The Trump Presidency | Biden Inaugurated

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I don't disagree that Tillerson is by this cabinet's standards a solid pick. I'm certainly not one to underestimate the competence of a long-time, and by all accounts successful, CEO of a very large organization. But I would never ideally want someone to jump straight from private sector to cabinet position, with no prior government experience. People from the private sector should be drafted into government, just not at that high a level to start out.

I agree to an extent that private sector people running big government agencies should be more so the exception than the rule. In Tillerson's case, the more I learned about him the more I began to think he is a good choice. He comes across as pretty level headed, measured, and most importantly, collaborative. His speech at the State Department to employees this morning sort of sealed the deal for me. Beyond that, Exxon's 2016 revenues are comparable to the GDP of a country like Poland so I'm not concerned about his (lack of) gravitas. In terms of the Russia thing, I actually think it will be beneficial that he has a positive relationship with Vlad, as it will buy Trump a bit more latitude to not have to immediately lock horns with Putin. If for example, Romney was the SecState, his negative remarks about Russia would immediately start the bilateral relationship at a point where it was under Obama. I think Trump wants a bit more flexibility to start off on somewhat positive terms, which the mere presence of Tillerson buys him.
Surely anyone Trump thinks is a good choice for anything must be a truly appalling choice?
That's 419 pages more that what the The Clinton Presidency thread would have been.

Had all your lefty dreams come true.

You do reaslise 99% of this thread would pick Bernie given the choice?

There's not really any Hillary supporters in here per se, it's just anyone but the fascist piece of shot who is hell bent on setting the world back 80 years.
Over the course of today we've had trump support finally turn up to the thread.... Instead of bringing counter arguments to libcafe they choose to double down on the wummery and nonsense posts. Well done...

On the plus side I've nearly competed my bingo card...
Over the course of today we've had trump support finally turn up to the thread.... Instead of bringing counter arguments to libcafe they choose to double down on the wummery and nonsense posts. Well done...

On the plus side I've nearly competed my bingo card...

I like how the 'liberal' or 'left' argument is the one they always resort to, even though the Democrats as a whole are far from being left-wing at all, due to being incredibly cosy with big business and still being very capitalistic.
Here he is, bang on time. Turning up to save the thread with his insightful and articulate.... Oh, no, must be thinking of someone else. Sorry my bad, nothing to see here.

Ah, lang. You're a smart person. So what's gone wrong? In the interests of suffering humanity....

Close your eyes, lang. I want you to visualize your brain as a large, dimly lit hall. At the moment you're standing in the bottom, left-hand corner of this space. Before you, you can just discern bank after bank, tier after tier of gigantic computers stretching into the darkness. Everything is very quiet, and there is a musty smell.

Now this is the tricky bit. Sticking close to the bottom wall, I want you to move slowly to your right. Be careful not to fall over anything; there's an awful lot of stuff lying around in here that's never been used.

Okay. You've reached the center. Directly in front of you is the main aisle of the langbrain, vanishing into the distance between towering racks of computer equipment on either side.

Now, prepare yourself! You must leave the safety of the Wall of Prejudice and move boldly forward.

That's it! You've never been here before, so you'll probably feel a little disoriented, even fearful. Ignore those sensations! Think of the rewards that await you at the end of the corridor!

You now see a faint light beckoning you forward in the surrounding gloom. Move towards the light, lang!

You're out of breath, battling sensations of nausea, but you stand before the source of the illumination. It proves to be a small pilot light, casting a faint, green glow on an iron box fixed to a pole in the center of the aisle. Thick ropes of cable climb upwards from the box to disappear into the lowering darkness above.

You notice writing on the box, and lean forward for a closer look. The inscription says: "For regular use."

Brushing aside the thick mesh of cobwebs which surround the container, you attempt to prize it open. It's rusted shut. Now, consumed with a kind of frenzy, you exert all your force. Every muscle in your body protests. Sweat pops into your eyes. Finally, with a groan like the announcement of the Day of Judgement, the box opens.

Eagerly, but with a strange sense of trepidation, an uncontrollable trembling in every limb, you raise yourself from the ground and inspect the box's contents.

Here too the spiders have been at work. A miasma of silken tracery fills the box. You tear the veil aside. A simple switch is revealed. Above it, a single word describes its function: "BRAIN".

The switch is set to OFF.

