfish, it's about being sane and sense the danger.
Very true. Trump's policies benefit nobody but him and his cronies / puppet masters. I can't fathom why any sane person would vote for him.

I was only responding to @Tyrion 's point that the current ills of the world are caused by geriatric voters at death's door, and we will be saved by the enlightened youth come the next few rounds of elections.
I'm 40 now and the I haven't minced to the right the older I've gotten, if anything I've moved slightly to the left. All those things you've listed as moving you to the right have had the opposite effect on me...

As with all things, different people see things and react to them differently. I thought you were making a point about what happens as you get older... I will however accept that it probably happens to a lot of people, just not all.

Do a lot of mincing, do you?
Very true. Trump's policies benefit nobody but him and his cronies / puppet masters. I can't fathom why any sane person would vote for him.

I was only responding to @Tyrion 's point that the current ills of the world are caused by geriatric voters at death's door, and we will be saved by the enlightened youth come the next few rounds of elections.
Ah yeah, makes sense tbf.
I'm 40+ now and I haven't moved to the right the older I've gotten, if anything I've moved slightly to the left. All those things you've listed as moving you to the right have had the opposite effect on me...

As with all things, different people see things and react to them differently. I thought you were making a point about what happens as you get older... I will however accept that it probably happens to a lot of people, just not all.
As one of my favourite songs goes, "You're a better man than I".
People may grow more conservative politically as they grow older but they're not going to become less tolerant.

I would imagine the younger generation on average have more foreign friends than any previous generation due to ease of travel, the interconnectivity of various countries and the ability to maintain contact through social media? They'll likely have seen more of the world too and been exposed to other countries and cultures to a greater extent? As such I'd have thought they'd be less likely to carry an us v them mindset than previous generations. Simarly, they're hardly going to suddenly change their broadly positive opinion of, say, same-sex relationships once they hit 40, or other social issues of that ilk.

The next generation won't be perfect but at a base level they're quite clearly more tolerant than previous generations imo and that alone should have a positive effect as they gain more power politically.
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People may grow more conservative politically as they grow older but they're not going to become less tolerant.

I would imagine the younger generation on average have more foreign friends than any previous generation due to ease of travel, the interconnectivity of various countries and the ability to maintain contact through social media? They'll likely have seen more of the world too and been exposed to other countries and cultures to a greater extent? As such I'd have thought they'd be less likely to carry an us v them mindset than previous generations. Simarly, they're hardly going to suddenly change their broadly positive opinion of, say, same-sex relationships once they hit 40, or other social issues of that ilk.

The next generation won't be perfect but at a base level they're quite clearly more tolerant than previous generations imo and that alone should have a positive effect as they gain more power politically.

Very good point. It's hard to imagine my American friends and Russian friends having the same outlook once we become the older generation, for example. We've all had loads of contact with each other's cultures.
Does he actually know how quote marks are supposed to work? I'm genuinely unsure at this point.
People may grow more conservative politically as they grow older but they're not going to become less tolerant.

I would imagine the younger generation on average have more foreign friends than any previous generation due to ease of travel, the interconnectivity of various countries and the ability to maintain contact through social media? They'll likely have seen more of the world too and been exposed to other countries and cultures to a greater extent? As such I'd have thought they'd be less likely to carry an us v them mindset than previous generations. Simarly, they're hardly going to suddenly change their broadly positive opinion of, say, same-sex relationships once they hit 40, or other social issues of that ilk.

The next generation won't be perfect but at a base level they're quite clearly more tolerant than previous generations imo and that alone should have a positive effect as they gain more power politically.
That's a strong argument.
Outside the US I would certainly agree. Within the US I wonder how much international exposure there has been for young people outside the coastal megatropolises. I really don't know any stats, but I do know that passport issuance is surprisingly low, and I suspect internet exposure for many may be confined to blinkered affirmation.
Overall I can't dispute that a more enlightened base level should ensure a more tolerant generation, but that base might be only marginally more tolerant than prior generations across vast swathes of inland US.
I hope I'm being too negative about the potential of our youth to change things for the better. On the flip side, I think that the natural pendulum of political opinion will probably reverse direction quite quickly, with the entire age spectrum quickly becoming disillusioned with Trump's corrupt, bull-in-a-china-shop, globally destructive policies.
Surprisingly low for Reagan and HW given their landslides.
In response, he'll tweet RAWK's Alternative Popularity League table.
If Trump drops financial regulations and Wall Street manages to start another financial crisis we should all side behind China on replacing the $ as the world currency.

Good luck on that foreign debt then, Drumpf.
Make Iceland the leader of the free world, those motherfukers have it down.
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