The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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This latest bit of Trumpian madness contains a simply amazing quote.

"The agency should be focused on serving all of its beneficiaries, not picking and choosing whose Second Amendment rights to deny"

How can such a well endowed and respected country be so fecked?
Tim Kaine has voted for every one of Trump's nominee's. How can the Dems be a credible opposition when their leaders are in bed with the Republicans? Chuck Schumer too.
You're just making stuff up now.
How corporate dark money is taking power on both sides of the Atlantic

A secretive network of business lobbyists has long held sway in US politics. Now their allies in the UK government are planning a Brexit that plays into their hands

The Heritage Foundation is now at the heart of Trump’s administration. Its board members, fellows and staff comprise a large part of his transition team. Among them are Rebekah Mercer, who sits on Trump’s executive committee; Steven Groves and Jim Carafano (State Department); Curtis Dubay (Treasury); and Ed Meese, Paul Winfree, Russ Vought and John Gray (management and budget). CNN reports that “no other Washington institution has that kind of footprint in the transition”.

Trump’s extraordinary plan to cut federal spending by $10.5tn was drafted by the Heritage Foundation, which called it a “blueprint for a new administration”. Vought and Gray, who moved on to Trump’s team from Heritage, are now turning this blueprint into his first budget.

This will, if passed, inflict devastating cuts on healthcare, social security, legal aid, financial regulation and environmental protections; eliminate programmes to prevent violence against women, defend civil rights and fund the arts; and will privatise the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Trump, as you follow this story, begins to look less like a president and more like an intermediary, implementing an agenda that has been handed down to him.


This latest bit of Trumpian madness contains a simply amazing quote.

"The agency should be focused on serving all of its beneficiaries, not picking and choosing whose Second Amendment rights to deny"

I love how guns are a freedom Republicans can't restrict no matter how many people die from them but travelling into the country is such a risky act that whole countries populations need to be banned from it.
He has. He voted for Tillerson and the rest that have been passed by the Senate. And I'm sure he'll vote for Devos and Pruitt too.
No, he voted against Tillerson. Look here if you don't believe me -

He voted against Sessions and Price proceeding to a roll call vote. He voted against DeVos at committee stage and will do so again on the floor. I'll bet a fair amount he won't be voting for Pruitt.

And mentioning Schumer was even more absurd, who was one of only 6 people to vote against Chao.
It's mad (like, literally mad) the way he has a pathological desire to preface every conversation with anyone about anything with a few lines about the college electoral system and how convincing his victory really was. Could he be any more transparent in his insecurity and neediness?

A lot of people who are highly insecure also lack self-awareness
Bannon and Trump ruled the playground years ago.

IN MAY, 2013, the Washington Post’s Greg Miller reported that the head of the CIA’s clandestine service was being shifted out of that position as a result of “a management shake-up” by then-Director John Brennan. As Miller documented, this official – whom the paper did not name because she was a covert agent at the time – was centrally involved in the worst abuses of the CIA’s Bush-era torture regime.

As Miller put it, she was “directly involved in its controversial interrogation program” and had an “extensive role” in torturing detainees. Even more troubling, she “had run a secret prison in Thailand” – part of the CIA’s network of “black sites” – “where two detainees were subjected to waterboarding and other harsh techniques.” The Senate Intelligence Committee’s report on torture also detailed the central role she played in the particularly gruesome torture of detainee Abu Zubaydah.

Beyond all that, she played a vital role in the destruction of interrogation videotapes that showed the torture of detainees both at the black site she ran and other secret agency locations. The concealment of those interrogation tapes, which violated both multiple court orders as well the demands of the 9/11 Commission and the advice of White House lawyers, was condemned as “obstruction” by Commission Chairs Lee Hamilton and Thomas Keane. A special prosecutor and Grand Jury investigated those actions but ultimately chose not to prosecute.

That CIA official’s name whose torture activities the Post described is Gina Haspel. Today, as BuzzFeed’s Jason Leopold noted, CIA Director Mike Pompeo announced that Haspel was selected by Trump to be Deputy Director of the CIA.
Tim Kaine has voted for every one of Trump's nominee's. How can the Dems be a credible opposition when their leaders are in bed with the Republicans? Chuck Schumer too.
I'd be with you if your claims were true but they are not. Can you share where you got the fakenews from?
Russia will return control of Crimea to Ukraine once it has effective control of Ukraine.
Something along those lines. If the Ukraine refrain from the EU but join Russia's club again (the Eurasian association or whatever it is called), make itself totally dependent on Russian oil and gas etc.

How corporate dark money is taking power on both sides of the Atlantic

A secretive network of business lobbyists has long held sway in US politics. Now their allies in the UK government are planning a Brexit that plays into their hands

The Heritage Foundation is now at the heart of Trump’s administration. Its board members, fellows and staff comprise a large part of his transition team. Among them are Rebekah Mercer, who sits on Trump’s executive committee; Steven Groves and Jim Carafano (State Department); Curtis Dubay (Treasury); and Ed Meese, Paul Winfree, Russ Vought and John Gray (management and budget). CNN reports that “no other Washington institution has that kind of footprint in the transition”.