It is for you to write the ending of this tale.
Will is someone you have to take literally but not seriously.
Here too the spiders have been at work. A miasma of silken tracery fills the box. You tear the veil aside. A simple switch is revealed. Above it, a single word describes its function: "BRAIN".

The switch is set to OFF.

It is for you to write the ending of this tale.
Probably not the best line of arguing to go down when you tell someone to close their eyes and give all further instruction via text that they can't then read.
Will is someone you have to take literally but not seriously.
I reckon he's been sitting on that for ages, it's probably a post that someone had used against him and he's been hurting ever since. All irony seems to be lost on him...
Probably not the best line of arguing to go down when you tell someone to close their eyes and give all further instruction via text that they can't then read.


@Will Absolute Bravo Sir, I enjoyed that, a bit patronising, a little bit jumbled and you were trying too hard in parts too. Although I did particularly like the use of "miasma" great word, you have all the best words, everyone says so. All in all a decent post, top effort 9/10

Now if only you would put so much effort in to actually conversing and replying seriously then maybe, just maybe others would take you more seriously and maybe respect you a little more as well.
Ah, lang. You're a smart person. So what's gone wrong? In the interests of suffering humanity....

Close your eyes, lang. I want you to visualize your brain as a large, dimly lit hall. At the moment you're standing in the bottom, left-hand corner of this space. Before you, you can just discern bank after bank, tier after tier of gigantic computers stretching into the darkness. Everything is very quiet, and there is a musty smell.

Now this is the tricky bit. Sticking close to the bottom wall, I want you to move slowly to your right. Be careful not to fall over anything; there's an awful lot of stuff lying around in here that's never been used.

Okay. You've reached the center. Directly in front of you is the main aisle of the langbrain, vanishing into the distance between towering racks of computer equipment on either side.

Now, prepare yourself! You must leave the safety of the Wall of Prejudice and move boldly forward.

That's it! You've never been here before, so you'll probably feel a little disoriented, even fearful. Ignore those sensations! Think of the rewards that await you at the end of the corridor!

You now see a faint light beckoning you forward in the surrounding gloom. Move towards the light, lang!

You're out of breath, battling sensations of nausea, but you stand before the source of the illumination. It proves to be a small pilot light, casting a faint, green glow on an iron box fixed to a pole in the center of the aisle. Thick ropes of cable climb upwards from the box to disappear into the lowering darkness above.

You notice writing on the box, and lean forward for a closer look. The inscription says: "For regular use."

Brushing aside the thick mesh of cobwebs which surround the container, you attempt to prize it open. It's rusted shut. Now, consumed with a kind of frenzy, you exert all your force. Every muscle in your body protests. Sweat pops into your eyes. Finally, with a groan like the announcement of the Day of Judgement, the box opens.

Eagerly, but with a strange sense of trepidation, an uncontrollable trembling in every limb, you raise yourself from the ground and inspect the box's contents.

Here too the spiders have been at work. A miasma of silken tracery fills the box. You tear the veil aside. A simple switch is revealed. Above it, a single word describes its function: "BRAIN".

The switch is set to OFF.

It is for you to write the ending of this tale.

That's actually very good. All your own work?
Nah, that was Stallone.
I don't really mean in a political sense to be fair, more in an idolised movie star/general hunk kind of way.

He also cheated on his wife and is notorious for committing numerous sexual assaults on actresses when he was younger. Him and Trump are very similar.
That's actually very good. All your own work?


I got carried away!

When I finished I looked up and saw the length of it and had a few misgivings. Then I thought: 'I've gone to all the trouble of writing this thing and nobody will be forced to read it. So f*** it, I'm going to post it!

Besides, it might be good for lang. :D
Over the course of today we've had trump support finally turn up to the thread.... Instead of bringing counter arguments to libcafe they choose to double down on the wummery and nonsense posts. Well done...

On the plus side I've nearly competed my bingo card...

Libcafe is fecking hilarious...what ivy leaguer came up with that original shit? I bet someone who uses "snowflake" everyday
Government experience is obviously a plus, but in his case he has comparable private sector experience, including similar experience to what is required by the SecState job in terms of dealing with foreign leaders, advancing policy positions, negotiating etc. At Exxon, he was in charge of over 83,000 employees. The State Department only has about 30,000 and a significantly smaller budget than Exxon. I think he will be fine and a good counterbalance to Trump's antics.

Hold the phone..are you starting to warm to that idiot?
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