The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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:lol: :lol: :lol: Here he goes again.................draining the swamp and looking out for the little man.................. just like all the Trumpers through he would :lol:

It's tragic, but it was so obvious to anyone who bothered looking, what he was going to do. He's shameless and despicable and everything he is doing is purely to help him and his rich mates. He hasn't done one single thing to help the little man so far.
Watch the Bear Grylls episode with Obama the other day and there is an interesting comment Obama makes when he is trying and failing to take a selfie with someone else phone. His excuse is "They won't let me have a smartphone, it is a security risk".

:lol: :lol: :lol: Here he goes again.................draining the swamp and looking out for the little man.................. just like all the Trumpers through he would :lol:

It's tragic, but it was so obvious to anyone who bothered looking, what he was going to do. He's shameless and despicable and everything he is doing is purely to help him and his rich mates. He hasn't done one single thing to help the little man so far.

As I said during the election, Trump will pull off the biggest scam in human history.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Here he goes again.................draining the swamp and looking out for the little man.................. just like all the Trumpers through he would :lol:

It's tragic, but it was so obvious to anyone who bothered looking, what he was going to do. He's shameless and despicable and everything he is doing is purely to help him and his rich mates. He hasn't done one single thing to help the little man so far.

Look you don't understand ANYTHING.

This is all about getting rid of stupid regulations which are preventing businesses from succeeding so that the little man can see the benefits of...what is it that they call it?

Oh yeah -

Watch the Bear Grylls episode with Obama the other day and there is an interesting comment Obama makes when he is trying and failing to take a selfie with someone else phone. His excuse is "They won't let me have a smartphone, it is a security risk".

Yeah, I remember that too. Why is it ok for Trump though? He just doesn't care, that's why.

As I said during the election, Trump will pull off the biggest scam in human history.

I clearly remember you saying it. I believed it too. I don't like to ever be the one who said "I told you so" but everything he has done so far has been so obvious, and it's only going to get worse, A LOT WORSE. But people won't believe us. They are just going along making excuses for it all. Just look at the Trump supporters on this forum. Most of them are too shit scared and don't have the balls to come and defend their vote or their beliefs. The ones that do come in here don't actually answer anything or offer any points for discussion, they just mock or make stupid jokes or quote fake news and feck off again. They are just as responsible as the orange clown they elected and they deserve everything that's coming to them, or ironically everything that ISN'T coming to them. The trouble is everyone else suffers too and that's what really sucks.
People need to lay off Kellyanne, it's good that she's managed to turn her life around from her former way of making a living.

Yeah, I remember that too. Why is it ok for Trump though? He just doesn't care, that's why.

I clearly remember you saying it. I believed it too. I don't like to ever be the one who said "I told you so" but everything he has done so far has been so obvious, and it's only going to get worse, A LOT WORSE. But people won't believe us. They are just going along making excuses for it all. Just look at the Trump supporters on this forum. Most of them are too shit scared and don't have the balls to come and defend their vote or their beliefs. The ones that do come in here don't actually answer anything or offer any points for discussion, they just mock or make stupid jokes or quote fake news and feck off again. They are just as responsible as the orange clown they elected and they deserve everything that's coming to them, or ironically everything that ISN'T coming to them. The trouble is everyone else suffers too and that's what really sucks.

Agree 100%. My greatest wish is that the people who voted for Trump suffer for the choice they made but unfortunately everyone else would suffer too and by everyone I mean the planet. His policies are going to have a massive trickle down effect on even developing and 3rd world countries who are now starting to put themselves back together.
Yeah, I remember that too. Why is it ok for Trump though? He just doesn't care, that's why.