Trump’s extraordinary plan to cut federal spending by $10.5tn was drafted by the Heritage Foundation, which called it a “blueprint for a new administration”. Vought and Gray, who moved on to Trump’s team from Heritage, are now turning this blueprint into his first budget.

This will, if passed, inflict devastating cuts on healthcare, social security, legal aid, financial regulation and environmental protections; eliminate programmes to prevent violence against women, defend civil rights and fund the arts; and will privatise the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Trump, as you follow this story, begins to look less like a president and more like an intermediary, implementing an agenda that has been handed down to him.

I seriously think that most Trump supporters don't care at all. On the contrary, they will cheer.

Most Republians don't even know what moral fibre is.
WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY Sean Spicer asserted at Thursday’s press briefing that Iran had attacked a U.S. naval vessel, as part of his argument defending the administration’s bellicose announcement that Iran is “on notice.”

National Security Adviser Michael Flynn on Wednesday said he was “officially putting Iran on notice” following the country’s ballistic missile test and an attack on a Saudi naval vessel by Houthi rebels in Yemen (the Houthis are tenuously aligned with Iran’s government but are distinct from it).

The White House press corps wanted to know what being put “on notice” entailed, and Spicer responded by claiming that Iran’s government took actions against a U.S. naval vessel, which would be an act of war. “I think General Flynn was really clear yesterday that Iran has violated the Joint Resolution, that Iran’s additional hostile actions that it took against our Navy vessel are ones that we are very clear are not going to sit by and take,” he said. “I think that we will have further updates for you on those additional actions.”

Major Garrett of CBS News quietly corrected him, saying “a Saudi vessel,” and Spicer then responded almost inaudibly: “Sorry, thank you, yes a Saudi vessel. Yes, that’s right.” He did not in any way address his false claim that it was an Iranian attack, however.

Pentagon spokesman Christopher Sherwood confirmed to The Intercept that the attack was in fact conducted against a Saudi warship, and that the Pentagon suspects Houthi rebels. “It was a Saudi ship – it was actually a frigate” said Sherwood. “It was [conducted by] suspected Houthi rebels off the coast of Yemen.”

Fox News initially misreported that a U.S. ship was somehow the target — which is perhaps where some of the confusion in the White House originated
Fwiw, it's the logical escalation. This won't end peacefully at all. Someone said that this has the vibes of Civil Rights/Vietnam War protest and it's probably not far off the mark.

Which doesn't bode well for 2020. 'Law and order' is a right wing wet dream for election issue.
I'm worried about this. You have to hope that the Dems pick someone likeable and trustworthy (is that a thing in politics?), as the image of 'the left' is going to be ugly after four years of protests against Trump.

2020 is going to be awful. First year that I remember where we've had a British and American election in the same year.
I'm worried about this. You have to hope that the Dems pick someone likeable and trustworthy (is that a thing in politics?), as the image of 'the left' is going to be ugly after four years of protests against Trump.

2020 is going to be awful. First year that I remember where we've had a British and American election in the same year.

It could be even worse. '18 is already a tough fight for them in the Senate and if the protests turn violent it could drive the independents to the GOP side, and they generally do better in mid-terms to begin with. The Democrats should really get together and work out a compromise between the moneyed interests and the grassroots activists, but I just have this sinking feeling that the latter won't budge and we'll see them tear each other apart in a primary fight again.
It could be even worse. '18 is already a tough fight for them in the Senate and if the protests turn violent it could drive the independents to the GOP side, and they generally do better in mid-terms to begin with. The Democrats should really get together and work out a compromise between the moneyed interests and the grassroots activists, but I just have this sinking feeling that the latter won't budge and we'll see them tear each other apart in a primary fight again.

Grassroots activists will point to the Tea Party and say it works, with some justification too.
Grassroots activists will point to the Tea Party and say it works, with some justification too.

The Tea Party shares the same ideals with mainstream Republicans, only driven to extremes, and the vast vast majority of Tea Party office holders are backed by billionaires.

The same isn't true for Democrats. The two wings of the party want distinctly different things.
The Tea Party shares the same ideals with mainstream Republicans, only driven to extremes, and the vast vast majority of Tea Party office holders are backed by billionaires.

The same isn't true for Democrats. The two wings of the party want distinctly different things.

I did say 'some' justification, but Sanders showed a way for crowd sourced funding with the '27 dollar average donation' model that will take care some of the need for money. After Trump's victory and take over of GoP, I'm not sure what Tea Party is. The guy who won the election isn't pro free trade, he's more protectionist than the Dem candidate.
I did say 'some' justification, but Sanders showed a way for crowd sourced funding with the '27 dollar average donation' model that will take care some of the need for money. After Trump's victory and take over of GoP, I'm not sure what Tea Party is. The guy who won the election isn't pro free trade, he's more protectionist than the Dem candidate.

My point wasn't about political funding though, it's about the ideological divide within the two parties. On most issues there's a broad consensus among Republicans all derived from the Reagan's dogma whereas on the Democratic Party's side it's a tug war between the traditional protectionist labour unions (some defected to Trump) and the neo-liberal capitalists, and that's without going into the foreign policy debate with the fallout from the Kennedy-Johnson legacies and the base's dovish stance ever since.
She should stop jawing on the tv and take some action against the perps behind the Red Wedding.
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