I clearly remember you saying it. I believed it too. I don't like to ever be the one who said "I told you so" but everything he has done so far has been so obvious, and it's only going to get worse, A LOT WORSE. But people won't believe us. They are just going along making excuses for it all. Just look at the Trump supporters on this forum. Most of them are too shit scared and don't have the balls to come and defend their vote or their beliefs. The ones that do come in here don't actually answer anything or offer any points for discussion, they just mock or make stupid jokes or quote fake news and feck off again. They are just as responsible as the orange clown they elected and they deserve everything that's coming to them, or ironically everything that ISN'T coming to them. The trouble is everyone else suffers too and that's what really sucks.
He's not even being subtle about it. Look at his cabinet ffs?The sad part is that, deregulation will produce artificial profits and a boom in the short-run and everyone will go "look at how amazing Trump is" But when it all goes tit up, people would have forgotten whet caused it. However, he and his cronies would have made their money and disappeared.
Here we go, strap yourselves in folks, this is gonna be good.............

All in the last hour.........

Oh and this one..

Can I just point out all he has posted on the official POTUS account is retweets of everything he Tweets on his personal one. Which in a strange way actually undermines the official Twitter account of the President of the USA. Can you imagine the shit Obama would get If he had done the same?

Re the last one:

Tweets about that when no one died

Doesn't tweet when 6 muslims die from a terrorist attack

People who don't know about the fiduciary rale and the Dodd-Frank framework, should read up on it. Educate yourselves on how this con-man and his cronies are planning on fleecing ordinary Americans.
Agree 100%. My greatest wish is that the people who voted for Trump suffer for the choice they made but unfortunately everyone else would suffer too and by everyone I mean the planet. His policies are going to have a massive trickle down effect on even developing and 3rd world countries who are now starting to put themselves back together.
He's not even being subtle about it. Look at his cabinet ffs?The sad part is that, deregulation will produce artificial profits and a boom in the short-run and everyone will go "look at how amazing Trump is" But when it all goes tit up, people would have forgotten whet caused it. However, he and his cronies would have made their money and disappeared.

Yup, agree with both points there. None of this is good and it's going to end badly, his removal of the Dodd Frank framework, the removal of restrictions on gun sales to those with mental illness, and he's just about to remove an order Obama put in place that made advisors to retired people act in their clients best interests. Trump is removing this order and he says it "limits consumer choice" For fecks sake!

This should be making people furious with rage! He's not even trying to hide it, but what did anyone expect when the President and his whole entire cabinet is made up of BILLIONAIRES!?
If he keeps this up I am pretty sure CIA will copy my stellar pregnant Mexican and poison plan from the CMO thread.
Up till recently, I was of the opinion Trump is America's problem. Now think, it's in everybody's interest that he's impeached asap.
Trump's presidential signature analyzed


-Lowe said the signature has a "barbed wire fence quality," adding "there is nothing friendly or open about this signature. The extreme height of the capitals, along with the extreme angular letter design displays one who is impressed by his own power."

-Fernandez graded Trump's signature overall a C with strong points for "neatness." He did criticize the current President for letter formation, saying that in Trump's signature "the alphabet is disregarded in favor of a seismograph."
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A lot of late night shows in Europe have done an America First - their nation second video - and joined together on above twitter account

I am just starting to watch them (all seem to have English undertitles)

Lithuania, Austria, Spain etc. have to have one, too - or will seen show it.
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Yeah. Remember that shit? Don't vote for Hilary. Her foreign policy will start a war. Jesus fecking Christ...

To be fair im still of that mind. Strong words from the fool don't make him more of a threat.

Exactly who to do people think he's going to start a war with?
To be fair im still of that mind. Strong words from the fool don't make him more of a threat.

Exactly who to do people think he's going to start a war with?

whichever random poor country full of brown people they pick out of the hat
whichever random poor country full of brown people they pick out of the hat

He might ramp up bombing which he can claim as the bestest success but i dont think he'll come close to a boots on the ground war as its a losers game.

Its just going to be lots of posturing with him, he won't intervene on 'moral principle'.
He might ramp up bombing which he can claim as the bestest success but i dont think he'll come close to a boots on the ground war as its a losers game.

Its just going to be lots of posturing with him, he won't intervene on 'moral principle'.

No plan survives first contact. I never buy the notion that escalation can be perfectly controlled. The enemy has a say, and things can quickly get out of hand. (Mostly an Iran concern).
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